My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 152: I am still alive

152 I am alive

When Li Fan came out, there was no one else in Mr. Yamada's bedroom.

He reached out and twisted the bookshelf, and the door to the passage closed slowly. From then on, no one will be able to enter this treasure house again. Let those endless treasures be buried with the poor girls.

Li Fan has some regrets in his heart. Like these wealth, he can become a rich man. But don't take it yourself, don't take it. What's more, this place is safe, and he has the physical characteristics of Mr. Yamada. He wants to get these babies, he can come at any time. This place has become her own treasure house, but the only difficult thing is Liu Yunan, think of a way to let her give up this treasure house!

Li Fan organized his shirt, brought a mask, turned on the black mirror mode of smart glasses, and then quietly hidden in the darkness while disappearing into the castle.

At this moment, Liu Yunan was setting her phone on the table. On this phone is a silly photo of Li Fan, and there are candles, apples and pears next to the photo.

Liu Yanan stood in front, and five members of Qi Zeping's team stood in the back. Each of them was painful and serious, as if mourning a martyr.

Liu Yanan also held three cigarettes in his hands, all regretful in his eyes, and said to Li Fan's photo.

"Li Fan, although we can't get through with all kinds of things, but you are still a good person after all, you are a man. Although you are a bit ugly, you have a bad temper, a bad personality, and you do n’t have money, height or taste ... … But after all, death is big, and I will not talk about these shortcomings. In short, you are generally a good person. I hope you can go to heaven after death. "

Later Qi Zeping also sighed, "Hey, I hope Brother Li Fan can go all the way. You don't need to worry about it in your house, brothers will take care of you."

"But, Miss, do we really not save him?"

Qiu Ao seemed to appreciate Li Fan a bit. At the moment, even Lingtang put it on, clearly abandoning Li Fan.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Qi Zeping reprimanded Qiu Ao, but his voice was not serious. Obviously, he also regretted Li Fan, after all, Li Fan had saved them twice.

"Hey, I want to save him, but I have no power."

Liu Yannan was also very uncomfortable. Li Fan died, and she always felt like she was missing something.

"But now is not the time for impulsiveness ... We are still on someone else's territory. After I return to China, I will find a way to avenge Li Fan."

"Miss, as long as you say a word, the five of us will immediately rescue him."

Qi Zeping said suddenly, "Shooting as a person will definitely not drag the young lady."

"If five of you can rush in, why should I plan this plan carefully?"

Liu Yanan frowned and looked at him, "Qi Zeping, why do you even say such things! Is it time for impulses? Five of you do n’t even have weapons, and they died in the past? Although I do n’t care about your life, I do n’t bother Trouble, you know? Don't forget, you are my bodyguards, not mercenaries! Your task is to protect me, you know? "

"Yes, miss ..."

Qi Zeping can only lower his head, everything is the employer's decision.

"Miss, what shall we do next?"

Qi Zeping had to ask.

"Return to your country before talking!"

This is Liu Yingnan's only option now. If everyone wants to be safe, this is the only way.

Li Fan, Li Fan, sorry, I can only give you up.

"Liu Yannan ... you left me ... not to die ..."

Just then, a familiar voice sounded in the room, echoing in everyone's ears.

Hearing this voice, Liu Yanan was scared to sit on the ground with a shock, and Qi Zeping frowned.

"Liu Yannan ... I want to ask for your life ..."

The voice became clearer and closer, as if in my ear. Thinking of all kinds of horror movies, Liu Yanan had a urge to urinate again, sitting on the ground kneeling, and had no strength to escape.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost? Come out!"

Qi Zeping pulled out his swing stick and looked around vigilantly.

He didn't believe in any ghosts. Someone was doing it!

"I'm ... Li Fan ..."

"Nonsense! Li Fan is already, already dead!"

Qi Zeping himself also swallowed saliva, and Liu Yannan even cried. "Li Fan, Li Fan, I was wrong. I will burn you more paper every new year holiday, and then I will burn you a picture of the girl! Let you be The happy people below have embraced each other and enjoyed the blessings not enjoyed on earth! "

"But ... I just like you ... I want you to come down with me ..."

"Woohoo, I'm not good, my chest is still very small, and I don't feel anything ... I promise to burn you two **** girls' paper photos in the past, please let me go ..."

"As it is said, I don't do bad things on weekdays, and I'm not afraid of knocking at the door in the middle of the night."

Li Fan didn't know when he sat on the sofa next to him and looked at Liu Yannan who was begging for mercy. "Viper woman, you usually do too much bad things, now you are afraid of being like this."

"you you……"

Liu Yannan saw Li Fan sitting there in a good manner, and slowly calmed down, "Are you a man or a ghost ..."

"Miss, he's human."

Qi Zeping looked at Li Fan carefully, then looked a little surprised. This calm man, who used to be calm, has a lot of expressions today.

"You're fine!"

"Of course, but let Miss Liu down."

Li Fan glanced at his own Lingtai and couldn't help but wonder, "I can see my own Lingtai with my own eyes. I'm probably the first one."

"Huh ... Li Fan ... you might as well die, it would scare me if I live ..."

Liu Yannan really got his legs softened, and for a long time he barely helped the table to get up. "I knew this so long ago, I shouldn't care about you ... let you die without even a Lingtai!"

"I said that good people are safe all their lives, how could I die so easily."

"But ... you're out, what about Mr. Yamada?"

Liu Yanan seemed to think of something.

"That perverted old man, will never come out."

Li Fan sneered, "It's valuable to have so many treasures buried for him."

Liu Yanan and the other of them looked at each other, and that's how Mr. Yamada ... died?

"That Chuanyu Jade Seal? Where is it?"

Liu Yannan finally asked the question, but Li Fan hesitated.

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