My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 153: Fun and infuriating

153 fun and really angry

Li Fan did hesitate. Should the jade seal be passed on to Liu Yannan?

This is indeed a problem. Although Liu Yannan seems to be wearing a pair of pants with him, no one can say such things. Chuanyu Jade Seal is a priceless treasure. If you want to sell it on a foreign black market, you can make a person get rich overnight. That money will definitely be free for a few lifetimes!

Once Liu Yannan betrayed himself and sold the passer-by's jade seal to him, then he made a vain trip.


"I want to say I didn't find it, and you won't believe it."

Li Fan sighed, after all, Chuan Guoyu Xi hung on his waist bag, bulging, he said no, if Liu Yanan believes in herself, her IQ is much lower.

"Are you afraid I sold it?"

Liu Yannan smiled, "Li Fan, you are too underestimated Miss Ben. Miss Ben is not short of money. It is said that the country's jade is our old ancestor, and I will never give it up to foreigners."

"Then where are you going to deliver it to the country?"

"Hold it."

However, Liu Yannan said naturally, "You choose the method of disposing of it yourself, as long as you don't sell it to foreigners, I don't interfere. After all, this is also your own life to get it back. I Liu Yannan mingled on the road, talking about morality!"

This remark was beyond Li Fan's expectation. In Liu Qinnan's mouth, he could even say such a righteous thing?


Li Fan felt that he had heard it wrong.

"Are we going back now?"

However, since the other party wanted to put Chuan Yuxi on himself, Li Fan didn't say much else. This baby, he is going to give it to the national museum. This kind of thing does not belong to himself, he belongs to all Chinese descendants. However, how to return it to the country is a bit difficult.

After all, this thing is not going right, and you still need to think about proper rhetoric.

"We will stay here tonight, and fly back tomorrow morning as usual."

Liu Yanan said generously, "After all, our affairs have not been revealed, and the man who died of Uncle Yamada was unaware of the ghost. I am afraid that his disappearance will take several days to be noticed."

Liu Yanan glanced at Qi Zeping and said, "After returning this time, your mission will be over. Nothing happened between us, right?"

"Yes, we just protected the young lady for two days and two nights."

Qi Zeping nodded. The reason why he can become an internationally renowned bodyguard master is inseparable from his professionalism.

Liu Yingnan instructed Qi Zeping to remove Lingtai, and went back to the room to take a shower.

Sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, Li Fan, with her legs crossed, her eyes and nose, her nose and heart, are refining the power she absorbed during the day.

He really underestimated the world before, who could have imagined that in the island country, he encountered a master who reached the top of the mountain. If it weren't for the evil attack of dragon toad absorbing water, I'm afraid this time is really over.

It's still Murong Ying's right. Don't underestimate the heroes of the world. There are people outside, there is God outside.

Mr. Yamada cultivates the power of King Kong's magic, which is a very aggressive and destructive spirit. Li Fan merged this true energy into the bear cavalry, letting his Qixiaquan go further!

Last time, Xiao Fanxiang's magical skill was incorporated into the toad-strike technique by Li Fan. Of his seven chivalrous fists, only toad strike is a skill that uses infuriating attack. Although there are some differences in the magical skills of Xiaowuxiang, they share the same goal.

Today, Xiao Wuxiang's magical power saved his life and impressed Li Fan. Can I let the toads make better use of this power?

He sat on the sofa, slowly opening his eyes, and the four fumes above his head slowly spread out.

Li Fan felt the changes of Dantian in his body, he silently entered the state of toad strike.

In this state, Li Fan can clearly feel his infuriating flow! That qi was like an extension of his body, mobilized by him flexibly.

Murong Ying said that there are three major obstacles to martial arts. They are special-shaped replacements, unity of reality and demon! His own bear cavalry can achieve the effect of alien remodeling. Can the toad strike also achieve the state of reality?

Li Fan let Zhen Qi flow quickly in the body, and the rotation speed of Dan Qi in Dantian was more than three times faster than before!

He opened his mouth and took a breath of oxygen!

To be honest, it is a powerful energy in the body! To mobilize this energy, it must be assisted by oxygen! The more oxygen is provided, the little motor of the heart beats more powerfully, and that power naturally comes out!

The breath in the room seemed to be inhaled by Li Fan. He swallowed all the oxygen in his stomach and absorbed it into the blood!

At this moment, Qi seems to be boiling, more energetic!

Li Fan held out his hands and put them in front of him. Zhenqi erupted from the palm of the hand, fused in front of him, forming a mass of white Qi!

This group of qi condensed into a ball, the size of which is like a football, constantly rotating between Li Fan's hands.

Jin Chan spit out the beads, this air mass is the one in Li Fan's hands!

Li Fan opened his hands slowly, and the air beads became larger and bigger, and gradually became the size of a basketball.

No ... not enough ... I can go one step further!

Li Fan tried to make the air bead bigger, but as if it reached a limit, the air bead could only keep the basketball so big.

As soon as he reached out, the air bead flew out, floating in mid-air, as if a bright white moon illuminated the entire house.

Li Fan looked at the bright moon formed by this group of air beads and felt that the other party was like a part of his body.

In reality, it seems that he cannot yet turn this air mass into a cherry blossom entity like Murong Sakura. After all, it needs to reach a state of legend in order to realize it.

But can you change the shape of this air bead yourself?

Li Fan stretched out his hands as if holding the ball of air beads out of thin air. The shape of this air bead is constantly changing, as if it has something to do with the state of Li Fan's Yungong, this air bead gradually becomes the shape of a toad.

Hey, why is a toad? It's too ugly ... Li Fan tried to improve it. The toad's body rolled up and finally turned into a fierce tiger on the ground!

Sure enough! Although it is impossible to turn reality into reality, Li Fan can modify the shape of the air beads! This form of qi attack has more momentum than a ball of qi beads!

Just as Li Fan tried to modify this Qi to look like a fairy crane, the bathroom door behind him suddenly opened, and Li Fan was shocked, and the air mass burst like a balloon.

"What are you doing? Be magic?"

Liu Yanan stood there, looking at Li Fan with a smile.

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