My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1518: Open a room for purpose

1518 Open House

This newly brewed wine can be said to be more powerful than any deep-water bomb.

Not to mention a woman, even a man who drinks often has a dizzy head over a glass. However, Liang Ru picked up the big cup, but did not inferior, and drank it.

Even though Liang Rujin did not let her beard brow, she could not hold it after drinking this large glass of wine, and the two red glows on her face were even hotter, as if to burn. At this moment, Liang Ru's body permeated a beautiful state of drunken beauty, and the people around him were intoxicated. The beauty is drunk and flowing. That touch of style is really moving.

Li Fan reads countless beautiful women, seeing such a style, but also a little bit amused. Men's hormones are ridiculous, and seeing beautiful women cannot be indifferent unless Li Fan is castrated or an iron man.

"Li Fan, you let her drink too much."

In the headset, quietly reminded Li Fan.

"Unexpectedly, she wanted to relax."

Li Fan only whispered these words.

"In short, pay more attention to it, everything is important to Liang Ru's safety!"

Quiet asked again.

"Oh, I see."

Li Fan hung up the communication and looked at Liang Ru in front of her. The little girl was obviously drinking high, her eyes were already confused, with a little water vapor, looking at Li Fan.

"Li Yun! You bastard! You, you can't drink me! Come again!"

"Okay, you've drunk too much."

Li Fan couldn't help but say, picked up Liang Ru, and then turned around and said to the boss, "Boss, say it well, keep her account."

The boss nodded, but cast a warning look.

"Lady, watch out for burning yourself."

"Heaven and earth conscience, I just sent her back to the bedroom!"

Li Fan shouted his wish, "Boss, who do you take me for?"

"Who are you and what do you do with me?"

The boss said nothing, "I just remind you."

"Okay, thank you, boss, how about asking the boss to do it to the end? How about giving us a car?"


The boss had black lines on his forehead, but when he waved his hand, he really ordered someone to buy a car.

But around this sea, there are crowded alleys. If it is an ordinary car, it is difficult to drive in. The boss prepared them for a pedal tricycle.


Li Fan was a little speechless. He looked at the tricycle used in the streets of Didu and looked at his boss.

"Is this ... OK?"

"Of course. I think you have the strength to do it. Send Miss Liang back!"

The boss patted Li Fan on the shoulder. "Young man, Miss Liang is on you."

"Wipe ... OK ..."

Li Fan was also speechless. He had to put Liang Ru on the seat behind the tricycle, and then stepped on the old three wheels by himself, all the way along the bustling alley, towards the Imperial University in the suburbs.

"Boss, can you leave?"

"Will the Drum Tower go?"

"Pull me, my friend drank too much, and I'll add you money!"

On this way, Li Fan met many people, who took him as a handlebar style and asked him about the price of the car.

Liang Ru, your girl is really a headache. At this moment, while Li Fan was pulling the car hard, Liang Ru was still crying and shouting loudly behind him.

"You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky. I am your little apple!"

Liang Ru didn't stop her throat in the back, one after another, the small songs catch up with the Chinese small song library.

Li Fan is also helpless, next time she will not let this girl drink so much alcohol. Obviously, she can solve her troubles by playing the violin, but she didn't expect that her way of solving it is getting more and more radical.

Sorrow by drinking wine, sorrow is more sorrowful, the knife cuts off water, and the water flows more. If you can settle everything by relying on wine, why would Li Fan run around every day and just drink at home?

"Mom, don't go ... Dad, just forgive her ... I, I don't want you to divorce ... Ohh ..."

Singing and singing, Liang Ru suddenly cried again.

Li Fan didn't say anything and let her cry in the back. This girl has too much depression in her heart. Her pain is different from her own, but it is also painful.

This world, not everyone is like you, carrying the whole China, or even the fate of the whole world, on your shoulders. Like Liang Ru, like thousands of people, each of them has their own troubles.

Family troubles, work troubles, love troubles.

Some are heavy, some are bitter, and some may be a little bit sweet.

But whatever it is, it adds a touch of color to the world. It is the so-called love and hate of love and hatred. Whether it is happiness or worry, it is indispensable. Happiness makes young people, while trouble makes people mature.

"Li Fan, the school is closed, don't send her back."

Quietly told Li Fan in the headset, "There is a hotel nearby, you can take her there to rest."

"I wipe, don't make trouble! How can lonely boys and wives be in the same room!"

Li Fanyi said frankly.

"Go to you, who made you two sleep in the same room!"

"But I didn't bring my ID card. Doesn't she seem to have it?"

Li Fan glanced back, and Liang Ru did not bring a bag when she came out. He also deliberately checked Liang Ru's pocket, and there was no ID or other document in it.

"We've arranged it for you. You can just go there."

"It's convenient to work for the government. Then I ask for the most expensive suite!"

"Okay, should I arrange two big health care for you or something?"

"Ah? Anything?"

"Li Fan !!!"

"Oh, I'm kidding, why take it seriously."

Li Fan laughed, "When did our quiet little girl get so angry?"

"Privately, it doesn't matter if you want to make a joke, but now it's work."

Quiet seemed to roll her eyes over there, "I'll just report if I make a fuss!"

"Yes, yes, I must take it seriously and keep our Miss Liang Ru safe!"

Suddenly Li Fan asked very seriously, "I guess I can't sleep well this night, quiet, can you chat with me?"

"Go to you, who wants to chat with you!"

"But I'm sleepy."

Li Fan also yawned, "If no one speaks with me, then I fall asleep, how can I send Liang Ru to the hotel?"

"Don't, then I will speak with you."

"Quiet, when are you going to find a boyfriend?"

"You, what do you ask this for?"

"Curious, after all, you're a room clerk in our office!"

"Well, is there a woman in our office?"

"Isn't there more Chief Hou now?"

"You compare me to Chief Hou?"

"Oh, although people are still in their thirties, they still have the charm! Unfortunately, it is a mental cleanliness. It is difficult to find a man in this life!

"Hou ... what are you doing here?"


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