1519 Change bed

For the remaining half an hour, Li Fan was really not sleepy, because Ya was busy apologies to Director Hou. He also counted the blood mold. He had been chatting with the quiet and joking, but whoever thought of Director Hou came to inspect the work at this time!

The inspection work was all right, quiet and confused, because there was no one in the office, so he didn't use the headset, and talked to Li Fan with the speakerphone on. This Li Fan's remarks were actually heard by the Chief Hou.

Who dares to provoke Director Hou ... This woman is a well-known old virgin in Emperor. She doesn't say a lot about her work and she has a big temper. After all, Li Fan lost money. He said that gossip was not a gentleman's behavior, and he could only bow his head and apologize.

When he finally arrived at the hotel, Director Hou let him go.

"Thank you Hou, I will seriously reflect on myself and never talk nonsense again! In fact, when you look at it, you look like seventeen or eighteen. You are full of vitality. The men chasing you must all go to the Imperial University from the sea!"

"Don't be serious, work hard!"

Chief Hou held his arms and said to the communicator, "We have just received reliable information. The Storm Mercenary Regiment has already taken over the task and is ready to start working on Liang Ru."

"This storm mercenary regiment is really idle."

Li Fan can also be regarded as a suit. Before, Liao Wushuang still worked here for a while.

"My account with them hasn't been calculated yet, and I ran out to toss again. Well, since they dare to come to my China, don't go back."

Li Fan sneered and hugged Liang Ru from the back seat, walking towards the hotel all the way.

Wen Xiang nephrite is pregnant, even if Li Fan wants to calm down, he must have that practice. This woman is really assured of herself, even so drunk in front of him! Don't be afraid he can't do anything?

Perhaps this is also a way for Liang Ru to self-degenerate? By doing this in revenge against her parents? What a girl who is not responsible for herself. Fortunately, she met such a gentleman like herself.

Li Fan thought of this, while feeling his fairness and selflessness, at the same time collected his hand from Liang Ru's chest.

Sure enough, there is no chest!

After entering the hotel, the staff seemed to be ready. They nodded at themselves, and handed a magnetic card to Li Fan.

"Sir, Room 503 on the fifth floor."

"Okay, thank you."

Li Fan, holding the magnetic card, took the elevator upstairs and went all the way to Room 503 on the fifth floor. Opening the door, Li Fan was surprised and couldn't help thanking for the quiet.

"Thanks to the organization. Thanks to the party. Did you really arrange a suite for me?"

"You think too much, this is for Liang Ru."

Quiet seems to be gloating, "Hou said, let you sleep on the sofa outside. By the way, the camera has just been installed in the room. What do you want to do?

"Wipe, it's too much!"

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry, he was too careful with his bowels here! Do n’t you just say that she is an old virgin who ca n’t marry, she just avenged herself like that! unacceptable! God is incomprehensible!

Li Fan could only hold Liang Ru obediently into the room, and glanced at the soft and comfortable double bed, Li Fan could only sigh infinitely.

But he thought for a while, why? Drunk is Liang Ru, who works for himself, and ends up sleeping on the sofa? There are no doors.

Thinking of this, Li Fan went into the bedroom again and hugged Liang Ru.

"Li Fan, what are you doing? Don't mess around!"

Seeing this on the monitor, Director Hou was terrified. This Li Fan, isn't it going to be a wild animal?

"Fuck a shit, the heart of a villain, the gentleman's belly!"

Li Fan said, holding Liang Ru to the sofa and covering her with a blanket. While in the monitor, he walked into the bedroom cheerfully, and fell on the big round bed.

"Look, comfortable!"

Li Fan happily stretched out, turned on the big TV in the room by the way, then took a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator next to him, put it on the table next to the bed, poured himself a glass, and then pointed at the camera Made a toast pose.

"Li Fan! You! Immediately! Replace Liang Ru!"

Director Hou was almost furious. This Li Fan dared to do so!

"What if I don't change?"

However, Li Fan did not heed the warning from Director Hou, "My task is to be responsible for Liang Ru's safety, and not to be responsible for serving her! I am a bodyguard, not a slave, thank you."

"You are breaking the rules!"

"Then I have to ask, which rule did I violate?"

Li Fan cut a sip and said to Chief Hou while sipping champagne.

"Hou Chu, I said you bad things before, but I was wrong. If you lose your temper, I will naturally apologize to you. But I also want to ask you to figure out one thing. I ’m Li Fan, a special agent at Jiu Chu, not your slave . This task is also an agreement reached between General Ran and me. As long as I protect Liang Ru's security for three months, the task will be achieved. I feel good and let Liang Ru move freely. This is my kind. If I am in the mood Not good, trapped Liang Ru, and locked me in Lijia Island for three months. If I do n’t see the sun, it is also my power! "

"You are so brave!"

Hou's long-spirited chest was undulating, and he could not wait to grab Li Fan.

"My courage?"

Li Fan sneered, "Director Hou, everyone respects me, I respect you. But helpless Director Hou deceives me too much! If I'm not wrong, the owner of the shop in the sea is also yours, right? You deliberately made me pull the car so far, no doubt you are afraid of my energy and what to do to Liang Ru. So it drains my strength and makes me feel weak, right? Then I threw me into this suite and let me sleep on the sofa Monitor me again, this is called cooperation? Don't tease me, I do n’t want you to eat Li Fan! I will tell you, Director Hou, from today on, I will take charge of the task, and you will assist me in my work! This jealousy makes trips and blame me Li Fan turning his face ruthlessly! This is the end of the word, so please do it yourself. "

Talking, Li Fan held up his glass again, paid a respect to Director Hou, and then continued to drink champagne and watch TV on his own.

Director Hou made a direct call and reported that he was quiet and finally put on his headphones, reminding Li Fan in a low voice.

"Li Fan ... are you so bad ..."

Quiet and very careful, "I heard that Director Hou's home is quite background ... you offend her so much, you must not have any good fruit to eat."

"It's okay, quiet."

Li Fan said while watching the ball, "The Chief Hou has been doing a great job with me. She wants to tell me in a minute that this place is her place, and she has full control. Oh, she thinks Beauty. Whoever made me feel uncomfortable with Li Fan, I let her find it! "

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