My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1531: Roof battle

1531 Battle of the Tower

"Is everything you say true?"

Nine-tailed fox glanced at Li Fan, her fox charmer's eyes seemed to move.

"Of course, I lied to you for nothing."

Li Fan said, "Fu Meizi, remember, I'm different from you. You lie, I don't want to do that."

"Humans have no credibility at all."

Nine-tailed fox does not seem to have any trust in human beings. She was blinded by human beings and then sealed on the water island. She is indeed a good fox, but when it comes to being cunning, she feels inferior to humans.

"This seat does not want to be deceived by humans!"

"Is it?"

Li Fan smiled. "But you have no other choice but to believe me, right?"

"Human, even if you subdue this seat, this seat will try to escape."

The nine-tailed fox gritted its teeth and said, "At that time, this seat must swallow your flesh and blood, and make you feel bad!"

"Wait until you have a chance to escape."

Li Fan completely surrendered the fox, which was considered a bit of a whim. After all, the fox is beside her, just like a time bomb, and she doesn't pack her up, and she feels uneasy inside.

"Don't cover up your nature now?"

Li Fan simply sat in front of Jiuwei Shenhu and looked at her unwillingly. "Don't say, when you became a fox, you looked very pleasing to the eye."

"Human, you are playing with fire."

The nine-tailed fox reminded Li Fan.

"Not that I want to play with fire, but that fire always wants to burn me."

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders. "This is life, no need to say much."

"You are open-minded."

The nine-tailed fox didn't know if he should praise Li Fan. After contacting Li Fan for a while, I felt that this human was always unexpected.

"It's not open-minded, but it has to be like this, can you still choke yourself?"

"Observe you first."

Nine-tailed fox eyes turned suddenly, and then said again.

"What do you mean? I'll get you so soon?"

Li Fan didn't believe her a little, "Did you come up with any crooked idea?"

"Enemies, why do you doubt others? They are controlled by you. You are so cold and ruthless, it makes people sad!"

"Just talk nonsense. Tell me more about the contract."

Li Fan wanted to know what the use of this contract was.

"My white tiger and I are both spirits, so you can use your power to summon us both from you and fight for you."

Nine-tailed fox said, "It was a spirit fox contract, which made you subject to this seat. Unfortunately, that stinky tiger was destroyed from it, and the spirit fox contract was reversed into an ordinary spirit beast contract."

She sighed. "Since it is a spirit beast contract, you can perform three operations on me and the white tiger. The first is the summon of the beast, the second is the possession of the beast, and the third is the beast armed.

Nine-tailed fox began to explain about the contract. This convenient function made Li Fan a little bit pleased. After finally conquering the nine-tailed **** fox, it must be a little better!

During the storytelling of Jiuwei Shenhu, Li Fan gradually understood. This contract is actually similar to the skills of using the white tiger at that time, but it can better use the power of the spirit beast.

If Li Fan could only use 3% of the power of the white tiger, then he can requisition at least 50% now! Although more energy is invested, the benefits are even greater!

"Yes, it is a considerable combat force."

Li Fan is very satisfied. Even if he exerts such a force, he will not change his martial arts system. The previous fighting method is still effective, and it has strengthened a lot of power! Now even if he meets Tianwaitian, Li Fan thinks he has the strength to fight!

"Everyone is now an enemy of Heaven and Earth. We should fight against our enemies."

Li Fan reminded the nine-tailed fox, "Remember, this is our common goal. Even if you and I have resentment, wait until this matter is resolved!"

"I promise you."

The nine-tailed fox was also promised first, and the two could only temporarily turn the enemy into friends and become common comrades in arms.

"Say, do you know how to get to Tiantiantian?"

Li Fan wanted to visit the enemy's base. Since he was an enemy, he had to investigate more information.

"No, I can't go."

Nine-tailed fox shook his head. "First, I do n’t know where it is, and only people outside of Tiantian can pass by myself. Therefore, your plan is not feasible."

"Always try it."

Li Fan always feels a bit regretful, "How else can we deal with Heaven and Earth? Waiting for them to come in? It's not my character to sit and wait."

"If you can, this seat is already in the sky!"

Jiuwei Shenhu snorted, "You still have to exercise your strength! Don't wait for the heavenly people to come, but you can only wait to die."

"Everyone is already a companion. Don't you believe me so well?"

Li Fangang was about to ridicule the nine-tailed fox, and suddenly his expression shook.

White Tiger's avatar is moving!

Liang Ru should be in class at this time. How could it be dangerous?

Li Fan didn't dare to delay, he immediately jumped out of the window! While jumping out, Li Fan clasped the cap of his sportswear on his own head, and then pedaled lightly to quickly run from building to building.

Liang Ru's class is not too far away. Li Fan stepped on his light work and soon arrived at the music building. Through the window, Li Fan could see that Liang Ru was standing in front of the balcony, and was playing the violin wholeheartedly.

Liang Ru's musical talent is indeed amazing. The sound of her violin's music floats through the curtains, and the sound is very pleasant, as if the moon is playing this piece of music that belongs to it.


Li Fan hung on the top of the building and looked at Liang Ru playing inside.

At this time, Liang Ru, like an elf, made Li Fan not bother to disturb.

If she can keep playing for herself, it seems good. However, the girl was uncertain, and she said she would teach herself to play the piano, and then she disappeared.


Li Fan's nerves jumped violently, and he could feel the danger approaching. Bai Hu's clone had already called the police for himself before, this time should be more serious! Maybe the enemy has already arrived!

During this conversation, a figure suddenly descended on the top of the building. Li Fan immediately turned his head, and a man in a combat suit with a booster helmet was wearing a parachute and landed on the top of the building.

As soon as he reached out, he cut the rope with a paratrooper knife.

Seeing him, Li Fan was about to start, and the other party had pulled out a micro punch with a muffler from his waist, and pulled the trigger against Li Fan.

Puff puff!

The slight rushing sound was dull, but the bullet struck out like rain.

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