1532 Apollo

The bullets were raining, but Li Fan had already seen the trajectories of these bullets. His body moved sideways, bringing up an afterimage, and instantly swept out of the shooting range.

Step on!

The bullets hit the concrete platform, splashing Mars and dust.

At the same time, two men in the same costume fell on the roof. The parachutes of these people are all idiosyncratic, transparent materials, and extremely hidden in the air and difficult to find. Three people surrounded Li Fan from three directions, and then took out a small punch, aimed at Li Fan, and pulled the trigger.

The bullets are more dense, and the splashes of ink generally pour down on Li Fan. However, Li Fan's nine-day pace of dragon travel almost alone, he moved left and right, and easily avoided the other side's bullets.

The killers of the three Storm mercenary regiments also seemed to find Li Fan unusual. They patted their fingers around their waists, and a black arrow flew out directly, floating in the air. This arrow Li Fan is familiar, especially like the kind of weapon used by Courage in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

It seems that this group of Storm Mercenaries was inspired by that movie!

Under the control of the power helmet, the three alloy arrows were divided into finished glyphs and shot towards Li Fan uniformly. These three people are like pilots, arrows are like spaceships, they are driven, and they attack Li Fan.

Li Fan stood there, stretched out two fingers, as if wielding a sword, and bounced a few times on the three arrows that came over. Although the speed of the arrow was fast, it was still easily removed by Li Fan.

However, under the control of the reading power, the arrows quickly rotated, turned around, and shot at Li Fan again.

With one hand behind his back, Li Fan continued to use his other hand to attack his arrows. Li Fan's strength lies here, because these three people are not his opponents at all.

"Some, since you're here, you might as well leave a few chats."

Li Fan said, took a coin from his arms and sandwiched it between his fingers. He aimed at a mercenary's helmet and bounced out. The coin crossed a straight line instantly, breaking the opponent's helmet and knocking him to the ground.

Li Fan used just the right amount of power to break the helmet and stun the other person by the way without hurting his life. This way of using power can only be exhibited by masters who are proficient in internal forces.


The other two mercenaries were shocked to see that their companions had been knocked down by coins only. They looked at each other and seemed to see that Li Fan was an invincible enemy, so they made decisions and wanted to leave from here.

The two of them rushed to the edge of the building and leaped down. At the same time, their wings were opened with a wing film, similar to a flying suit, and the air dragged them up.

"Two people, haven't enjoyed yet, why go?"

Li Fan said, stretched out his hands and dragged them across the air!

Captain Dragon!

The powerful internal force was launched, and the two were dragged directly by him and sucked into his hands. Subsequently, the internal forces sealed the two bodies.


Their helmets burst open at the same time, then collapsed to the ground. And soon, another figure suddenly fell from the sky and fell in front of Li Fan.

"It seems you are the main course."

Li Fan looked at the man who had fallen. He was wearing silver light armor and was cutting the parachute behind him.

"Who is yours, how dare you care about my mercenary regiment?"

The other asked.


Li Fan put his hands in his pockets and looked at the man who was facing him. "I want to tell you first, that the mercenary regiments of storms dare to make trouble for me!"

"You're arrogant, you can only take advantage of it now."

The other person said, and opened the box around his waist, with seven alloy arrows in it.

"Remember, the person who killed you is called Apollo."

Apollo also came up with the name of the sun god. Li Fan put his hands in his pockets and looked at the mercenary in front of him with a sneer. The opponent was clearly prepared, three strikers, plus a general. If it weren't for their own stay, they would have really succeeded.


As soon as Apollo waved his hand, all seven arrows flew out, and it was a sharp shot towards Li Fan! The Apollo was also a brave warrior. His seven arrows were orbited on the ground, and they quickly shot towards Li Fanfei along the ground.

Li Fan was not in a hurry. He stood there, waiting for seven arrows to reach him. The seven arrows, like the rising poisonous snake, suddenly bounced from the ground, spiraled around, and stabbed quickly towards Li Fan's body!

These arrows can pierce even the concrete wall, not to mention the ordinary human body.

But Li Fan stood there, letting seven arrows pierce his body.


Apollo sneered, "It is your misfortune to be the enemy of the storm."

"Is it?"

Li Fan sat on the billboard next to him, tilted his head and looked at Apollo. "What is so happy, let's say that everyone is happy together?"

"you are not……"

Apollo suddenly awakened, "Your speed is so fast?"

"Yeah, it made you laugh."

Li Fan bowed humbly, "Let's go to the next activity. This activity asks you to answer, okay?"

"Want to ask for information from me? Dream! Go to death!"

Apollo said, the seven arrows shot at Li Fanfei again! This time, seven arrows were juxtaposed in the air, chasing Li Fan and shooting.

This time, Apollo stretched out his hand directly, and the device on his wrist popped out of the hook, grabbed the water tower on the side, pulled Apollo's body, and fell to the top of the water tower. He decided to stand high and observe Li Fan's movement. Although the opponent's moving speed is fast, it is not possible to exceed the range of the top of the building. From a height, you can naturally see the mountains!

He used his best vision, controlled seven arrows, and launched round after round of attacks towards Li Fan.

The seven arrows are extremely fast, and each of them has a speed close to the sound under the control of chanting power. These arrows chased Li Fan, as if the most loyal lover, and he never left him.

Li Fan just stuck his hands in his pockets, and stepped on the nine-day pace of Longyou under his feet, and easily avoided these arrows. Even if he doesn't stand at the highest place, he can feel everything nearby with his internal force. Although the speed of the arrows is fast and there are many, all arrows close to Li Fan's whole body are within his range.

As long as this ability is available, no matter how difficult the angle of the arrow is, it will have no effect on Li Fan.

No matter how Apollo manages his strategy and controls his arrows, he will not hurt Li Fan at all.

"The show is over."

Li Fan suddenly raised his head and smiled at Apollo.

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