My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1533: Three suits

1533 Three Set Armor

The smile made Apollo thrilled by the battle.

This man ... is he a demon?

Without waiting for Apollo's response, Li Fan jumped up and immediately came to Apollo's presence. He stuck his feet to the water tower, as if there were magnets on his feet, almost standing obliquely, holding his arms and looking at himself.


Apollo's mind only flashed that thought.

"Before you come next time, remember our Huaxia, there are countless martial arts experts waiting for you!"

Li Fan said, suddenly stretched out **** and poked at Apollo! But there was a strange light flashing in Apollo's eyes. At about the same time, Li Fan's **** suddenly pinched, pinching an alloy arrow with a long finger!

"Good guy!"

Li Fan raised her eyebrows gently. "It turned out that you still had one hand hidden, and it was really unkind."


Apollo was trembling in his heart. The last killer he had prepared was a failure?

It ’s a dog, what do you do now?

"No more tricks, then it's my turn."

Li Fan said, poking his finger again, and point it on Apollo's helmet.


Apollo's helmet shattered, revealing his true content. A foreign man with red hair was staring at him in amazement, with a little fear.

"Rest assured, I won't do anything to you."

Li Fan said with a smile, "I am a good citizen who abides by the law and you will go where you should go."

Then, Li Fan turned on the communicator and reported his position. Soon, an Iveco entered the school and stopped downstairs.

"You should let me go back."

Apollo tried to make the final effort, "This is good for us. Otherwise, once the storm really comes in, it will definitely make you chickens and dogs restless!"

"Be assured, I won't give them this chance."

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders. "I hate to wait and see, so I have decided to go to your base camp and talk directly to your leader."

"Just, it's up to you?"

Apollo didn't believe it at all.

"Let's wait and see."

Li Fan gave him a confident smile.

The interrogation of these "guests" followed. The National Security Office No. 9 cooperated with the Intelligence Bureau to conduct interrogation operations, and stubbornly pulled out useful information from these people. In addition to Ling Tian's own information, Li Fan has roughly calculated the location of the base of this storm mercenary group.

At this moment, on Lijia Island, another Li Fan stood in front of the pier and looked at the surging waves ahead.

Li Fan's avatar has been strengthened to a new level, and can now be separated from his own body to a very distant place. To do so, the second Dantian must also be separated. And if it is too far away, once the avatar is destroyed, Li Fan's second Dantian will also be damaged. Li Fan can only practice one more and it will be very troublesome.

But Li Fan did this for his purpose. First, he had a detachment, and he could be in two places and serve one purpose. At the same time, the second avatar can also practice internal skills, allowing the second avatar to continue to practice, and when the avatar returns to the ontology, it can also enhance the strength of the ontology.

At this moment, Li Fan's avatar was standing on the pier, watching a warship moored in the port, loading the necessary supplies.

This warship was also purchased from Huaxia. Under the authorization of Huaxia, Lijiadao can be equipped with three warships for self-defense. Although the number is not large, these three warships carry the most advanced technology and equipment of Lijiadao, but their combat effectiveness is good.

The one in front, named Hailong, can sail for thirty years at sea through a unique light energy system. This light energy technology was also jointly developed by Lijiadao and Huaxia that year, and was finally applied to Dragon God One.

The Hailong is also a warship with the same concept. When it is not needed, the Hailong can close the cabin and dive into the sea. Through the unique survival cycle equipment above, the people on the Hailong can survive for ten years. Ten years later, the Sea Dragon could surface and resupply.

This time, in order to attack the sea base where the Storm Mercenary Corps is located, they must use the power of the Sea Dragon.

"Ten magnetic infantry, ten kinetic fighters, and two reapers."

Su Su, a senior cadre of Lijiadao, stood next to him. The former officer of the power bureau looked at Li Fan with admiration at this time, and reported to him the development of the mission. The seven sword guards sailed with the ship and served as guards for the Hailong. "

"Well, this time to go against the mercenary regiment. Try not to use the power of the sword guard."

The Seven Knights Villa is his family, and Li Fan does not intend to show the Villa's sword guard in front of outsiders. What's more, he dispatched the regular troops of Lijiadao this time to promote their power. I said before that I hope to make Lijiadao's army into a mercenary regiment to support the war and cultivate the combat effectiveness of the regiment.

Because of the requirements of Huaxia, the number of their legions on Lijiadao was also limited. The number of troops cannot exceed one thousand, and they must not have military vehicles of more than five tons.

Li Fan did not demand too much of this, and he only trained his army to defend Lijiadao. The number of troops that Huaxia has set for them is just enough.

But since the number is limited, it must be the elite among the elite! Raising a war by war is also the conclusion reached after Li Fan and Bai Linluo discussed them!

"Well, this job must be beautiful. Let's show our muscles."

Li Fan is not going to use his own force. He wants to try out the equipment they developed.

He followed the others on the ship, and Su Su was in charge of directing the operation. He also arrived on the ship and introduced them to Li Fan.

"Sir, these three sets of equipment are currently the most advanced combat readiness of Lijiadao."

Su Su was serious about Li Fan's introduction, "The first set is a magnetic energy set, including a magnetic storm infantry cannon, and nuclear light armor. This set is reserved to arm our magnetic explosive infantry, and the role of the magnetic explosive infantry is to attack. breakthrough!"

Su Su also pointed to the second set of equipment, "This set is a kinetic energy set, which includes a kinetic helmet, a kinetic armor, a kinetic hammer and a kinetic shield. This set of equipment is provided to us by kinetic fighters for the purpose of defense and counter-terrorism!"

Su Su also pointed to the third set of equipment next to it, this set of equipment is a bit special, only one carapace, with six robots on it.

"This is a reaper suit. The six robot arms above have a strong combat effectiveness, and are versatile, suitable for multi-purpose combat, and also suitable for assault! Come on, Li Fan, you can choose one."

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