My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1534: Small scale chopper

1534 Small Test Bull Knife

Li Fan chose it for a long time, and finally decided to be conservative, and put on a reaper armor to wear on his body.

The Reaper's armor is very thin, it should be made of nano materials.

Each of the six robots has a control line, which is tied to the middle three fingers of the left and right hands. As long as you move your fingers, Li Fan can control these six robotic arms, which is very convenient.

There were several targets in front of him. Li Fan moved his finger lightly, and a sharp edge popped out of a robotic arm, which instantly punctured one of the iron targets.

"The manipulators are made of superalloys, and even iron can pierce."

Su Su introduced these equipment, which made Li Fan feel a lot of emotion. It is indeed the highest technology of Lijiadao. These individual soldiers have lower cost and are much stronger than those of the individual soldiers built by the United States. After all, the price is here. Old Americans have hundreds of millions of individual equipment.

"It's really good, Bai Linluo is really interesting."

The ideas for these devices were all conceived by Bai Linluo.

Li Fan stood in front of the mirror, looking at his slightly thin harvester armor, couldn't help asking.

"Is this suit of armor weaker in defense?"

"Hee hey, I knew you would ask that."

When Su Su spoke, she pulled out a pistol from the waist of a nearby guard and aimed at Li Fan. Without hesitation, she pulled the trigger directly.

"Bang, bang!"

Su Su fired three shots in a row. Li Fan subconsciously wanted to catch the bullet with his hand, but he knew that Su Su would never shoot at him, so he boldly resisted his urge.


Two manipulators popped up automatically, firing the three bullets accurately.

"I wipe ..."

Li Fan couldn't help but be surprised.

"This suit is also equipped with a dynamic sensing device. Once it senses a rapid object trajectory around it, it will start automatic defense. On the battlefield, there is no problem in blocking guns below the Gatling level. This allows the harvester No harm! "

"Okay! Go and give Xiaosi a compliment!"

Li Fan is a little bit pleased that with such three suits, the combat effectiveness of the Lijiadao Army can be greatly improved.


A subordinate came to report, "We are close to Skull Island!"

"Well, it's close to the Storm Mercenary."

Skull Island is a remote island. The island is not very large. According to information, the base of the Storm Mercenary Corps is located on it. It is said that the Emperor of the Storm mercenaries has always been sheltered by the Emperor, so he can survive arrogantly until now.

"Fifteen minutes to approach the goal."

After hearing the report, Li Fan nodded, and signaled Su Su to continue to issue new instructions.

"Stop moving forward and prepare to float."

With a wave of Su Su, Hailong slowly surfaced. The sea was calm and the mercenary regiment was not aware of the enemy's arrival.

An amphibious chariot was dropped from the Sea Dragon and floated in the water. Twenty-two Li family soldiers sat side by side in this chariot, and Li Fan sat in the front position, and other soldiers looked at themselves with worship.

These people admire themselves extremely, after all, Bai Linluo has instilled this worship education on the soldiers on Lijia Island. With this education, all soldiers remain absolutely loyal to themselves.

Li Fan checked his equipment and said to the soldiers.

"My fellows, I know that you used to come from various countries. But now, you are already our Lijiadao people! I know you are willing to be born and die for Lijiadao, but your life is more precious than anything! So I hope You can obey my orders, and I will give priority to your life safety. There is danger. I, Li Fan, rushed ahead and never let everyone sacrifice for nothing! "

"Oath to defend Li Jiadao!"

"Oath to defend Li Jiadao!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

Li Fan laughed, "You have the momentum, but this time we are not defending Lijia Island, but to wipe out the mercenary regiments. At that time, everyone fights to kill more, don't let the storm mercenary regiments Think we are not hospitable. "

The words of Li Fan made these soldiers also laugh. They are all the elite of the Li family. This time, they must use the head of the Storm Mercenary Corps to lay down their value! You have to let Jun come and see, they are all real fighters!

Lijiadao is a unique constitutional monarchy. Bai Linluo's positioning of Li Fan is Lijiadao's unique royal family. Li Fan is the first emperor of Lijiadao, the first emperor of the island! However, Li Fan felt that claiming to be the emperor was tantamount to independence from Lijiadao and betrayal of the country, so he still rejected it. The two disputed, and in the end each step back, Li Jiadao canceled the emperor, should be the prince general monarch. Li Fan was named the first generation of kings of Lijiadao and had monarchy. But the monarchy is smaller than the constitution, that is, Lijiadao is still dominated by the constitution.

From the monarch Li Fan to the ordinary people, they must all act according to law and must not violate the Lijiadao Constitution.

"Master, we are almost there."

An intelligence soldier reports to Li Fan.

"Okay, everyone is ready to land!"

Li Fan nodded, and then began to arrange the formation.

Soon, the amphibious vehicle stormed the coast of Skull Island. Li Fan took the team and walked out of the chariot.

A garrison on the shore came to investigate and was immediately resolved by the two magnetic blast infantry.

The magnetic blast infantry carried a magnetic storm cannon and sent it out. The blue electric dragon immediately electrolyzed the opposing patrol unit.

Li Fan couldn't help but stare when he saw it, man. This magnetic storm gun is really powerful! And because of the magnetic storm, the electronic equipment of the Storm Mercenary Corps was also affected, and it lost effect for a while.

Then came a massacre!

Even if the stormer launched a counterattack, the passive shield of the passive warrior was blocked. Mind power and alloy shields make it impossible for the enemy's firepower to hurt them.

And Li Fan found that the kinetic energy released on the kinetic energy shield also formed a protective circle. The protection circles of these ten soldiers are combined to form a larger defense network, which is impeccable!

This undoubtedly enhanced the ability of the war group. The magnetic energy gun combined with the kinetic energy shield allowed Li Fan, an elite, to run on the base of the Storm Mercenary Corps, and no one could match.

The storm mercenary regiment is also very powerful, and many troops are internationally top-level, with outstanding combat effectiveness. However, when encountering these stubbles of Li Fan, it was like smashing stones with stones and defeating them one after another, which became the meritorious medal of Li Jiajun's record.

Under the protection of kinetic fighters, Li Fan had a round of fights, and there were no combat reductions. Only a few warriors who hurt the flesh were better protected.

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