1535 The goods have to be thrown

"Someone called?"

Kerry is the chief commander of the Storm Mercenary Regiment. He lost his left eye in a battle, but implanted an electronic eye in the left eye to strengthen his combat effectiveness. Carrie was only thirty years old, relying on his bravery and wisdom, he cut through thorns and struck a string of magical powers, and finally climbed to the position of head of the regiment.

Facts have proven that the old leader did not read the wrong person. Under the leadership of Kerry, the Storm Mercenary Regiment is getting better and better, and gradually rises from a second-rate mercenary regiment to the ranks of the top mercenary regiments.

At this time, I heard that a group of people claiming to be Lijiadao ran to the base to make trouble, and Kerry just sneered.

These guys are really dead! The members of the Storm Mercenary Regiment are all trained with the resources of the US imperial, and they are also equipped with US combat equipment! With them in, let alone other mercenary regiments, even if the army of some countries came over, to this Skull Island, you will find your own way!

"Kill them, offering the flag!"

Kerry knew these people, as if they were a subordinate of Huaxia called Li Fan. Those Chinese monkeys can kill each other, it is really a group of soil buns! What's more, teach them to be human and let them know what the real army is!

Kerry was full of confidence, standing in the headquarters, waiting for the news.

As a result, one after another was bad news.

"Report leader, the first line of defense was breached! We lost 36 people!"

"Report leader, the second line of defense was breached, and we lost 18 people!"

"Report leader, the third line of defense was breached, and we lost 96 people!"

The news of the defeated place flew into the headquarters like Snowflake. The soldiers left by the Storm Mercenary Regiment were not too many, but they were all king-level. However, at this moment, it seems that it is a falsehood, and the enemy has penetrated five levels in a row! A total of 20 lines of defense have been set up on the island, but at this speed, I am afraid that it won't be long before the other party hits his own headquarters!

"How many people did the other party send? A seaside army? Is there an aircraft carrier? Why not tell me in advance?"

Carey asked quickly, but the answer made him a little desperate.

"What? The other party only has more than 20 people? Are you using outdated equipment? Fart!"

Carey gasped, and at this moment he felt unprecedented pressure. The mercenary regiment of the storm is a matter of life and death, and even he is afraid to make arbitrary decisions. Just then, a voice suddenly entered the headquarters, and it was the cry of the other side.

"The Storm Mercenary Corps, I'm Li Fan. I warned you not to enter Huaxia. Since you are not obedient, I will kick your ass!"

"Where is he?"

Carey looked around, but couldn't see Li Fan.

"According to the radar, he should be on the sixth line."

"How is it possible that he hacked our communication system?"

Feeling the unpredictability of his opponent, Kerry began to ooze cold sweat on his forehead.

"Can't wait any longer ... dispatch two hundred men to attack with the defensive forces of the sixth line of defense on the left and right wings! Kill these Chinese monkeys and let them know how powerful we are!"


Two hundred-man live ammunition teams were on the road. They appeared on both sides of Li Fan and his troops, fired at them, and aimed at them.

"They can't help it, good."

Li Fan nodded. He pointed to the left of the centurion. "Reaper number one or two, can you two deal with the centurion over there?"

"no problem."

"Okay, the kinetic warrior squad continues to protect the magnetic blast infantry squad, and the magnetic blast infantry squad outputs the sixth line of defense, and quickly breaks the gate! I will accompany another centurion to play.

As soon as Li Fan's words landed, his body suddenly fell down, and the six mechanical arms behind him, like spiders, grasped directly on the ground and supported Li Fan's body. After that, the robotic arms quickly moved, taking Li Fan, and slammed forward. The Hundreds quickly turned their muzzles and fired Li Fan with bullets. But Li Fan, relying on six robotic arms, was moving too fast, and the bullet could not catch up with him at all.

Then, Li Fan has already plunged into the hundred team. His robotic arm carried an alloy knife and wiped it from the soldiers' necks, or pierced their hearts and sent them to hell.

Li Fan really became a "reaper". He was extremely fast and rushed to the centurion. Because of the surrounding companions, it was not convenient for other soldiers to fire. Even if someone fired, it would be blocked by Li Fan's manipulator. Instead, stray bullets will hurt comrades and add casualties to the Centurion.

The two hundred-man teams were directly disturbed by the three Li Fans!

"Report! Two Centurions were defeated and the sixth line of defense broke!"

His report made Kerry think he was shot!

But this will only cause panic, Kerry forbeared, eyes flashed fiercely.

"On the seventh line, hellfire coverage!"


"Come on!"


Hellfire is a missile on the island. At this time, the commander should cover the seventh line of defense with missile rain ... It seems that the brothers on the seventh line of defense can only be abandoned ...

The military order fell like a mountain, and his subordinates did not dare to disobey, and they could only recruit.

For a time, a row of missiles struck out of the guided missile vehicle behind the mountain, traversed the sky, carried a smoke screen, and fell towards the seventh line of defense. In the desperate eyes of the mercenary soldiers on the seventh line of defense, the missiles were getting closer and closer, and they were about to die with death and engulf them.

"Kinetic Squad! Kinetic Hammer!"

Li Fan immediately gave an order. Ten kinetic energy fighters held the shield in one hand and raised the warhammer in the other. They slammed the hammer on the ground in the direction of the missile's fall!

The powerful mental force shock wave erupted directly on the ground, forming a wave of waves that spread out instantly!

The missile that was about to fall, was impacted by these ripples of thought power, immediately flew out, flew into the air, and exploded into a red flame, which was absolutely beautiful.


Li Fan shouted with joy and shouted. The kinetic fighters also had joy on their faces. They were very proud and proud!

With them in, the team is foolproof!

"What equipment is this!"

Kerry is going to scold his mother!

Even in the United States, it is not equipped with such a weapon!

"It seems to be Li Jiadao's reading device ..."

A man explained cautiously.


Carey's fist slammed on the podium. "How did their technology develop, why is this thing so much stronger than the prototype?"

Compared with the equipment in front of them, the kinetic helmets are simply scum!

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