1536 Roll Call Massacre

The storm just bought some information from the US emperor before, saying that Lijia Island has a lot of epoch-making technology. So Kerry sent a magician to steal some and came back, and found that some were too wild and dreamy. The only thing that can be used is this helmet. Although it may cause some damage to the human body, Kerry believes that everyone is a mercenary who lives on the edge of the knife and lives with his head every day. This injury can be exchanged for higher viability. How about it?

But he never thought that the technology tree of Lijiadao was really terrible! There is a feeling of playing StarCraft, and there are still farmers on my side, and the other party has sent out a second class of arms!

Even missiles are ineffective against them. How can this battle be played?

"What about the armored vehicle unit just dispatched? How's it going?"

"It is reported that the armoured vehicle forces have been attacked by the other party ... the other party's code reaper has been scrapped."


Carrie couldn't help swearing at his mother, he didn't expect that the prestigious Storm Mercenary Regiment had become so sloppy in front of these people!

"Brothers, don't be afraid!"

Fierce in his eyes, he stood in the headquarters, his voice octave higher, and growled loudly at everyone.

"Our storm is not a rabbit to be slaughtered by others! If they are wolves, we are tigers! Prepare the tiger king single soldier system!"

Kerry was a soldier, and he led the most elite troops to the core of the base. Here are rows of individual armor. These are all he bought from the US Emperor for a large price of 25 million US dollars! For these thirty sets of equipment, Kerry really suffered a lot of bleeding, and also helped the Emperor to do a lot of dark work.

Now Kerry's storm still owes the United States some money, which is a long-term loan. But Kerry knew that as long as he had these thirty sets of armor, he could let the combat effectiveness of the Storm Mercenary Corps climb to the peak!

These thirty sets of individual armors are all duplex, bullet-proof, riot-proof, and can improve the human body's combat power through machinery. At that time, a mercenary called the Warhammer of the Storm Mercenary Corps used the basic version of this armor. The thirty sets in front of them are all upgraded versions of the Tiger King, which have stronger functions and more abnormal combat effectiveness!

"Let those idiots taste the power of our storm!"

Carrie walked in front of the first Warframe in person, and the robotic arm began to grab the Warframe, wearing it piece by piece. Soon, a holographic screen appeared in the helmet in front of Kerry, and at the same time, it also had an ar function to conduct battle analysis on the scenes he saw.

The tiger king armor also includes Kerry's favorite, energy sensor. As long as there is this set of sensors, you can see the energy value and material structure of visible objects, and analyze the opponent's combat effectiveness.

Carey glanced at his companion wearing the Tiger King armor, and a string of 525 combat values ​​immediately floated around him.

awesome! This feeling of mastering the data is really exciting!

Seeing a long list of more than 500 battle values, Kerry felt that victory was in sight! At this moment, he has a sense of satisfaction and joy that I have in the world.

Everything is mine, I will be the most powerful mercenary king! What Li Fan, what Li Jiadao, only deserve to surrender at my feet! After defeating them and taking away more technology equipment from them, the storm might be able to escape from the control of the US emperor and become the king of kings!

A good day is here!

"Brothers, let's go!"

Carrying a scarlet cloak behind Tiger King ’s armor, with the power of a king, he led this team of elite warriors directly to the fifteenth line of defense, and Li Fan's troops had broken there.

However, there will be his end, his grave!

Kerry was anxious, he kept speeding up, ready to come to Li Fan in the first time, let him kneel in front of his powerful fighting power, surrender!

Kerry couldn't wait, he ran quickly on his skull island. In order to facilitate transportation, a dedicated high-speed military passage was built on Skull Island. They were very fast, and within five minutes, they had reached the sixteenth line of defense. At this point, Li Fan and they also conquered here, and the two teams finally met.

Carry led the crowd into a row, then turned on the sensors and glanced at the opponent's combat effectiveness.

He first looked at the kinetic fighters on the periphery and was shocked by their combat effectiveness.


These guys have such a high combat power? Just 100 weaker than them?

Looking at the magnetic blast infantry, it also has a full 350 combat value.

Dude, why are these things so powerful? How much did they spend building these outfits? Estimated to have tens of millions of dollars!

If you let Kerry know that the cost of these equipment on Lijiadao is not more than one million yuan, I'm afraid I'll be surprised. Carrie held back the shock and glanced at Li Fan wearing the reaper's armor.


The sensor alarms quickly, and dazzling red light lights up in the ar screen!

"Three, thirty-eight? What a joke!"

Kerry almost vomited blood. Did the sensor go wrong?

He glanced at the Tiger King warrior next to him, and the value returned to about 520. Then look at Li Fan again, the value continues to burst!

Several tricks were repeated, and finally Carrie was desperate.

The opponent ... does it really have a combat power of nearly 4,000? How is it possible that the two reapers with him will only have a value of 320 battles!

Something went wrong, there must be something wrong! At this moment, Kerry's heart suddenly panicked.

"Are you smart?"

Li Fan looked at the tiger king armor in front of him and gave the order.

"The magnetic storm squad, named."


Ten magnetic blast infantry nodded in unison, and then ten magnetic storm cannons aimed at the first mercenary on the left.


Ten blue electric dragons bounced out, and banged on the mercenary wearing the armor!

Zi La la!

Sparks popped out, and the battle armor worth hundreds of millions of yuan fell down, kneeling on the ground, smoking black smoke, and it was just scrapped! The mercenaries inside also turned into coke and were buried with the armor.

"Continue calling!"

Li Fan ordered that ten magnetic infantry infantry kill them in turn, and none of the mercenaries could stop the firing of these ten magnetic storm currents.

"Fight back! Fight back now!"

Carey finally recovered from the shock, and he roared again and again, causing his mercenaries to move! These mercenaries were in armor, walking around, the machine gun in their hands did not break the fire, trying to hang Li Fan's Li family!

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