My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1540: People rely on clothing

1540 Tatar Clothing

"You must ... accompany me today!"

Liang Ru demanded again.

"Should you tell me why?"

Seeing Liang Ru like this, Li Fan knew that there was something in the little girl's heart.

"Will you come?"

Liang Ru doesn't seem to want to say that Li Fan is okay. Since this girl is going to the ball, he can only follow it. Although there are four beautiful swordsmen in the school to protect, the girl has her own white tiger avatar. But at the prom place, there were many hands and people, and Liang Ru was a little unsafe alone.

Hey, he's really kind! Li Fan silently praised himself, and then promised to come down.

"You follow me!"

Liang Ru couldn't help but say that he took Li Fan downstairs, and did not give Li Fan a chance to inquire. He dragged him directly into a taxi waiting below, and then drove out of school.

"Hey ... I remember the ball was in the General Assembly Hall?"

Li Fan finally asked.


Liang Ru looked at Li Fan provocatively, "Afraid I sold you?"

"Yeah, I'm a handsome guy anyway, who knows if you're trying to cheat me?"

"Well, you are so beautiful!"

Liang Ru laughed angrily, "Who wants to be guilty of this guy! I will take you to buy a dress!"

"Do I have any clothes here? Why buy clothes?"

Li Fan is very strange.

"Dance, OK, do you want to wear sports clothes?"

Liang Ru glanced fiercely at Li Fan, "You are like this, no wonder no girl likes you!"

"Isn't a personal attack good?"

"In short, I'll take you to buy a prom dress, obediently!"

The thought of being able to fiddle with Li Fan made Liang Ru happy.

"Okay, I'll let you slaughter today."

"Hey, buy clothes for you, why do you seem to suffer?"

Liang Ru looked at Li Fan with amusement. "Miss Ben is the one who suffers?"

"Then don't buy it, isn't it good that I wear sportswear?"

"I'll suffer if I suffer! Asshole!"

Liang Ru and Li Fan really can't help it. This guy may have been born to defeat himself! Damn, haven't you accumulated any morals, why did you encounter such a nemesis?

If it weren't for that guy ... wouldn't he beg him in such a low voice! Hum, wait for the ball to end, and then take revenge on it all! Dare to provoke Miss Ben, I want you to look good then!

Li Yun, ah Li Yun, you haven't offended me too much on weekdays. Let Miss Ben make good use of you today! Let you know how good Miss Ben is!

"It's a good mall in front, just go buy it."

Liang Ru took Li Fan out of the car, went into the mall, carefully selected, and chose a suit. A gray woolen suit, black trousers, and a white shirt inside. Li Fan doesn't recognize what brand, but these three items seem to cost a lot of money, right?

Profiteering ... Li Fan is feeling.

"You try it."

Liang Ru asked the clerk to choose the right size. "I've helped you choose your size, and it will definitely fit."


Li Fan looked at Liang Ru with a bit of surprise, but Liang Ru who looked at him flushed.

"You, what are you looking at?"

Liang Ru asked uncomfortably.

"It's rare, our Miss Liang, even remember the size of my clothes? Do you follow me so much on weekdays?"

"Who, who cares about you ..."

Liang Ru turned her head and did not look at Li Fan's eyes. "Just a visual inspection ... Just remember! Huh, do you wear it?"

"I'll just wear it."

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "In fact, I may have misunderstood you a bit. You are still very good in essence."

"Huh, you still use this!"

I do n’t know why, Li Fan exaggerated, Liang Ru was a little happy.

"By the way, you can't let me buy this for nothing. I'll give you the money later."

Li Fan held his clothes and asked, "How much are these?"

"Not expensive, more than 20,000 yuan."

"What ... then wear sportswear ..."

"Look at your poor looks! Let's do this, then I'll borrow your clothes!"

Liang Ru shook his lips and said, "When you're done, return me. How about borrowing from me when you need it?"

Although he still talked loudly, at least it was for the sake of Li Fan. Li Fanxin said, this girl, it would be better if I could think about it before I could speak.

"Put on first, the ball will begin soon."

Liang Ru watched the time and then urged.

"Got it."

Li Fan went into the locker room, and then stretched out his hand and pressed it on his shoulder. This sportswear is made of all nano materials, and the control chip is on the shoulder. Li Fan reached out and patted his clothes. The clothes immediately closed and turned into a ring on Li Fan's fingers.

Nano-necklace, this kind of high-tech things, there are few in the world, Li Fan has such one.

After a moment of extinction, Li Fan began to change the formal dress that Liang Ru chose for himself. Li Fan hasn't worn his formal clothes for a long time. He likes martial arts and still likes soft clothes like sportswear. For him, dressing was sometimes too restrictive, which made him uncomfortable.

For Li Fan, only fighting can arouse his interest.

"Have you changed?"

Liang Ru urged outside, "A boy, it's so slow to change clothes!"


Li Fan fastened the buttons on his collar and walked out.

When he opened the door and stood outside, Liang Ru's expression suddenly flickered.

"what happened?"

Li Fan looked at her inexplicably and asked.

"No, nothing."

Liang Ru turned his head. "I didn't expect you to dress up like a dog."

"That said ... should I be happy or angry?"

"Miss Ben is rare to praise you. You should be happy."

Liang Ru seems to have adjusted her mentality for a long time, and finally turned around, "OK, you are qualified, you can be Miss Ben's male companion!"

"Thank you so much for rewarding me for this opportunity."

Li Fan was also accustomed to Liang Ru's unpleasant character. He walked to Liang Ru, bowed to her, and then stretched out his hand, "Beautiful lady, can you give me a dance?"

"Difficult, give you this opportunity."

Liang Ru also stretched out her hand and held Li Fan's arm. "But there is only one dance tonight. Don't think about it."

"Really just one dance?"

Li Fan was a little surprised.

"Why don't you want to miss Miss Ben?"

"No no no, I'm so happy, I can go back to bed earlier!"

"go to the hell!"

The two quarreled along the way and returned to school by taxi. But they didn't know. In a car in the distance, Liang Ru's mother was watching them, and her brows frowned deeply.

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