1541 jealous

The Tanabata Dance Party, this is the most important event of the Imperial University tonight. It is said that the prom queen will be selected tonight, and she and her couple will be blessed by everyone.

Queen of the Stars, this is the title that every girl likes to compete for. Who loves giving things to others? Although the girls don't say anything, they all hope that they will be the most beautiful in the eyes of others. Apart from that, Li Fan feels that with Liang Ru's beauty, it should not be difficult for her to get this title, right?

"Queen of the Tanabata?"

Before entering the hall where the event was held, Liang Ru didn't hesitate to hear Li Fan asking such a question.

"Who knows, Miss Ben is not interested in any Queen."

"So what are you doing here?"

"Naturally, Miss Ben thought about it!"

In the envious and envious eyes of a group of men, Liang Ru was calmly in his arms, holding Li Fan in his arms, and walked into the hall generously. The layout of this town hall has been completely renovated, and there are many decorations symbolizing lovers. There are men and women on the dance floor, and the whole hall is filled with a sweet taste of love.

Li Fan didn't come to such a place for a long time, and even felt a little uncomfortable. On the contrary, Liang Ru was very natural. She took Li Fan's hand and came to the next deck.

The layout is really well-designed, with a few buffet tables around the tables. After Liang Ru sat down, Li Fan took some drinks for her.

The two were together, attracting more jealous eyes.

"Do you see it."

While pretending to be drinking a cocktail, Liang Ru whispered to Li Fan, "Follow Miss Ben, how many people look at you enviously."

"Is it called envy? Is it called hatred?"

Li Fan smiled bitterly, "How much hatred I have drawn beside you, my God."

"What, wronged you?"

Liang Ru said, while gently picking up a small piece of cake with her fingers, and then fed into Li Fan's mouth.

"Let them hate you, hee hee."

"Let's have no grievances in the past and no enemies today, why do we have to be so black hands ..."

Li Fan wanted to cry without tears.

"The same is true. I may be doing too much. How can I pull so much hate for you?"

Liang Ru said with her hand, but she stretched out her hands, wiped it gently at the corner of Li Fan's mouth, and then wiped it into her mouth.

Li Fan clearly felt that the surrounding temperature had increased a lot ... my mother, what a terrible jealousy? If I gave these men around me a gun, I'm afraid I would have been sieved!

"Who is this person? Why sit with our school flower?"

"Yeah yeah, so intimate!"

"Oh my god, I want to kill him!"

"I will draw a villain to curse him!"

All kinds of complaining voices came into Li Fan's ear, and Li Fan was helpless. This Liang Ru occasionally plays such a small trick! Just a little devil!

"Are you going to kill me, Miss?"

"What are they afraid of and how dare they take you."

"You underestimate the power of your little fans!"

"Let me explain it to you soon."

Liang Ru blinked and looked at Li Fan very seriously, "I told them, although you are with me every day, you don't like me at all, okay?"

"You are killing me."

Li Fan covered his face. "They know they won't tear me! I think I occupy the pit and don't shit."

"Well! You are the pit!"

Liang Ru's hands twisted around Li Fan's waist secretly, but Li Fan also had muscles on his waist, so he didn't twist. This kid is pretty good, Liang Ru thought to himself.

"Well, there seems to be a good girl over there."

Li Fan could not help but glanced into the distance, he found that on the dance floor, a girl attracted the attention of many men. This girl's hot clothes and bare chest and legs are really eye-catching! Not to mention those boys who haven't seen the world before, even if they see it, they all want to drool. There was already a handsome young man beside that girl. He was wearing a white tuxedo with a rose brooch pinned to his chest, and looked a little solid.

The young man said something to the stunning beauty. Then, he picked up a glass of wine and walked towards Li Fan and their side.

Li Fan frowned, feeling that the person who came was not good.

"Dear, shall we go dancing?"

Liang Ru, however, embraced Li Fan's arm affectionately, and said in an unusual manner in his ear.

The other party had already walked in front of him, and saw this scene, smiling awkwardly.

"Little Ru ..."

"Well? Luo Bei, are you?"

Liang Ru said hello to the other party normally, but Li Fan saw that the woman's eyes fluctuated noticeably.

"Xiaoru, it's been a long time ..."

Luo Bei's voice was magnetic, and he spoke to Liang Ru very softly. "My brother is not sensible. Has it caused you a lot of trouble a while ago?"

"Well, I didn't take him seriously."

Liang Ru waved his hand casually. "Aren't all of your Luo family like this, I've been used to it. By the way, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Li Yun."

Liang Ru took Li Fan's hand and gave a friendly introduction to both parties. "This is Luo Bei, Luo Nan's brother, the chairman of our student union. Well, I just returned from the United States for a year of exchange students. "

"Hello there."

Li Fan reached out and greeted the other person politely.

"Hello, you take care of Xiaoru."

Luo Bei took Li Fan's hand and said, "She likes drinking, and she falls asleep after drinking too much. You must take care of her."

"Well, I will."

Li Fan took hold of Liang Ru's *** and made her lean on herself.

"In the future, I will invite you with Xiaoru's wedding. Right, Xiaoru?"

Liang Ru reacted quickly and said with a smile.

"But I want to travel and get married. Traditional weddings are too tired."

"Okay, it's all up to you."

Li Fan gently squeezed Liang Ru's nose.

"The relationship between the two is so good ..."

Luo Bei said these words, Li Fan sounded a little bit sour.

"Li Yun, I want to dance."

Liang Ru suddenly said in his ear. Her voice was weird at this time, as if suppressing something.

"Beautiful Miss Liang, can I ask you to dance?"

Li Fan immediately took a step back, bent down, reached out to Liang Ru, and invited.

"Happy, my prince."

Liang Ru gave Li Fan a smile. The two joined hands and stepped onto the dance floor. Luo Bei on the side drank a few drinks, and seemed a little uncomfortable. And before that glamorous beauty suddenly came forward, grabbed him and dragged him onto the dance floor. Li Fan took a closer look and found out that this beautiful woman seemed to be a mixed race.

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