My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1542: Should be kind

1542 Should be kind

The beauty around Luo Bei is still a mixed race. She and Liang Ru are both the most dazzling beings in the ball. However, compared to Liang Ru, this mixed-race beauty is obviously more hot and more suitable for prom. Although Liang Ru is also very beautiful, one weakness lies in her small breasts, and the second weakness lies in the lack of the hooking power. The mixed-race beauty, at a glance, is a place that has been lingering in nightclubs all year round, let alone the voluptuous beauty of the body. Looking at her, Li Fan couldn't help thinking of a woman, Jiuwei Shenhu.

Liang Ru found that Li Fan had been staring at the mixed-race beauty. It seemed to be a bit of an appetite. He stretched out his hands and held Li Fan's neck. He took his head over him and made him only look at himself.

"Dear, we should dance."

"it is good."

Li Fan pulled Liang Ru and danced with Liang Ru in the melodious music beside him. Liang Ru had learned some dances. She was in good shape and jumped very enchanting. And Li Fan had also made up some dance lessons before, plus the foundation of martial arts training, but it could match Liang Ru's movements. Luo Bei, led by the mixed-race beauty, jumped up beside Li Fan. The mixed-race beauty seemed to be interested in competing with Liang Ru. Her dancing posture is also very hot. From time to time, she is also holding Luo Bei, doing some moves only in pole dancing, which attracted a lot of applause from around.

Although Liang Ru was unwilling, she only learned some basic dances. She hadn't learned pole dancing, and couldn't make moves like mixed-race women. But at this moment, Li Fan actively took Liang Ru's little hand and guided her to dance a very passionate Latin dance!

Liang Ru just learned a little Latin dance. She doesn't know why now, but she just feels as if a force came from the man in front of her, leading her body and making her move involuntarily. Follow Li Fan and dance with the music. Two people are like a pair of tacit dancers, and their dancing poses attract more people's attention. Li Fan even stretched out her hand and pulled Liang Ru's long skirt down one section, revealing her **** white legs, which aroused the applause of a group of men.

Liang Ru's nature was already wild, but she was excited. The obstructing long skirt was torn away and she jumped more easily. The two jumped better and better, and gradually got into a better state, attracting more attention. In contrast, Luo Bei and the mixed-race beauty lost their brilliance. For a moment, as if the light of the entire field hit Li Fan and Liang Ru.

Liang Ru jumped very excited. When Li Fan finally finished, she was still energetic and looked at Li Fan with a pair of beautiful eyes. Her face was flushed and her chest-waist was gently undulating, as if she had just finished a warm-up exercise.


Enthusiastic applause from all around were shaking the dance of Liang Ru and Li Fan heartily. These two guys dance too well, are they not professional dance professionals? Although no one knows Li Fan, Liang Ru is a goddess at the school flower level. She is obviously a talented woman in the music department!

A chasing light also hit Liang Ru's body. In the cheers around, the mixed-race beauty next to her in the shadow severely stomped her feet.

In the applause of everyone, Li Fan held Liang Ru's hand, and Liang Ru smiled sweetly.

"The queen this time, it seems you must be."

Luo Bei came over and congratulated Liang Ru.

"Thank you."

Liang Ru leaned on Li Fanhuai. "If nothing is wrong, I'll go out and celebrate with him, goodbye."

In the envious eyes of everyone, Li Fan led Liang Ru and went outside. Luo Bei seemed to decide what, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Liang Ru's arm.

"Xiaoru ... wait a minute ..."

Liang Ru turned his head and looked at Luo Bei flatly.

"What else is happening?"

"Give me another chance ..."

Luo Bei just finished, Liang Ru smiled.

"One more chance? Sorry, we never started."

After speaking, he flung Luobei and pulled Li Fan away.

After going out for a long time, Li Fan stayed beside Liang Ru without saying a word. After returning to the apartment, Liang Ru squatted in front of the dormitory door, suddenly couldn't control, and tears came out like this.


Li Fan squatted beside her and handed her a pack of tissues.

"Aren't you curious?"

Liang Ru wiped away her tears, finally raised her head and looked at Li Fan.

"Not curious."

Li Fan was telling the truth, "And such things can be seen at a glance."

"He talked well and made me happy, so we have been dating for a while."

Liang Ru sneered, "Later he derailed and I was arrested."

"But you still can't let him go?"

Li Fan looked at Liang Ru, "Otherwise, I wouldn't be so angry with him today."

"Maybe, but I won't have fantasies about him anymore."

Liang Ru said, "Look at how he looked just now, so happy to think about it! Haha!"

"as long as you are happy."

Li Fan nodded, and then patted Liang Ru's shoulder lightly, "But we will not meet again in the future."


Liang Ru was very happy. When she heard Li Fan's words, she was suddenly surprised, and hurriedly raised her hair to ask.

"I'm still fantasizing today, we may already be friends."

Li Fan's voice became more and more cold, and Liang Ru felt a chill. "But I found out that I think too much. You have been using me all the time. Yesterday, today too. Miss Liang Ru, just between us also There is no beginning, so stop there, bye ... no, never again. "

After Li Fan said, he stood up, went into his room, and closed the door.

When he closed the door, Liang Ru suddenly woke up like a dream. She suddenly jumped up and kicked directly against Li Fan's door.

"Li Yun, get out of me! Why did you say that to me! Come out! Make it clear! Come out!"

This is how Liang Ru's character is. When he talks about spilling, he spills without any ambiguity. But Li Fan sat on the bed in his room, unmoved.

"Master, do you really care about her?"

Qiu'er stood beside Li Fan and couldn't help asking.

"Regardless of her, naturally go back when tired."

At this moment, Li Fan seemed to be iron-hearted, and there was no way. Liang Ru kept using himself, which made Li Fan feel a sense of shame. This girl, without giving her a lesson, she will always think that the whole world owes her. She was unhappy in her childhood. Should she put her misfortune on others?

"Will Qiuer send her away for her master?"

Qiu'er proposed again, "She yelled outside the door, afraid she might be noisy to her master's repair."

"Forget it ... let her shout, I can naturally close the five senses and leave her alone."

"Well, the host is so kind."

"Am I kind?"

Li Fan smiled bitterly.

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