My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1544: Female secretary?

1544 Female Secretary?

A story that took advantage of nothing, Li Fan knew it. But this girl wanted to say, and she continued to talk. As the so-called detoxification therapy, Liang Ru is now in the detoxification stage. Let her speak out, and she will be more psychologically comfortable.

"I ended up telling you what happened later. This guy was caught by me in bed, and I was very happy, Shuangfei!"

Liang Ru smiled bitterly, "It really opened my eyes."

Shuangfei, I'm so envious ... I don't know when I can have a Shuangfei with Sister Murong ... Um, but the end must be miserable, Murong Ying will definitely kill herself! Let her be such a proud woman, accepting sisters to serve as husband ... I'm afraid it's unlikely!

"What are you thinking about?"

Liang Ru saw that Li Fan was a little bit surprised and couldn't help but pat him.

"Ah, it's nothing, just thinking, why is there such a shameless man in this world, thinking about flying twice every day!"

Li Fan reprimanded him in disgust.

"Yeah! These men should be cut!"

Liang Ru's words made Li Fan feel cold, and subconsciously wanted to protect his little brother.

"Li Yun, although you trained me yesterday, according to my previous temper, you are dead!"

Suddenly, Liang Ru looked back at Li Fan. "But I also thought about it, and you said something. From today, I decided to change myself and try to make a friend."

Speaking, Liang Ru held out his hand to Li Fan, "My name is Liang Ru, a second-year student in the Department of Music at Didu University. Hello, can you meet me?"

"Hello, my name is Li Yun."

Li Fan felt that this was a chance for Liang Ru to rebirth. If she can change, it is not impossible to give her a chance.

"Well, okay, Li Yun, starting today, you are my little brother!"

Liang Ru embraced Li Fan's shoulder and said proudly, "In the future, only I can bully you, no one else! Who dares to bully you and report to Miss Ben's name!"


Under the rain, Li Fanhan, this girl is really easy to change, it is difficult to change her nature!

"Can't you associate with others on an equal footing?"

"It's quite equal, what else do you want?"

Liang Ru stretched his waist gently. "Well ... I'm tired of sleeping. I'm going to take a bath and sleep again."

"Go on."

"By the way, you'll come with me tonight."

Suddenly Liang Ru turned around and thought again, "No, please do me a favor."

"Huh? What are you doing?"

"My grandpa's birthday is three days later, will you join me at a reception?"

"Well, the old man is going to have a birthday, so I think about what gifts to prepare."

"Gifts are trivial ... the key is that you are coming ..."

Suddenly Liang Ru shuddered, "It still has to ... let you impersonate my boyfriend."


Li Fan puzzled, "Why do you want a boyfriend for your birthday?"

"You don't know, my family is a big family."

Liang Ru explained, "The seven aunts and eight aunts in the family will come every year on their birthdays, and then they will care about my boyfriend."

"Isn't it nice to let them introduce you to you?"

"I'm not interested in those family sons."

Liang Ru cut aloud, "These people are either stuffy or arrogant, not the type that Miss Ben likes! Since you are all my friends, is there any problem in helping me?"


Li Fan had to promise, "Since you said so, I will help you."

"It's great, you can keep this dress, and wear it that day!"

Liang Ru pointed to the suit that Li Fan had replaced. "Then I'll go back first! By the way, starting today, at five in the afternoon, I will teach you to play the piano!"

After that, the girl resembled a happy bunny, and left abruptly.

Li Fan shook his head again and again, this girl is really difficult to deal with.

When Li Fan was busy with Liang Ru, he was also working on the construction of the island on Lijia Island.

"Monarch, this is the construction plan of King's Square, please look at it."

Minister of Construction Honda Sakura stood in front of Li Fan and said respectfully.

"There can be many things in the city center."

Li Fan looked at the municipal map and couldn't help frowning. "We can get a business district here. Isn't it better to be a tourist city?"

"Sir, there are now two commercial areas, and two are still under development."

Honda Sakura has a good temper and explained to Li Fan very patiently, "This King's Square was built in your name, representing you as the mainstay of our island! The government needs this square, and the public also needs this square. This It is of great benefit to us to strengthen the centralized system. Moreover, the surrounding area of ​​the square can be developed as a civic park for citizens to visit and play for free. And ... "

Honda Sakura listed several reasons again, and convinced Li Fan stiffly.


Li Fan sighed. "I just think it would be a bit too exaggerated. I still like to be low-key."

"What is your status now? Lord of Lijiadao!"

Honda Sakura immediately reminded Li Fan, "You can't keep a low profile, everyone on the island is watching you!"

While talking, Liao Wushuang next stepped forward immediately and handed the documents in hand to Li Fan.

"This is an application from more than 20 countries."

Liao Wushuang said, "We Lijiadao is an independent administrative region and a tourist city. Therefore, these countries hope that we can open visa-free policies to them to promote cultural exchanges and tourism for both parties.

"That's fine, you just have to decide on this kind of thing, after all, you are a diplomat!"

"You want to be a shopkeeper?"

After listening to Liao Wushuang, he couldn't help smiling.

"Ah, it's not a shopkeeper, it's trust in you, right?"

"Yes, you always make sense."

Liao Wushuang couldn't help Li Fan. "However, today you can't take it easy, the US imperial, island nation, and diplomatic corps of the stick nation are here."

"What are they doing here?"

"Have you forgotten, they are here to buy weapons!"

Liao Wushuang gave Li Fan a glance, "Where is your assistant, did she not tell you?"

"Assistant? I still have an assistant?"

Li Fan froze for a while, Liao Wushuang seemed to have a headache, rubbing his temples gently.

"Oh my God, what did Bai Linluo do? Didn't your assistant arrange it? Just a moment ..."

Liao Wushuang went out in full swing, and Honda Sakura bowed to Li Fan, "Nanchen also resigned."

"Well, I'll leave it to you."

Li Fan continued to watch the pair of work reports in his hand. After a while, the office door was knocked again.

Here comes the assistant? Will it be a beautiful female secretary?

Li Fan is still looking forward to it.

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