1545 Widow

There is a saying in Li Fan's hometown that there is something for the secretary and nothing for the secretary. Li Fan is still thinking, should he respect this tradition?

"Come in!"

He sorted out his clothes and yelled.

The office door was pushed open, and a handsome young man in a white shirt and black trousers came in.

"I rub, why are you?"

Seeing this familiar face, Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry.

"What's wrong, my monarch, are you unhappy to see me?"

Liu Zhu stood in front of Li Fan, the young man became more handsome. He had a ponytail today, and Bai Jing's face was full of smiles. This buddy and Yan Kai are a way of life, more beautiful than a woman, not only does not let men live, but also women!

"Ah, it's not unhappy, I just thought that a female secretary would come."

Li Fan sighed and Liu Zhuzhen smiled.

"Don't you think, there's a secretary doing it, it's okay ... eh?"

"Wipe, don't make fun of me, or the widow will make use of you!"

Li Fan made a joke about Liu Zhu, "Your chrysanthemum has been fancy for many years, and now it's time to take advantage of Longyang."

"Go to you, this joke can't be messed up!"

"You old man, what a blush."

Li Fan laughed and looked at Liu Zhu's uneasy look, and he was happy. Mom, a chicken, you won't really be interested in Liu Zhu. It's strange to say that this person is ... Liu Zhumingming is a man, why does he always have a feeling of ... heartbeat to him?

Li Fan patted his face to keep himself awake.

"Master, if you play around, I'll go."

"Okay, I don't make trouble. When there is no one in private, you can just call my elder brother, or something like a king, or something!"

"Yes, King ... oh no, brother."

Liu Zhu changed his mouth, and Li Fan was happy. "It's almost the same. Come and study with your elder brother. How can this foreign brain disability be seen?"

With that said, Li Fan dragged Liu Zhu aside and let him sit next to him.

"Jun ... brother, this is not good."

Liu Zhu remembered, "Let others see us sitting together, and we will say that we have no rules."

"Anyway, there will be no outsiders. Don't carry it that way."

Li Fan patted Liu Zhu's shoulder. "In other words, I'm glad to have you here to help me. Your kid is smart and help me deal with these things, and I'm sure I'm sure."

"Before you start work, you start to brag about me. If you mess it up, you won't cry."

"If you mess it up, spank you."


Liu Zhu protested a few words, but caused Li Fan's laughter, so he simply stopped talking.

"These three countries have no small grudges with China."

Liu Zhu began to help Li Fan analyze the business, "Since they all want to buy weapons with us, it is not impossible."

"I think they only sell them second-class goods! The real first-class goods are left to Huaxia."

Li Fan proposed.

"No, this is absolutely impossible."

However, Liu Zhu rejected Li Fan's proposal. "We now need international credibility. Since we want to sell, we must all sell the same things. We sell the US Emperor and China Huaxia.

Liu Zhu gave Li Fan an ambiguous smile, "First-class goods, we only leave ourselves."

"You guard against Huaxia?"

"I'm only thinking about you, brother."

Liu Zhu said, "And if Huaxia treats you well, you don't need to explain it to me. Even if you take care of them, they don't treat you like yourself. They guard you, why don't you guard them? "

"Okay, it's up to you."

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders, "But our second-class goods, I don't know if the guys of Meidi can see them."

"My brother, you also underestimate the strength of our Lijiadao."

Liu Zhu is more confident than Li Fan, "Do you know what people in those countries want most every day, are mutants! They study the mutants' energy and genes to develop a new era of genetic weapons! But We in Lijiadao are unique in this respect! Almost the whole of China, including the mutants in other countries, have gathered here. "

"Mutants in other countries? Are they also on Lijiadao?"

"Yeah, because mutants are criminals in any country!"

Liu Zhu explained, "Only on Lijiadao, they will be treated well. Don't you forget that our strongest army in Lijiadao is the new power station that Bai Linluo personally sat in!"

"So it is ..."

Li Fanxin said that having Bai Linluo and other talents around him really helped a lot.

"To protect you, Bai Linluo specially trained a powerful female warrior."


Li Fan felt that Bai Linluo was paying more and more attention to his life. How did he train himself as a warrior? And still a female warrior?

"We just happened to go to the military base first to see this female soldier."

Liu Zhu took out their schedule for today.

"See any female warrior, don't go."

Li Fan waved his hands again and again, "It made me weak and ill! Although it was just a clone, would I still have semi-holy strength?"

"The chief executive said, you have to go if you don't."

Liu Zhu laughed. "He had expected you to say so."

Bai Linluo is now the first chief executive of Lijiadao, the full name of which is the governor of the Lijiadao Special Administrative Region. Basically, in the absence of Li Fan, Bai Linluo's rights are the greatest. Above them, however, is Li's constitution.

"As the distinguished King of Lijiadao, your safety is the top priority of the island!"

"This little four-eyed, really likes to block me ..."

Li Fan had no choice but to go and see the female soldier. He had the appearance of a female warrior in his mind. He had strong muscles, two meters tall, and his pectoralis major could kill people.

As an assistant, Liu Zhu is really proficient in everything. He took Li Fan downstairs, and even driving was his job. Liu Zhu opened the door of an Audi Q7 and invited Li Fan to get in the car.

"This is a car specially made for you. The body has a layer of alloy armor. Even missiles cannot be worn."

"I'm afraid the missile won't work?"

Li Fan is very helpless, Xiao Siyan is more and more like to engage in these face projects!

"Please get in the car, my monarch."

Liu Zhu's attitude became respectful again. He was like a qualified actor, and he performed every identity very well.

"Okay, leave the house with widows!"

Li Fangang just got in the car and suddenly remembered another thing, he couldn't help exclaiming.

"Well, Bai Linluo ... he won't build another palace for me, right?"

The words fell, and Liu Zhu's face became weird.

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