My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1546: Female bodyguard

1546 Female Bodyguard

"Fuck, he really did it?"

Li Fan broke down a bit.

"Oh, what, it's not finished yet."

Liu Zhu coughed twice. "The chief executive said, I won't let you know."

"This guy, hide everything from me! Looking back, I don't teach him!"

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry, "Looking back, he might change me to a draft house!"


"Wipe? Did he do it too?"

"The chief executive said ... it is the honor of the women ...

"You let him get away!"

Li Fan almost exploded. "Now it's modern society. Take the risky feudal society! The palace cover is built, and some of it is used to live, and the other is open to the public for tourists to visit!"

Li Fan emphasized, "In addition, all the luxury and useless things such as the draft floor and the propaganda of feudal ideas were all withdrawn for me! This boy, making wool, made me seem to be running as an emperor!"

"The chief executive is also for your sake, you have to understand him."

"Understanding is understanding, but this is not the case."

Li Fan leaned back in his chair. "I don't want to be a retrogressor of the times. Anyone who opposes the wheels of the times will end up miserable. When the king took the matter, I should do it. But I think I'm similar As for the emperor of the island country, like the Queen of England, it is a local symbol, a mascot. "

"The chief executive understands your mind, so he sets the highest concept of the constitution."

Liu Zhu narrowed his eyes at Li Fan in the rearview mirror. "Don't forget, the constitution of Lijiadao is very open to the marriage system. We support polygamy, polygamy, and even homosexuality. . "

"Fuck ... so messy!"

"Lijiadao has a small population and cannot come under the normal marriage system."

Liu Zhu had a deep understanding of Lijiadao's laws. "But polygamy is not so easy. Because under this system, if one party wants to divorce, he must be separated from the family. Half of the property ... so, if you don't have that financial resources, you can still be a monogamous. "

"I am afraid that a marriage tied in this way will not be happy?"

"The marriage law is not guaranteed in any country."

While driving, Liu Zhu replied, "You have to take care of things like happiness."


Li Fan's Lijia Island is actually more like a place outside the law. Although the Constitution is the highest, it actually manages a lot of things loosely. For example, in Lijiadao, gambling and money exchange are legal, but high taxes are required. After all, for any country, these two things cannot be eliminated. Just like Amsterdam, it is better to pay a fair and honest tax.

While driving, Liu Zhu continued to report work with Li Fan. The car drove all the way to the military base. The guard's sentry saw Li Fan's car and let it go.

Lijiadao's military base is not very large, but all cultivated inside are elite. Li Fan saw a q5 parked from a distance. The photo above was Li a00002, which should be Bai Linluo's car.

"This kid is here too? Great, I'm looking for him!"

After Li Fan waited for the car to stop, he immediately jumped out of the car. The soldiers next to him saw Li Fan and saluted a military salute.

Li Fan waved his hand and motioned them to keep busy themselves. At the same time, Liu Zhu followed Li Fan and took him to the base of the base.

Bai Linluo seemed to know the news of Li Fan's arrival, and he greeted him directly. And beside Bai Linluo, followed by a woman wearing a black cape.

"Little four eyes, your uncle, I'm so flustered by you!"

Li Fan went directly to Bai Linluo and said, Bai Linluo coughed twice and waved the guards next to him. After they left, Bai Linluo lowered the shelf and said.

"Brother, give me face in front of people, I'm the chief executive!"

"My chief comrade, you are crushing me on the wheel of history!"

Li Fan grabbed Bai Linluo's arm. "Draft floor? Lying down, what do you think, can you tell me?"

"You said it was missing?"

Bai Linluo's eyes fell on Liu Zhu, but Liu Zhu shrugged. "He guessed it, it has nothing to do with me."

"Don't break the topic, be honest!"

Li Fan asked, and Bai Linluo explained, "After all, you are the core character of Lijiadao, so you have to hurry up and have a child to pass on the line for you! The draft floor exists for this."

"Funny! What is your thought of this age, which you taught me? Besides, this Lijiadao is not my dynasty, do you want to engage in hereditary system?"

"Lijiadao was your land."

Bai Linluo reminded Li Fan, "Your family will naturally decide for generations to come."

"Then you can guarantee that my son will be able to do that too? What if it's a bastard?"

"Longsheng nine sons are different."

Bai Linluo said very seriously, "So you are required to have more children, even a daughter can also be trained to become a queen. Besides, what kind of blood do you have, Lifan, the child you are born, I am afraid.

"You think too much ..."

"Always plan ahead, don't make the draft floor, anyway, your women are already a lot."

"That being said, why is it so awkward ..."

"This is a fact! The most important thing is that you and Zhou Guifei, and Murong Ying's two children."

Bai Linluo urged, "The two of them are female heroines, and their genes are also very good! If you have children with them, the future is infinite!

"Children with Zhou Guifei can still consider ... but with Murong Ying, let's forget ..."

Li Fanxin said that even if she had a child with Murong Ying, I'm afraid they would belong to their Murong family ...

"Okay, the draft floor is gone. Let's talk about your bodyguards."

Bai Linluo said, pulling the woman next to her, "It's her, she's called Nova. Come, Nova, say hello to Jun."


This Nova was directly on her knees, and her knees pushed the ground out of a pit!

"Mr. King!"

Nova should be Russian by name, but she speaks fluent Chinese.

"Nova is of Russian descent, but she has lived outside since she was a child and has been a mercenary."

Bai Linluo introduced, "She was a mutant, and later went to our Lijiadao. I made some changes to her."


"It's all my voluntary!"

Nova immediately said, "People like me, if you want to live, you must become stronger. King, starting today, I am willing to be a sharp sword in your hands and live for you!"

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