My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1547: Foreign friends

1547 Foreign Friends

"You stand up first."

Li Fan felt that this woman was also a little crazy, and she was probably brainwashed by Bai Linluo with worship.

"Nova, stand up first and let the king go up and see your skills."

Bai Linluo seemed to be showing one of his most perfect works. He ordered Nova, who nodded, and stood up. This Nova has Russian descent and can be seen from height. She took off her cloak, revealing her true content. A beautiful girl with golden braids stood in front of Li Fan. She has blue eyes and **** lips. Nova's body is also very good, she is wearing a battle skirt. The upper body is lightweight light armor, the lower body is a black skirt skirt, the restricted area under the skirt is extremely attractive. Further down is a pair of white tender long legs, with knee and calf wearing protective gear.

Like the previous Valkyrie, Nova's weapon is a broad sword, plus a round shield. At this point, Nova stood up in front of herself, and a goddess fan on her body immediately flowed out, making Li Fan couldn't help but look at it a few more times.


Liu Zhu found that Li Fan could see God, so he whispered in his ear.


Li Fan coughed twice, making a bad noise. Ma Dan, the first day I met, stared at people like Chu. I don't know, I thought I was a color embryo, affecting the glorious image of a gentleman!

"So what, I'm watching, what is Nova's superpower."

"This is simple."

Bai Linluo took a pistol and fired at Nova's forehead.


The bullet rubbed Mars on Nova's forehead and flew out.

"I wipe?"

Li Fan was stunned at that time, "copper iron?"

Even if you don't dare to say that you can use your physical body to resist bullets. If you rely on internal force, you can still do it! Human flesh is very fragile, unless like the Bodhi guy, who is trained to be an indestructible body, and exercises his internal force into every inch of his flesh!

"Well, her ability is copper skin iron."

Bai Linluo nodded. "She can control this ability, turn it on and off. But her previous ability is not so strong, I helped her catalyze it, so that she can reach the current level."

Speaking, Bai Linluo clapped her hands, and Nova turned around, exposing her own jade neck.

Li Fan saw that there was a diamond-shaped chip inlaid there.

"This is the Dragon Chip after my revision. I call it Dragon God Chip."

Bai Linluo introduced, "The Dragon God chip can stimulate people's potential and is divided into ten levels. We know that a person's power can actually be very strong. But if it exceeds the body's ability to bear, it will cause itself Terrible consequences. For example, this brick. "

Bai Linluo picked up a brick. "If it is me, with my physical strength, if I want to split this brick, it takes a certain amount of power. But my brain controls my power, and it constantly warns me, my body Can't fight against bricks. But using the Dragon God chip can strengthen my physical strength limit. "

Bai Linluo motioned his neck again, and he also installed himself a Dragon God chip.

"The Dragon God chip can unlock my brain security, and at the same time stimulate my potential, allowing me to increase my strength. To smash this brick, I just need to stimulate the second level of strength, just fine."

Speaking, Bai Linluo smashed the brick with one palm, but his palm was a little swollen and obviously injured.

"But you also saw how much strength I used without suffering protection and how much pain I would suffer. Now my palm is broken ..."

"I rub, do you want to fight this way?"

Li Fan was convinced.

"Relax, I have a summoning beast."

Bai Linluo took out a card, and the angel flapping his wings appeared next to him again, while gently holding Bai Linluo's injured hand. A white light emerged from where the palms of the two people intersected. Soon, Bai Linluo pulled back his hand and shook his fist. Li Fan is a little dumbfounded. This is really an angel. What about the healing power?

"But Nova is an exception. She has the strongest talent, copper skin and iron bone! Therefore, even if the Dragon God chip is turned to the tenth level, it will not hurt her at all!"

Bai Linluo was suddenly excited, "Boss, you said, is she my perfect work! For her power now being activated, it is comparable to a semi-sacred opponent!"

"In other words, the same strength as me?"

Li Fan is a little unconvinced. However, he has hardly trained up the strength, and the other side cultivated it? This is too painful.

"Of course you can't compare with you in realm, but if you talk about power alone, Nova is not bad."

Bai Linluo was very confident. "Will you two try?"


Li Fan promised to go down, but Nova returned to her knees and crushed a piece of ground again.

"Master, Nova is afraid!"

Nova looked a little terrified, "Nova is your sword, your shield! How can I hurt you!"

"Just try it, don't be afraid."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled, "I'm not porcelain, it's broken at the touch. Come on, I'll see how well you are."


Nova pulled out her sword and handed it to Li Fan, "You want my life, take it at any time!"

Nova said rightly, "But I will never do anything to you! If you try again and again, I can only pierce my heart."


This girl is so mean ... keke, her legs are pretty.

"Then try again later."

Bai Linluo said, "I'm not in a hurry."

Then, he looked at the time, "It's time to meet the foreign envoys. Let's go see the big brothers first, don't let them wait, and say we're rude."

"Well, let's go."

Although he did not want to see him, Li Fan knew what his identity meant, so he could only follow Bai Linluo and walk out.

"Are you waiting for them?"

Li Fan asked, not seeing a military base.

"Well, they are here to buy weapons after all, naturally they have to come here."

Bai Linluo nodded. "Also, our armaments are also here. This time we need to open up the eyes of those foreign friends."

As a result, Li Fan was notified when they arrived.

"Sorry, the three ambassadors haven't arrived yet."

An American Emperor's secretary stood in front of them and said to them, "Several ambassadors have just arrived in the expensive area, some are unconvinced, and their bodies are not very comfortable.

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