My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1548: Diplomatic etiquette

1548 Diplomatic etiquette

"Oh, then you let them sleep well."

Li Fan laughed and waved his hand. "Wait for the next time they arrive on time, and then buy something."

With that said, Li Fan turned around and instructed Bai Linluo, "Chief executive, there is still a lot of business, hurry up. I will sell the equipment to the commander of the armament zone."


Bai Linluo nodded, and behind Li Fan, the two left the military base together.

The secretary is dumbfounded, lying down, is this going back? No, the ambassadors haven't come yet, and they haven't given them off yet!

But whoever Li Fan is, just walk away and leave no emotion at all. The three ambassadors received a phone call from the secretary, and they burst into anger.

They are all ambassadors of great powers, and thousands of miles ran here to buy equipment. Li Fan, this guy, even released them pigeons?


The island ambassador's name was Okamoto. He was thin and small, only forty years old, somewhat thankful, and his eyes glowed with thieves.

"I strongly protest and condemn them fiercely!"

Okamoto was very angry. He went to the custom shop here a few days ago, and the other party didn't even give a discount! Baga, don't you know he is an ambassador? Really unsightly things! impolite!

"I want to say, let's go back."

The master of Bangzi Guo is a handsome young man named Li Riji. He is dressed in a black suit and said arrogantly, "Give us a moment, our big Bangzi can develop more powerful equipment than them! Yes, their Who is the developer? Maybe it's our bloodline! "

"I understand what you think. The man named Li Fan is indeed too much, even ignoring our majesty."

The ambassador of the US emperor is Fakke, "He even ignored the country behind us! This behavior deserves to be condemned."

"Yes! You must make him apologize!"

Okamoto shouted harshly against the Mediterranean, "Let him kneel down on us! Otherwise I will never forgive him!"

"Weak nations have no diplomacy, we really should give this kid a bit of hardship!"

Li Riji also agreed with Okamoto.

"This time, I'm on Mr. Okamoto's side!"

"Thanks for Li Sang's support, your country is our most loyal ally."

"Mr. Okamoto, you are welcome. Our two countries have been friendly and cooperative, not to mention that this time it is indeed Lijiadao!"

These two people uttered a secret haha, internationally, there is such a proverb that everyone knows, called China-Japan friendship depends on South Korea, China-Korea friendship depends on Japan, Japan-South Korea friendship depends on China.

This sentence fully illustrates the relationship between the three Asian giants. Usually when the two want to be friendly, they will find a reason to be hostile to the third together. Otherwise, there are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

"But don't forget, when we came, the mission was also explained above."

Fack took a deep breath and reminded the two indignant ambassadors in front of him, "Last time the Lijiadao raided the storm mercenary regiment, destroying the other side with zero damage, you all know?"


Okamoto nodded, "If it weren't for this, we wouldn't come to this place to get angry."

"That's right, we are ambassadors, even if we are a little bit angry, it's normal."

The voice of Fakke also changed, making Okamoto and Li Riji both stunned.

"Mr. Fack, do you mean?"

"A small leak will sink a great ship."

Fack sighed. "We are all working for the country, and it doesn't matter if we are a little wronged."

"It's okay to be wronged, but the country is behind us!"

Li Riji did not agree with Fack's statement, "We are ashamed of being small and our country is ashamed! I, Li Riji, must not tolerate such behavior on Li Jiadao! He neglects us, and does not respect our motherland!"

"Yes, I agree with Li Sang!"

Okamoto nodded immediately, "Li Sang, I want to advance with you!"

"Well, since they are so insistent, I won't advise you."

Fack said, "I'll just buy the equipment tomorrow, you two can go back in advance."


The two stunned at the same time, what's going on? Ambassador of the U.S. Emperor has been subdued? How does this make them both play?

They are all looking at the US Emperor's horse, and the US Emperor counseled, can they still be tough? Definitely not!

"Since Ambassador Falk is generous and willing to forgive him, I should be more generous."

Okamoto felt his own Mediterranean, and immediately changed his mind.

"That's right, we have a idiom in our country, which is called tolerant."

Li Riji said shamelessly, "Then Li Fan is a villain, but we can't give him general insights!"

"Then we'll buy the equipment together tomorrow, isn't it?"

Fack glanced at the two, and the other nodded at the same time. Fakke said, okay, the two were not stupid home. Lijia Island is now full of momentum, there is no need to face them. Although he wanted to give Li Fan a little bit of power at first, the kid was really a thorn, and it was difficult to deal with. They are just like the rogue, they go there. Either please or fight ... but hitting Lijiadao is obviously an unwise move. First, Lijia Island is a special administrative region of Huaxia and must not be moved. Second, Li Fan, this guy ... Anxious, running away from the US emperor, the US government can't stand it.

Therefore, attitudes can only remain friendly. If you do n’t eat Mawei, do n’t eat it, just buy their equipment and go back to develop it. I have to say that Lijiadao has opened up a new generation of armaments. If it does not keep up with the times, the hegemony of the US emperor will probably decline! With the level of science and technology of the United States, cracking Lijiadao's equipment should be easy!

"Well, the complaint is over. Let's apologize to Li Fan tomorrow."

Fakke said so. Although Okamoto and Li Riji were unwilling, they could only confess their fate. How capable this Li Fan is, even the Emperor does not dare to underestimate them!

That night, the three ambassadors brought gifts and went to the Chief Executive's house to apologize. They originally wanted to ask Li Fan to apologize, but just like disappearing, Li Fan could not see anyone at all, so he could only retreat to the chief executive.

Since they apologized, Bai Linluo also spoke for them. The next day, Li Fan was late and drove to the military base again.

In addition to Liu Zhu driving for Li Fan, the female soldier Nova also followed. As Li Fan's bodyguard, she must be inseparable and follow Li Fan!

This time, it was the turn of the three ambassadors. The three of them waited for an hour, and Li Fan finally arrived.

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