1549 episode

"Several ambassadors, sorry."

Li Fan lazily walked down, "It's too late to get up, I'm really sorry."

"Where and where."

With a smile on his face, the American ambassador Fakke said, "It's our pleasure to have Lee Island manage every day and spend time with us to watch our equipment."

"Ah, in fact, Real Madrid was against Juventus yesterday. I stayed up late to watch more meetings, I'm sorry."

"Yes, yeah ... I also like watching football ..."

Fack wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said.

"I didn't expect the ambassador to watch the ball, fate."

"It's a cultural need to watch football!"

Fack said with a smile, "But what I like more is our armament on Lijiadao! I heard that Lijiadao's main battle weapon is the kinetic energy series, the magnetic storm series and the reaper series? The Chinese military has a lot of these Interested and hope to purchase in large quantities. "

"These three sets of equipment are good to say."

Li Fan was silent, and in this regard Bai Linluo took the decision.

"Several ambassadors, you also know that our Lijiadao technology is biased towards individual equipment."

Bai Linluo clapped his hands, and an iron door next to it opened, and three figures slowly came out of it. Of the three, one was wearing kinetic energy armor, one was carrying a magnetic storm cannon, and the other was a reaper manipulator.

"It's all here. Several ambassadors pre-order Congyou."

Bai Linluo said.

"I heard that these equipment have good combat effectiveness, but it seems that they can only be effective if they are combined."

The island ambassador started to pick up the fault. "Compared to the tiger king armor developed by the United States, it seems to be much worse."

"Rates said."

Bai Linluo immediately retorted, "Not long ago we suppressed a terrorist organization called Storm. They used this equipment and were wiped out by us. And if you think the tiger king armor is good, why not buy the tiger king armor What about? "

Okamoto and Li Riji were silent.

Tiger King Battlegear ... That set is too expensive! If you want to arm a establishment, the military investment is too great!

"Chief executive, tell them the price of these three sets."

Li Fan motioned.

"Kinetic knuckle, 3.88 million. Magnetic storm knuckle, 2.88 million. Reaper, 2.99 million."

Bai Linluo said three prices, "USD."

The three ambassadors looked at each other. I wipe, this is too cheap!

"How do you think about it, guys?"

Bai Linluo was like a salesman. "Hurry up!"

"This, things are not too expensive, but is there really that kind of combat power?"

Li Riji was somewhat skeptical, "Will it be just fabrication?"

"Can you try the goods."

Bai Linluo pointed at a row of armored vehicles in the distance, and at the same time motioned to Li Riji to pick up a kinetic hammer.

"Those armored vehicles are strong enough, so use them to test."

"How does this thing work?"

Li Riji raised the starting energy hammer, feeling a bit light, or even a bit unreal. Is this thing really combative?

Under the guidance of Bai Linluo, he waved a kinetic hammer against the armored vehicle in the distance and hit the ground.


A wave of waves spread out immediately, and several armored vehicles separated by more than ten meters flew up and flew up. They flew up more than one meter high, and then fell heavily to the ground. Everyone's eyes were round and round, and they couldn't believe the power of the kinetic hammer. This thing is so strong?

"This is a magnetic storm cannon, let you feel it."

Bai Linluo signaled them to be casual, so Li Riji picked up a magnetic cannon. The weight of the magnetic storm cannon is not light, and it is still connected to the electric box. Without the strength, it really can't be carried.

In the end, Li Riji had to pick up the magnetic cannon with the island ambassador Okamoto, aimed at an armored vehicle, and then fired.

The blue-violet current flew out and hit several armored vehicles directly. The armored vehicles were immediately hit by a magnetic storm and instantly turned into coke.

Such a mighty power surprised the ambassadors.

"Well, the money for these armored vehicles has to be reimbursed by the two ambassadors."

Li Fan emphasized, "Our land is scarce and scarce, and we are very poor, and we cannot afford you to toss."

The two ambassadors could not blame Li Fan for being stingy, they were also shocked by the power of this weapon!

"Third weapon! I'll try it myself!"

In fact, what Okamoto was most concerned about was the reaper. I heard that this armor does not require professional soldiers to operate, and only needs to train a few skills. In other words, with this set of equipment, even ordinary people will become Superman!

"Yes, but this set of equipment still requires some operating skills."

Bai Linluo reminded him, "Otherwise there will be danger."

"I'm also from the Self-Defense Force! It's nothing!"

Okamoto can't wait, "Come, let me try, how powerful this thing is!"

Then, Okamoto hurriedly put on the reaper suit and moved his finger. A robotic arm bounced out and stuck on the ground. The alloy knife above penetrated directly into the ground more than ten centimeters deep.

"not bad!"

Okamoto was a little excited. "This armor is really useful!"

Then, he continued to operate the reaper and began to try activities. A set of reapers can indeed turn ordinary people into superman!

Okamoto enjoyed this powerful feeling, but he improperly operated, the machine suddenly walked up, and then waved the robot hand, even went to Li Fan!

Okamoto was scared, and the more he panicked, the less the reaper would listen to manipulation! Okamoto felt like he was playing a dangerous unicycle, and the more he panicked, the more he lost his balance! If he hurts Li Fan, it will be an international diplomatic disaster!

Fack and Li Riji are also scared. The crotch is sour. It's over. If Li Fan is injured, can he still have it? I'm afraid everyone can't eat and walk around!

At this moment, the female warrior Nova who had stood next to her for a long time suddenly stepped forward, stretched out her hand, grabbed the reaper's mechanical hand, and then forced her waist and turned her body to throw the reaper together with Okamoto !!


Okamoto's body was severely hit on a suv next to it, smashing that suv directly.

"Well, remember to ask the island ambassador to compensate the car."

Li Fan once again stated, "We are poor."

Everyone wiped the cold sweat with joy and shock. The good news is that Li Fan is safe, but the beauty is amazing. How could she tear such a powerful reaper by hand ... oh dear, what is this girl about?

"Well, everyone, should we talk about our business?"

Bai Linluo saw a medical staff go to cure Okamoto, and then the topic was formalized. "Although some episodes occurred, I don't think it will affect our transactions, right?"

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