My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1556: Courtesy light

1556 Li

"That's good!"

Father Liang was a little happy now, and couldn't help but look at Li Fan again.

"But ... how do I feel, that kid is a little bit unusual."

"Dad, your presbyopia should be cured."

"Fart! Do you want me to be blind?"

"Which way! Dad, I just think that you don't even look at so many children in this family, how can the boy Ho Hode, how can he get into your eyes?

"You know a fart!"

Father Liang was also torn from the battlefield that year. During the Korean and Vietnamese battles, he singled out and did not know how many American devils. Even after so many years of peace, he still deeply remembers the feeling of being aggressive and surviving.

At that time, death was sleeping beside him.

On the opposite boy, Father Liang felt a little pressure. This is a beast surviving on the battlefield, a feeling of instinct.

That kid, is it extraordinary? Since he is a granddaughter, shouldn't he also come out and test him?

"Xiaotian, you call this kid over a while, I have something to ask him."


"Don't understand people?"

"Okay, you're your birthday, you're the oldest."

"Fart, I'm the biggest birthday!"

"Yes, everything you said is true!"

Liang Tian couldn't help it, his own father initiated a madness, and no one could stop it.

"Wait for everyone to finish the gift, it's almost the same."

Liang Tian is quite optimistic about Luo Bei. The Luo family is very powerful in Beijing. If they can marry their family, it will also be beneficial to the Liang family.

"Master Luo sent the Golden Buddha in Thailand and wished Master Liang a long life!"

A delicate golden Buddha was brought up, shining brightly, and everyone looked at him for a while. Hey, it ’s the Luo family. It ’s really rich. There is also a seal behind this golden Buddha, which is obviously the treasure that the master has opened. These things can be encountered but not sought.

Everyone talked, and they all praised Luo Bei, so that there was light on Luo North. He seemed to take a look at Li Fan with some pride.

"Li family ... Master Li family sent me a platinum box ..."

When Liang Jun was reading the gift, he also hesitated. The crowd then laughed, Liang Tian shook his head, and wanted to be the son-in-law of the Liang family with this gift?

Everyone looked at Li Fan, and laughed with tears. Liang Ru was also a little embarrassed. This Li Fan said that he had paid for him to buy things. As a result, he just didn't want to, and he had to prepare it by himself! When this is over, you will be dead by a joke!

"This gift from classmate Li is chic."

Luo Bei laughed, "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly!"

"Hahaha, I laughed so much, this thing is so embarrassing to take out?"

"I can't help it! What deserves Miss Liang? Toad wants to eat swan meat!"

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, for his praise."

In the laughter of everyone, Li Fan still looked unsmiling, just like Mu Chunfeng.

He raised his wine glass, stood up, and bowed to Father Liang, so that everyone looked at him and became quiet.

"The stuff from the big guys is good. Wannian Snow Ginseng, Nanyang Pearl, and this Thai Golden Buddha are all treasures."

Li Fan talked frankly, "Although I only gave me platinum, but compared to you, this gift has its own unique meaning."


Seeing his father's eyes, Liang Jun understood and immediately asked Li Fan.

"I want to know, what is the significance of this platinum?"

"The point is, I bought this melatonin and bought it on the street."

Li Fan looked at Luo Bei. "Excuse me, dear Luo Xue, your golden buddha is very good, but did you buy the golden buddha for your own money? And the golden buddha bought in Thailand ... I want to ask Did you go to Thailand in person? "

"Me, of course I am ..."

Luo Bei wanted to excuse him, but he knew this at a glance, and he did not dare to pretend.

"My mind is most important ..."

"Yes, mind is most important!"

Li Fan claps his hands, "Luo Xuechang is really knowledgeable and unique. You are minds, and I am also minds. I do not laugh at your minds, why do you want to laugh at my minds?

Li Fan suddenly increased his tone, "I also said that you feel that everyone's respect for and love Father Liang can be measured by money? Does Father Liang in everyone's minds be a person who takes money for granted?"

"Father Liang, the festival is so fierce, how can he treat his wealth like life! These are just a little gift for everyone. Don't put everyone online!"

Luo Bei immediately accused Li Fan.

"Boli, that's very good. You golden Buddha is really thin."

Li Fan grinned, "Then my melatonin can only be as light as a feather. But there is an old saying that it ’s good to send goose feathers for thousands of miles, and the courtesy is light. So you all laughed so much Are you mocking the ancients, or is it mocking our grandfather Liang?

With a few words, Li Fan pushed and beat, sophistry was like the wind, and immediately turned everyone's spearhead at Master Liang.

Everyone didn't say a word, and they were silent. And Liang Ru brightened her eyes, especially when she saw Luo Bei eating crickets, and even couldn't help giving Li Fan a secret thumbs up.

"Okay, well said."

Mr. Liang spoke first and broke the deadlock. "The boy is knowledgeable. Come here and talk to the old man."

Luo Bei was jealous for a while, and he pleased the Liang family so many times. Now, even ask the poor student to chat in the past! Damn it! Was he robbed of the opportunity? The boy gave birth to a mouth. What did Father Liang think of him?

"Come on, talk carefully."

Liang Ru took Li Fan and walked towards Father Liang. The eyes around him all came down, watching Li Fan as if he were the focus of the audience.

Li Fan turned a blind eye, as if there was no famous family, but all a bunch of eggplant potatoes.

"Smelly girl, you know that, don't you think I'm dead?"

Father Liang first pulled his granddaughter and let her sit next to her.

"How can you, so many people are turning around Grandpa, I dare not disturb you."

Liang Ru grinned. In front of her grandfather, she let go, as if she had taken off some of her vigilance.

"It's all flies, annoying."

"So, I dare not bother you."

"Slick tongue!"

The old man pinched his granddaughter's nose, "Can't tell me soon, who is this stinky boy?"

"Hello, my name is Li Yun, Liang Ru's classmate."

Li Fan immediately stepped forward and made a brief introduction to himself.

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