My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1555: Liang Jia Shou Yan

1555 Yan Liang Family Birthday Banquet

"Want to know?"

Li Fan knew Luo Bei was taunting himself intentionally, but he was not angry. If it is angry, then it is Luo Bei's way.

"I'm really curious."

Luo Bei nodded with a smile. "You are Xiaoru's boyfriend. I heard that Grandpa Liang loves this granddaughter most. Since it is the granddaughter of the future, the gift is definitely not bad?"

"That's for sure, it can't be worse."

Li Fan squinted his eyes at Luo Bei, looking confident.

"Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it."

Luo Bei sneered, and was about to say something, and suddenly there was applause. He turned around and saw that a cousin of Liang Ru had just stepped onto the high platform and was holding a microphone in his hand. Liang Ru's cousin, Liang Jun, is a well-known host of CCTV.

The people of the Liang family are all dragons and phoenixes, and they are all elites and leaders.

If Li Fan was really just a normal college student, he might really be humiliated today. Fortunately, Li Fan's identity is not ordinary, especially his mentality. With so many elites in the Liang family, none of them can be compared with Li Fan's experience. Naturally, he cannot reach the unity of man and nature like Li Fan. .

Li Fan sat here. Although he was noisy around him, although the hall was luxurious, Li Fan turned a blind eye. At this moment he seemed to be sitting in the clouds, surrounded by the clear water, as if he had come to the sea of ​​heart again.

The bustling hustle and bustle is slowly going away, and the one who welcomes Li Fan is quiet.

As the saying goes, Xiaoyin hides in the wild and Dayin hides in the city. If the mentality is good, even the noisy marketplace can still cultivate the Tao.

Liang Jun presided over the family's birthday banquet. As the birthday banquet of Mr. Liang, it can't be too luxurious or simple. Therefore, eating and giving gifts are usually these contents. After all, Father Liang has retreated and has no real power. If he accepts gifts, the people above will only open one eye and close one eye.

But every year, Mr. Liang donates these gifts to the country. But he can not, others can't help but give away. Although Mr. Liang is honest, he is not unreasonable. He had a clean government himself, but did not force everyone around him to do the same.

In Huaxia, there are official rules in the officialdom. As long as it does not violate party spirit, Mr. Liang allows some evasion within the allowable range.

Li Fan and Liang Ru were seated in a seat. There was almost no one here. Only Luo Bei was cheeky, and he just sat with them. Soon, Mr. Liang came up, but the old man was still alive. He made his face look like a child, pushed away the children of the Liang family who wanted to support himself, and walked to the chairman's seat.

"Thank you for being here. After speaking for so long, everyone is hungry. I announce that the birthday banquet of Father Liang of our family has officially started!"

Liang Jun announced that everyone began to plan.

Many people take this place directly as a social occasion. After all, those who can appear here are big men with heads and faces.

"Zhao Family, Zhao Gongzi sent a thousand years of snow ginseng! Wish Master Liang Liang live forever!"

"Mr. Yang's Yang brought the night pearl of Nanyang! I wish Father Liang the best of spring and autumn!"

Liang Jun didn't bother to eat, and reported the gift list there. Father Liang seemed to be impatient. The old man didn't eat, he opened the newspaper and put on reading glasses, as if watching the news above. He slipped his lips when he heard the list.

"Fault, I am an old man, what do I want those things to do! Extravagance and waste!"

"Dad, these are all the wishes of the big guys."

Liang Ru's second uncle Liang Tian, ​​wearing an ordinary black woolen sweater, sat beside his father, with a smile, "Dad, you take it."

"Yes, but you donate it to me afterwards."

Father Liang snorted, "I really want to get it in my pocket. I'm afraid of losing my life."

"Okay, that's our usual practice."

Liang Tian nodded, "Besides, our family is not bad at all, it's just a heart."

"Xiaotian, I can tell you that your business is big and you can't do illegal things."

While reading the newspaper, Father Liang did not forget to remind his second son, "Don't look at me old, but my ears are good. If you let me know what bad water your kid has, don't blame me for breaking your leg!"

"Dad, what do you say, is that the kind of person I see?"

"You, do you know best. Learn more from your older brother, man, you have to go the right way, you know?"

"Always ask me to learn from my eldest brother. The eldest brother is going to deny six relatives!"

Liang Tian poured a bite of Moutai to the old man, and at the same time murmured dissatisfied, "Moreover, how dare I do bad things, I'm afraid of going to hell!"

"Only bad people are afraid of going to hell."

Father Liang snorted again, "We are an old revolutionary, we don't recognize any ghosts! There is righteousness in our hearts, and we have no worries!"

"Xing Xing Xing, my old Red Army, you have consciousness, I can learn more from you, okay?"

"Just know it in your heart, don't say it."

The old man muttered again, "Your brother is not here?"

"He will."

"Okay ... what about Ru?"

"Sit over there."

"This little girl didn't know to be close to Grandpa! Not so when I was a kid!"

The old man sighed.

"Xiaoru is special this year."

"What's so special?"

"I heard that he brought his boyfriend back ... well, it's just sitting there."


Father Liang pulled down his glasses and glanced in the direction of Liang Ru.

"Stink boy of the Luo family? I haven't looked down on that boy, how did Xiaoru find him?"

"It's not him, it's the one next."

"Which one?"

"normal family."

Liang Tian had already checked, "Parents are ordinary people."


Father Liang seemed a little happy. "Still Xiaoru has an idea. Young people are better than us old guys."

"Dad, how do ordinary families deserve our family?"

"Fart! Pour up, our family is also an ordinary person!"

Father Liang scolded, "Your boy, you are forgetting more and more!"

"Dad, don't be angry, I'm telling the truth."

Liang Tian said slowly, "Look, what kind of people are our family going to now. Even if you don't say, I don't say, one day, sooner or later, this kid will feel the gap himself. Being a son-in-law, you said, would he be happy? "

"What's unhappy, I look happy!"

Mr. Liang is also very embarrassed, "In short, you are not allowed to interfere in this matter!"

"Oh, your baby granddaughter's temper is like you, how dare we!"

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