1554 Gift

"Xiaoru, you are here, everyone has been waiting a long time."

"Yeah, yeah, come, let the auntie look, it's beautiful again!"

After Li Fan got out of the car, the waiter took the car keys for them and stopped.

As soon as he entered the club room, seven aunts and eight aunts greeted him, surrounded Liang Ru, and kept talking. Li Fan had a feeling that these people seemed to be eating Liang Ru. Looking at Liang Ru's expression, it seemed a little irritable, but helpless.

In front of it is a large banquet hall where many people from the Liang family and some foreign guests are gathered here. Li Fan glanced at each one, everyone was busy and embarrassed, it seemed like a place for communication. Liang Ru managed to get rid of those relatives, walked in front of Li Fan, and took a breath.

"so annoying."

Liang Ru looked awkwardly, "This is like a relative. A mole is a matchmaker."

"This is also concerned about your personal situation!"

Li Fan haha ​​smiled.

"Caring about the fart, they want to sell me all day long."

Liang Ru cut aloud, "Today's boy, tomorrow's young master! I don't understand. Is the future of Liang's family not possible through marriage? It's as good as my third aunt, if he doesn't marry for life, he's Work for life! "

"Don't marry for life. Isn't that an old nun?"

"Who said, do we women live to marry men?"

Liang Ru pouted and looked at Li Fan with contempt. "You are masculinity!"

"Women should find a good home. I don't think it's macho."

Li Fan said to himself, "Even a man, he should have a family and a career. Maybe my thinking is more traditional, but I just think that one person is too lonely."

"The incompetent are alone."

Liang Ru insisted, "I have music and I never feel lonely."

"I feel that when you play, you are the loneliest."

In a word of Li Fan, Liang Ru said silently.

"Stop talking nonsense ... what do you know ..."

Liang Ru only recovered some glory for a long time, and then poked, "I asked you to come here to help you, but not to me."

"Yes, I said too much, don't get angry."

Li Fan had to play a haha, he did talk to Liang Ru too much and almost forgot his identity.

"Hum, just know!"

Liang Ru saw that Li Fan was soft, and then she was happy again.

"Stop that, we will give Grandpa a present, eat something, and we will leave."

"Why, it's your grandpa's birthday, don't you want to spend more time with him?"

"Just stay with me. What kind of filial piety do you play at this time?"

Liang Ru rolled his eyes. "All this is just a cutscene, meaningless. I wouldn't have been here without my dad forcing me to come!"

"What about uncle? Is he here?"

Li Fan asked subconsciously.

"He can't come today. He wants a meeting."

Liang Ru shrugged his shoulders. "He has only a job in his eyes and no home."

Li Fanxin said, this is also no way. Sometimes I am the same, patronizing a busy career, and unable to take care of my loved ones.

"There is always a choice."

Li Fan said a fair word for his cheap "old man", "A person like my uncle is a good public servant of the people."


Suddenly Liang Ru looked at Li Fan with suspicion, "Did I tell you what my father did?"

"Say it!"

Li Fan's heart was tight, but after all, he had a good psychological quality, and he opened his eyes and talked nonsense.


Suddenly Liang Ru's look became strange.

"what happened to you?"

Li Fan murmured secretly, wouldn't he show his feet?

"You ... are a little different."

"What's different? Am I two crickets?"

"Go to yours, indecent!"

Liang Ru glanced fiercely at Li Fan. "If someone else knows my identity, they will follow suit. But you ... treat me like a **** of plague, how far you can hide!"

"It's not a good bird to be eager for you."

Li Fan laughed, "And me, I'm not a good bird, so I'm afraid the people's public servants, naturally the farther you are, the better."

"I'm a **** of plague?"

"No, you are not a plague god."

"That's pretty much it!"

"Just a tigress."

"Li Yun! You are going to die!"

Liang Ruqi gritted his teeth and was about to punish Li Fan. Li Fan and Liang Ru saw that this person was very familiar, not someone else, but the returning handsome guy Luo Bei who had met a few days ago.

"Luo Bei? Why are you here?"

Liang Ru frowned and obviously did not like this person.

"Grandpa Liang's 80th birthday, how can I not come?"

Luo Bei was dressed in a formal suit, handsome and dazzling, attracting the attention of many young girls around. As the saying goes, whoever girl is not pregnant, especially when encountering such a handsome and sunny young man, can't help moving his heart.

But Liang Ru is an exception. She is most annoyed by men like Luo Bei. It's not true at all, the whole person lives in hypocrisy! Li Fan is the best beside him, he is so real, even if he hates himself, he will not hide it.

"What are you doing here, annoying to see you!"

Liang Ru did not conceal her disgust, Luo Bei's face froze, but she quickly smiled again. But he was thinking in his heart, isn't this stinky biaozi going to chase this barbarous woman for her family background? He Luobei is so handsome and handsome. What kind of woman does he want? The women who posted are all in groups!

Who made her father the national leader! Bear it! Luobei, Luobei, you can't help but plan! This woman is also pretty good, and it's not bad to catch up with her.

When you catch up with her, you must play through all the holes in her body, and then go out to spend a lot of time and make her stay alone every day, then cry again to apologize to yourself! What kind of lady is a woman! If you are a woman, you must survive as a man!

"Mr. Li, I didn't expect you to be here."

Luo Bei's eyes were on Li Fan's body. He wanted to laugh especially, and was Li Li worthy of coming here? Yeah, let him understand what is called a door to door.

"He's my boyfriend, naturally coming!"

Liang Ru was afraid that Li Fan would reveal something, grabbed his head, and said categorically, as if it were the real thing.

"That's right. Grandpa Liang is celebrating his birthday today. Can Li prepare a gift?"

Luo Bei was also not angry, and continued, "I specially invited a million Buddha from Thailand for two million! It was opened by a master. I heard that Baoren is lucky and long-lived. Oh yes, Li, you haven't said it yet. What gift did you buy? "

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