1553 Hierarchy

This time Liang Ru did realize what she told Li Fan clearly and impersonate her boyfriend. In addition, Liang Ru also tailored a set of identities with Li Fan to ensure that he can pass in front of his family. Liang Ru's family is a large family, with a large number of people and rules, and a higher vision than ordinary people. It seems that Li Fan can only rely on Liang Ru's methods to pass through their eyes.

"Remember, it can only be impersonation, and you can't really fake it."

In the car heading to Liang Ru's house, Li Fan drove while listening to the quietness in his ears.

Li Fan leaned on Nie Li, gathered his voice into a line, and said to quiet.

"Relax, I know."

Li Fan is here to do the task, not to pick up girls, he has a bottom line in his heart. Therefore, he tries to ensure that he does not have too much physical contact with Liang Ru, so as not to have Liang Ru think about himself! But it's impossible to say no contact at all, after all, many tasks require personal protection. The most difficult part of Li Fan's task is to maintain a certain distance from Liang Ru and maintain a certain degree of intimacy with her. For the quiet, Li Fan felt that the arrangement of her to assist herself was more like a reminder to herself. Everyday I raise my face, for fear that Li Fan will make a mistake!

No matter what happened to the daughter of the leader, fuss! Li Fan didn't have any relationship with Liang Ru because she was afraid of hurting Ru. The girl looked very strong, but she was actually fragile.

"Is this identity okay?"

Li Fan wore the suit he had last time, and Liang Ru specially matched him with a red tie. The tightness of the neckline made Li Fan a little uncomfortable. However, in view of the little girl's good attitude this time, Li Fan felt that she could still give her a chance. A little uncomfortable, so bear it.

"Relax, I have hung you under the name of my friend's company."

Liang Ru said confidently, "He started a business outside and has little success. I asked you to name him a vice president, and that's fine."

"What business does he do?"

Li Fan asked subconsciously.

"Rest assured, serious business, website."

"Willn't it be a yellow website?"

"To you, it's a video station. The traffic is pretty good right now."

Liang Ru gave Li Fan a reassuring look. "However, your family background is slightly worse. I hope they don't take it too seriously."

"It took more than a hundred years for the ancestors to overthrow the class feudal system, and you were restored again."

Li Fan could not help but ridicule.

"This is not my own pot."

Liang Ru hurriedly refuted, "No matter in which country, the hierarchy always exists! This world is inherently unfair. You have to ask why, weak meat and strong food, this is the law of nature!"

"In Lijiadao, we don't have this system."

Li Fan said, "Everyone doesn't look up because anyone has the money or the power."

"If you have the money and the power to enjoy the privileges, who will work hard?"

Liang Ru, however, said his theory, "As long as there is someone, there will be class and there will be contrast. Utopia or something does not exist. You let those who work hard to make money enjoy the same rights as those who are lazy. It must be impossible, right? "

"Of course not."

Li Fan laughed. "But some people do not rely on their own efforts, but the power of the family. If these people have no power, what else can they leave? Especially I hate that because the other person's family conditions are not as good as themselves. Just look down. There is a saying that is good, not to bully young people into poverty. "

"Really, you tell me what these principles are for, and I don't look down on you."

Liang Ru spread his hands.

"When you first met, weren't you the same?"

"Hey, that's not looking down on you, OK."

Liang Ru shook his lips and said, "I do this to everyone. I don't start from my family status, but just subconsciously think that your men are not resistant to beautiful women."

"Where are you beautiful?"

"Wipe, why isn't your mother beautiful?"

Liang Ru was angry, Li Fan laughed.

"Okay, okay, no kidding."

Li Fan waved his hand, "Talk about the business, today I will seriously help you, but only this time, it will never be possible in the future!"

"Cut, of course this time, don't you still want to be my boyfriend!"

Liang Ru rolled her eyes and made Li Fan laugh.

"You guy, really got cheap and sell well!"

Liang Ru and Li Fan had nothing to do.

"By the way, I'm saying you are the Cayenne, so don't let yourself go."

"I wipe ..."

Li Fan wiped his cold sweat, "I feel like your lie is getting bigger and bigger."

"I don't care, you've got me covered anyway!"

Liang Ru was also ruthless, "Since it's my Liang Ru boyfriend, I can't be looked down upon by those guys!"

"Let's do my best."

Li Fan had to respond first.

"Well, it's time to see you. It's best to talk less, and if you talk too much, it's easy to reveal stuff!"


Li Fan nodded, and the two continued to discuss countermeasures all the way to the destination. Liang Ru's grandfather's birthday was a birthday banquet in a private club. This old man is a fighting hero, now retreating, but still has some influence on it. Many of his subordinates at that time are now highly weighted, including his own son. Sometimes, as long as he goes out on the phone, it is better than some decree. However, the old man never abused his rights. The Liang family always lived with the people and honesty.

Mr. Liang has three children, and his eldest son is Liang Ru's father. He embarked on a career path, stepped up, and finally reached today's position.

Father Liang's second son chose to do business. Relying on his own efforts and some considerations above, he also made the family business quite big.

As for the younger daughter of Father Liang, she chose to study science if she did not pursue careers or do business. Now she is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. According to information quietly given to Li Fan, it is said that the development of Dragon God No. 1 was attended by the academician Liang.

Otherwise, the father of the tiger has no dog, and the three children of the Liang family are not weak, all of them are dragons and phoenixes.

In addition, Father Liang and his brothers and sisters, Liang Ru's father, a cousin, cousin, and cousin, are really a big family of dozens. Because Mr. Liang is the pillar of the whole family, his birthday is the top priority! This club that hosts wedding banquets is also the industry of Liang's second child. If you eat and drink in a place other than your own, it's no wonder that the old man doesn't smoke him!

Soon, Li Fan opened the Cayenne and stopped at the club door.

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