My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1552: Five Shadows

1552 The Five Shadows

Although Nova is a woman, she is very brave. Shocked by the dragon roar, she still held up her sword, jumped over, and slashed again with a sword, ready to split the number nine in half!

However, a dragon tail suddenly grew behind No. 9 and flung it directly, like a whip, and drew on Nova's body, and swept away Nova.


Nova broke through the wall of the second-floor office and fell into it with the rubble.


No. 9 mocked, "It's so weak, it's only worthy of being my servant!"


Li Fan has all kinds of unpleasant feelings, it is estimated that he will be beaten by this guy today!

"You are going to die!"

On the 9th, in the posture of a dragon, he looked at Li Fan uneasily, "I will make you die happier."

"Less nonsense, go to war!"

As soon as Li Fan reached out, the large metal gun from Bailong Wang suddenly flew up and fell directly into Li Fan's hands. This big gun is at least six or seven meters long, but Li Fan just held it like a god!


Li Fan swung the big gun down. This long gun split the whole building in half, and then fell to No. 9's head.

"Good job!"

Nine was unmoved, and he was even a little excited!

On the 9th, she stretched out her hands, held the big gun, and looked defiantly at the opposite Li Fan.

"You, too weak!"

Said on the 9th, he went straight up and lifted the big gun. At the other end of the gun, Li Fan was lifted into the air more than seven meters high. On the 9th, he pierced the big gun on the ground, then pressed against the gun body, and ran up, chasing Li Fan.

"Good job!"

Li Fan yelled, he rolled over, directly recorded the Qing Emperor Dinghai, and shot it towards the 9th!

The two met together in mid-air, and the palms of the hands exchanged, creating a strong energy, and immediately exploded! Even the big alloy gun was bent a bit by the aftermath of the explosion. The people below were shocking!

What a terrible battle, it's not that they can intervene!


However, Li Fan's strength was slightly weaker. He was blown out and smashed into the gun. He bent the upper section of the gun again and put the whole person on it.

"Oh, goodbye."

Nine came to Li Fan again. Then, his dragon claws pierced through Li Fan's chest, took out his heart, and squeezed it in his hands!

"Mr. King!"

Nova flushed her eyes and tried desperately. But Liu Zhu suddenly appeared next to her, pressed her shoulders, and sealed her acupuncture points, preventing her from moving. Although Nova's copper skin and iron bone, the internal force entered the acupuncture point in the body, but it was unobstructed. Liu Zhu's hand was also aimed at her key points.

"Let me go, I'm going to take revenge on the King!"

"Rest assured, your monarch is fine."

Liu Zhu sent a message to Nova, "This is just a clone of your monarch. The clone doesn't know. Don't speak up."

When talking, No. 9 had fallen, looking at the blood on his hand, laughing.

"It's enough to have me! I'm unique!"

With that said, he turned around and left happily from here.

When he left for more than ten minutes, Li Fan, who was hung on the gun, suddenly opened his eyes, fell down, and stepped on the ground with his feet.

He is a clone, and as long as he is not dealt a devastating blow, the general injury will automatically recover by absorbing the vitality of the world. After all, avatar is a pure energy, more like Zhou Guifei's form. Just a few minutes later, Li Fan had repaired his heart.

"Mr. King!"

Seeing Li Fan was safe and sound, Nova burst out tears in excitement, and threw herself to kneel in front of Li Fan.

"Monarch, the minister is not well protected! Please punish him!"

"You have done well."

Li Fan waved his hand, "It's not your responsibility, it's because the other party is too strong. Even my avatar is not an opponent, which is enough to see how powerful this person is."

Li Fan muttered, "Dragon body, this is not something that ordinary people can handle. I also did not expect that if I played the dragon's posture, I would be so strong."

"Master, this guy mistakenly thought that he killed you. Where will he go next?"

Liu Zhu seemed worried about this person and couldn't help asking.

"I don't know. This person has a strange character. He can only let Ling Tian check it."

Li Fan frowned. He was still thinking about one thing. Who made this man? This guy has no one in his eyes, he can't be lawless, let him out, I am afraid it will be a disaster!

"Well, keep an eye on this person!"

Liu Zhu felt threatened. "You must not let him endanger your safety."

"Rest assured, if it were me who was here, it was him who died here today."

Li Fan probably judged the strength of the opponent, which is twice as strong as the half-sage, but there is still some distance from the holy level. If you want to reach the Holy Level, that's not something anyone can do. Holy level, equivalent to the pinnacle of humanity, the top strength of this world! Li Fan also hit by mistake and practiced to reverse Yin and Yang, only to break through this limit, so that his strength can continue to improve.

"Let Ling Tian check first, which country developed the number nine."

Li Fan snorted, "If you let me know that someone released him on purpose, then blame me for being ruthless."

"Master, I can't help but destroy him first."

Liu Zhu gave advice, "This guy is a hidden danger. It is better to use the body to wipe him out in one fell swoop!"

"The way is right, but I don't have time now."

Li Fan's body is now busy being a bodyguard for others.

"Zhou Guifei is also in retreat and is not suitable for chasing people. Probably that guy has not been exhausted, let him be proud for a while.

"okay then."

Liu Zhu promised, "Then I'll tell someone to fix the house. This is a big project."

"Troublesome for everyone."

Li Fan is a little embarrassed. Although the 9th is a clone ... but it seems to be broken by himself?

"If so, then I'll get busy first, and I'll report back to you later."

Liu Zhu said, retreated. He walked out not far, took out the satellite phone, dialed a number and went out.

"Li Fan is in danger, and the target clone of the suspected dragon gene is recommended to use Five Shadows."


There was Chen Junhua's voice over the phone.

"The target threat is high, and it is recommended to win it as soon as possible!"

"Roger that."

Chen Junhua hung up the phone, and Liu Zhu was relieved.

Li Fan, Li Fan, you have a kind heart, but leave it to me to do it!

When Liu Zhu was running for Li Fan, the lord was busy accompany Liang Ru home. At first Li Fan didn't want to come, but Liang Ru was so desperate that she could only follow.

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