My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1551: Dragon Nine

1551-Nine Dragon Warriors

Li Fan's body slammed heavily on the ground, smashing the ground out of a huge pit.

Nova immediately controlled the mech, raised her foot, and stepped down towards No. 9. But No. 9 didn't take it for granted. He raised his hand and supported the mech's feet with both hands.

"All said, a pile of scrap iron, get me out!"

Nine grabbed Mech's foot, lifted it all up, and threw it into the distance. When the mech was about to fall to the ground, the magnetic energy system on his body was activated, and in conjunction with the mind movement system, it floated at a position half a meter above the ground and floated there. Nova manipulated the White Dragon King, turned over again, and at the same time, pulled two weapons on her leg with her right hand.

One of these sticks pops up a kinetic field directly above it, forming a kinetic energy shield. The other one ejected the alloy spear, and pointed the gun at the number nine below.

"Do you rely on these toys to scare me?"

No. 9 didn't care at all. When Nova shot down, he reached out and grabbed the tip of the gun, and then lifted the entire mecha to the top of his head again through the barrel.

The power of this number nine is really too great!

"Stop it!"

On the 9th, the mech hit the ground again, but the cabin popped up, and Nova jumped out from it. For a beautiful warrior like Nova, the White Dragon King cannot enhance her fighting power, but instead becomes a bondage!

"You look good."

Nine looked at the beautiful warrior and nodded with satisfaction. "You can be my servant."


Nova is only loyal to Li Fan. Although the number nine in front of him looks exactly like Jun Shang, he is not the same! The eyes of the two people are completely different!

Nova grabbed her sword, jumped up, jumped to a height of more than five meters, and then fell from the sky, a sword fell to the number nine! This sword is not weak, with a faint potential of wind and thunder!

Nine stood there, unmoved. He stretched out his right hand and caught the sword that Nova cut off with one hand directly.

"Good strength."

Nine praised, "deserves to be my servant."

"All said, dreaming!"

Nova's left-handed shield slammed forward, but No. 9 remained motionless, instead raising her foot and taking Nova back two steps.


Just as Nova was about to attack again, she put a hand on her shoulder. Li Fan readjusted his avatar, stood beside Nova, and looked at the number nine on the opposite side.

"This is a battle between us, just look at it."

"Yes, I thought you would always hide behind a woman."

No. 9 sneered.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Li Fan said that the internal forces in his body kept running, and his eyes were always on No. 9. "Your strength is good, but you should learn some martial arts."

"My power is better than everything!"

Nine held her arm and looked at Li Fan dismissively, "What **** martial arts I don't need!"

"Okay, then I'll give you a lesson."

Li Fan's body suddenly disappeared, and next to No. 9 next to him, he shot it with a single palm.


On the 9th, the response was rapid, and Li Fan immediately met. The No. 9 force is obviously stronger than Li Fan's avatar, and Li Fan's body looks to be shaken out. But at this time, Li Fan's hand was caught on No. 9's wrist, a force to pull back, dragged No. 9's body over, and throw it on the ground.

"Qingdi Dinghai!"

Li Fan fell from the sky, and a palm was printed on No. 9's chest.


The ground was trembling heavily, and a dimple appeared under No. 9 with his body embedded in it, with Li Fan's palm still on it.

In this note, Li Fan showed no mercy, and reportedly took the power of shooting No. 9 with one palm!

Although No. 9 was in a deep pit, it seemed to have suffered only minor injuries. He lifted one foot, opened Li Fan away, and stood up at the same time, wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth.


He smiled on the 9th, "But it's not enough. Compared with me, you are just a failure."

On the 9th, walking towards Li Fan step by step on the 9th brought a lot of pressure to Li Fan.

"Today you gave me some surprises. You are proud enough. Even if you die, you can smile at Jiuquan."

No. 9 said, came to Li Fan, looked at him arrogantly, "Do you know, in front of me, you are actually very small!"

Li Fan waved a kick, but was stopped by his hand. No. 9 pinched Li Fan's leg and sneered, "Look, your strength is too weak, it's useless to me at all."

On the 9th, Li Fan's legs were pushed away a little. "They all talk about how strong my body is. See you today, but that's it."

Then, he suddenly took an elbow and put it on Li Fan's chest.


Li Fan was shocked and immediately flew out and fell to the ground.

He was a little depressed, he was just an avatar, and because he was too far away from his own body, he had a lot of abilities that he could not play, so he could only perform a set of "The Palm of the Five Emperors". On the opposite side, I do n’t know how it was cultivated. It ’s going to go against the sky ... Is this really its own gene?

"Li Fan, you will disappear soon! From today on, there is only me on the 9th!"

"Magnetic storm shooting!"

At this time, on the roof next to it, stood a row of magnetically explosive infantry, with more than twenty people. Under the command of Liu Zhu, they launched a magnetic storm gun together! The twisted electromagnetic current immediately sprayed from all directions and hit No. 9! Almost in a blink of an eye, a magnetic storm formed and swept across the courtyard.

Two or three minutes later, the magnetic storm slowly dispersed. And No. 9 half-knelt there, even alive. The clothes on him had disappeared, naked, and slowly stood up.

"This method can't kill me."

On the 9th, the body suddenly began to change. Soon, many black scales grew on his body, and his hands and feet evolved into dragon claws. And from the top of his head, a pair of twisted dragon horns grew!

"Sink ... Longhua ..."

Li Fan suddenly understood that it turned out that the gene on No. 9 was devoured by a dragon! And obviously the dragon's gene is even more pure! It is exactly the same that made him so arrogant, violent, and indestructible, right?

"This is my war with him, everyone else, get away from me! Roar!"

No. 9 kicked on the ground while roaring! A wave of sound spread out directly, impacting around, and magnetically blasted the infantry around them.

War Dragon Roar? Li Fan had to admire it, this clone warrior bred from his own genes was really powerful!

"Lord, I'll help you!"

Nova suddenly jumped over again, clutching the sword with both hands, and chopped towards No. 9!

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