1562 The Great Show

Just after No. 9 finished, he suddenly raised his head and looked up.

"But you seem to have opinions?"

Nine said, picking up the wine bottle next to him and throwing it directly.


The wine bottle broke through the roof of the RV and hit the outsider.


A man waved a palm outside and broke the bottle.

The touring car was suddenly split, and a man in a gold coat was holding a big sword in his hand, exhaling sword gas on his body, and standing there.

At the same time, another man in a red coat fell from the sky and slammed into the number nine below! The palm of his hand was burning with a red flame, much like Murong Ying and Murong Bo practiced the flame palm.

Waiting for No. 9 to react, he broke open the ground with both hands, grabbed his feet, and controlled his actions.


No. 9 was holding her arm, looking at the flame palm falling from the sky, and a mocking smile hung at the corner of her mouth.

Nine said, raising his hand, and the man who followed the sky fell into one hand.


The flame engulfed No. 9's body, while the man in red falling from the air was beaten down and flew out, falling far away.

Nine stood in the fire, as if the flames were afraid of him, and he was afraid to approach two centimeters away from him.

"D Firefly, dare to show it in front of me?"

Nine stomped his feet and kicked his hands under him. He stepped on the ground, stepped out of a hole in the ground, and blasted the surrounding flames vigorously.

But at this moment, the figure of a woman in a blue dress beside the lake was quietly stepping on the water and staring at herself. At the moment when the flames were blowing on the 9th, she suddenly opened her mouth, the internal force erupted from Dantian, sent it into the mouth, and spit out a water arrow.

This water arrow was faster than the bullet, and immediately reached the throat of No.9.


On the 9th, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the water arrow directly in his hand, crushing it! The water spreads, but the man in gold arrives in front of him, and the big sword in his hand goes forward, splitting his head!


Nine waved a palm and patted the sword. The big sword smashed aside and split the ground in half. The man in red followed closely, sweeping from the back to No. 9 with fierce flames on that foot, and the strength contained in it could not be underestimated. Nine turned back and kicked the man in red! On the 9th, he slipped out half a meter, but the other party was like a kite with a broken line. He flew out three or four meters and was taken in his arms by a man in a green suit. At the foot, people continued to open the ground and attacked No. 9 on the ground. However, No. 9 was too brave and did not look at it at all. Several attacks did not take effect.

The woman's water arrow attacks on the water were frequently launched, and each time she was in front of her, she was broken by the number nine. It seems that no matter how fast, he can't escape the eyes and perception of No.9.

"The five of you are a bit capable, but still too weak."

Nine stood proudly there, paying no attention to the siege of five people, as if five children were playing with him.

"Assaults like yours do not hurt or itch to me."

On the 9th, he easily resisted the attack of Wuying. He analyzed the combat effectiveness of several people and sneered. "Just stop here, goodbye."

Nine said, suddenly a palm broke through Naruto's chest, grabbed his heart, and crushed it in his hands. At the same time, he kicked Jin Ying's head with another kick, and then chopped off Tu Ying's hands. Mu Ying and Shui Ying stood relatively far away, but the next shot of No. 9 immediately appeared in front of Shui Ying. She stung her head and flung it, smashing half of Mu Ying's body.

"Weak, too weak!"

Nine sighed, and at this time, the five figures that had been knocked down, all slowly got up again. They don't know what method to use, even if they have no organs, they are still alive. At the same time, they walked in front of the corpses, removed their organs, and sewed them on their bodies.


No. 9 was stunned. What kind of weird work is this?

"His admiration for martial arts is high."

A figure did not know when it appeared on a tree next to it. He stepped on the top of the tree and looked down at the number nine.

"However, I can see the strength of Your Excellency. You can't kill us, we can't kill you, just leave it alone."

"Oh, you want to escape when you come?"

On the 9th, he did not intend to let him go. He stepped on one foot and jumped seven or eight meters high. Suddenly, five water arrows flew over the lake. No. 9 can only turn his head and crush these five water arrows. And then went to find the person at the top of the tree, but found that the other disappeared without a trace. Then, looking back at the lake, Wuying was gone.


On the 9th, he suffered a big loss. He became furious and fell from the sky, one foot on the ground!

He immediately stepped out of a huge pit in the woods, and the surrounding trees continued to collapse, surrendering to his power.

These little ghosts who bullied the door ran away from their own hands! The anger of the 9th is abnormal, even the urge to kill!

This mood that made him jealous was driving his body. At the foot of the No. 9 bomb, quickly skipped in the direction of the city! Only killing can calm his anger!

Windsor is a typical beauty girl. She has long blonde hair, a good-looking face, and a hot body. Just graduated from college, she entered a television station in Tell with excellent grades and became a journalist. Although her boss repeatedly warned Windsor not to investigate the local gangsters, the Leicester family. But Windsor's newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. She believes that a journalist should have exposed the assassins of these beautiful emperors!

What family is Leicester? Famous underworld! These people not only control the underground world of Tel, but also rely on their family's money relationship to influence the government management of Tel! I heard a while ago that under their influence, Tell City even cancelled two public community clinics to reduce the government's investment in this area!

What a joke!

These people have begun their lives for money!

I heard that they have a drug deal tonight, and Windsor is going to find out the facts of their crimes, so that the people of Tell, and even the entire American emperor, will recognize that this Leicester family is really ugly

Windsor endured dampness and heat, wearing a black jacket and hiding in the dock's warehouse. She has a camera in her hand, waiting for the Lord's appearance. The boss told Windsor that Tell City had no heroes and no justice. If you want to survive, you have to share the same fate with this place. Windsor did not believe it, she must prove to those people!

At this moment, the sound of a car came from afar, Windsor's spirit refreshed, and a good show was about to be staged!

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