My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1563: Number nine with reporter

1563 to 9th with reporters

Even Windsor, who has personal heroism, started to get nervous at this moment.

After all, it is the largest gang, the Leicester family. If they found themselves, they would be finished! Losing a life may be a trivial matter, maybe they will be raped first and then killed ... or, or sold to a brothel?

The Leicester family has a lot of eyes and hands. In Tell City, there is nothing they can't do!

Be careful, be extremely careful!

Windsor reminded herself many times in her heart that there must be no mistakes!

She hid in the dark, secretly pulled out the camera, and filmed the outside scene. At this point, on the dock, the people of the Leicester family were meeting with people from another family. Windsor clearly saw each other's outfit through the night vision camera. They all wore blue-black denim, as if they didn't belong to a certain family in Tell.

Windsor suddenly realized that these people were the infamous Mexican drug dealers, the blue cowboys! The drugs they issue are also called "crazy cowboys". The drugs are of high purity, so they are very popular in the market. It is said that these Mexican drug lords are also very brutal, and countless people have died in their hands. There are peers and even police. After many years, no one can deal with the drug gangs, and even the police have a headache for them.

The Leicester family actually traded drugs with the crazy cowboys in Mexico. This time, as long as they got the evidence themselves, they were in danger! Hum, the Leicester family, your end is here! I will let the world know your ugly faces and the fact that you have sinned! As long as Leicester's conspiracy is revealed, the city of Tel will restore peace and tranquility of the past!

The families of the two parties are trading, and while recording video, Windsor does not forget to take a few more pictures. But when she pressed the camera, the clicking sound instantly caught the attention of a poisonous maggot. He immediately turned around and saw the little red dot next to him. He instantly understood and began to scold.

"Damn, you dare to betray us!"

"Not us, it's a reporter!"

The Leicester family is not stupid, he and the drug lords pulled out their respective guns.

The two sides decided to grab the reporter first and then say that Windsor was naturally frightened. When she looked back, she found that she had forgotten one thing, which was to forget to design the escape route!

Is it really over this time?

Windsor was desperate, she thought she was really dead.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky! He was alone, like a god, and descended on two groups of people.


People from the Leicester family held their pistols, assault rifles, and shotguns. The drug dealers held carbines, and all of their muzzles were aimed at the man who fell from the sky.

In Windsor's camera, the man's appearance also became clear. He seemed to be an Asian face, well-shaped and dressed in a black overcoat with blood on his body.

"Do you want to die?"

A Leicester family man raised the Winchester shotgun in his hand and aimed at the head of an Asian man. But the Asian man reached out and bent the barrel of the shotgun. Then he lifted his foot and slapped it on the Leicester family thugs. The opponent flew upside down and knocked down two companions.

OMG, this man, what a great power!

Seeing this in Windsor's camera, Windsor couldn't help it.

Who is this person? Is it God's messenger?

But isn't it true that Orientals don't believe in God, but God is fraternal, and he loves his people deeply, no matter if they have yellow skin or white skin.

Windsor is not a racist. Instead, she believes that every race is necessary. The world is rich and colorful, and various colors constitute everything in everyone's eyes.

The Leicester family and drug lords also saw the extraordinaryness of the Asian man, and they shot one after another in an attempt to kill the man! But the man waved his hands and hit the bullets in front of him with his palms.


"Oh my God, are you a devil?"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Everyone was frightened. A drug lord even pulled out a grenade gun and fired at the Asian man.


The grenade was copied by the opponent.


A violent explosion occurred, and the shock wave lifted everyone nearby.

The drug lord put down the grenade gun and just wanted to laugh, but after the smoke had dissipated, he saw the figure standing there, and he immediately stopped.

Asian men still stood there, only the flames on their clothes were gradually extinguished, and the whole thing was fart.

"Oh, God……"

The drug lord was about to kneel.

The Asian man reached out and grabbed a car next to him. With a wave of his hand, he threw the two-ton Ford straight away and smashed into a few drug lords instantly.

"it is good!"

Windsor hiding in the corner finally couldn't help clapping.

A member of the Leicester family was escaping in a rush, and when he saw Windsor, he shot almost subconsciously.

But the reality is not a TV series. The shot was not accurate, only on the container above Windsor.

With a sound, Windsor flinched his head back.

But the next second, the thug's body was squashed into mud by a falling truck. The Asian man stood on the top of the truck, holding his arms, and slowly exhaling a spit of gas.

He cleaned up some dross and he felt much better. This is no one else, it is the number nine who ran to the city to vent.

He slaughtered these people and made him feel better. Everyone at the scene was dead ... well ... except for a woman in the distance.

Forget it, now that you've vented, find a place to sleep comfortably.

The ninth was about to leave, and the woman suddenly screamed. I saw a Lester family's leaking fish, who was holding a gun against the woman's head, and then said fiercely at No. 9.

"Li, surrender immediately, or I will kill this woman!"

Number nine laughed.

Windsor also laughed, which surprised No.9.

"You can't kill me!"

Although Windsor was screamed in a sneak attack before, she had seen the No. 9 divine power, and was very shocked at this time.

"He's a real hero and won't give you a chance to kill me. You either surrender, you can save your life."

"Less nonsense!"

The beater pinched Windsor's neck and wished to strangle her. He continued to growl at No. 9 "If you want her to survive, just do what I say!"

"Did you get it wrong?"

Nine stood with her arms on the top of the truck and looked at the two in the distance. "I don't know her at all, why should she care for her life?"

p.s. Uncle Yang is going to pick up his girlfriend today.

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