My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1571: Ready to return

1571 ready to return

Everyone was talking about themselves, as if facing a trial.

Liang Ru knelt on the ground, looking depressed, as if she had lost the courage to live. But at this time, Li Fan suddenly yelled.

"Shut up for me!"

His voice, like a thunder in his tongue, was like a thunder. All the people who scolded him were painful in their ears and almost fainted.

Liang Ru looked up blankly, looking at Li Fan standing there.

At this point, Li Fan's appearance has changed. Although it is only a small change, it is no longer the Li Yun he knows, but the majestic, righteous Seven Knights I have seen on TV before The owner Li Fan.

"Selfish garbage, shut up for me!"

Li Fan shouted politely, "Jb more nonsense, even if he does not detonate the bomb, I will twist your heads one by one!"

"You are Liang Ru's bodyguard, it seems to be a martial artist, I have seen you on TV."

The violinist yelled at Li Fan, "What qualifications do you have to decide our life and death? How old are you? I am a promising musician, you know me ..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Fan suddenly appeared beside him, waving his hand, and rewarded him with a mouth.


With a clear cry, the promising musician spun directly into the air and smashed into a seat beside him, knocking over a large row of chairs.

"Who is talking nonsense, let me listen?"

Li Fan asked while rubbing his hand on the curtain next to him.

It was as if his hands had been scratched by something dirty.

Li Fan calmed everyone down. Who else dares to speak now. Just as the ambassador wanted to continue the provocation, Li Fan suddenly turned around and shot a palm directly into the ambassador!

Xuanlong Ice Palm

The body of the ambassador was blown by the palm wind, and it flew out directly, flew a distance of seven or eight meters in the blink of an eye, and finally hit the back wall heavily, and the whole was stuck on it, and a layer of frost formed on his body, freezing him on the wall.

As Li Fan practiced Tai Chi in reverse and his strength continued to increase, his Xuanlong Bingzhang also became more and more hot.

Li Fan has two levels based on the strength of the sky and the nine-tailed fox.

Above the sacred level is the immortal level. Above the celestial level should be those celestial beings outside the sky. I heard that the strength is more fierce, far superior to the upper and lower immortals, and it is probably called the **** level. The upper fairy is the fairy, and the lower fairy is counted as the half fairy.

Li Fan increasingly cultivates, and it is strength that promotes his Taiji. He felt that he was slowly approaching the level of the half-immortal. Li Fan believed that as long as he reached the strength of the half-immortal, he could even compete with the so-called upper immortal! Although he doesn't understand any fairy technique, he has a martial arts skill! Who said that martial arts can't beat the magic, Li Fan has to reverse it, so that everyone is shocked!

"You don't seem to believe me."

Li Fan held his arms and looked at the emissary frozen on the wall. "I said, your bomb is useless, but you are so noisy."

"Ha, if it didn't work, you wouldn't throw the bomb off!"

Saint shivered coldly, but he was laughing, even if his voice was shaking, he was confident, "First tell you, this method is not effective for me. And, I will not give you any chance again! Let's go on the road!"

The messenger is not nonsense, he finally pressed the remote control!

But at this moment, Li Fan stretched out his hand, he condensed his internal force, created the true dragon gold body, and instantly wrapped the body of the sage.


In a golden light, flesh and blood began to swell and then explode! The red flame tumbled inside, but the space outside was unaffected.

Li Fan's control of internal forces has also been improved to a higher level. He can now cast his real dragon body at will and use it on other people. The role of the golden body is mutual, invincible to the outside, and invincible to the inside. This degree of explosion can't break his true dragon gold body!

Therefore, the divine cocoon was self-bound, and the bones pierced in the golden body did not exist.

"Did I say that, it's useless, why don't you just keep on."

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders, then pushed with his palms, and sent the real body image he made into the sky, and then dispersed the real body.

"Bang, bang!"

The compressed force was released at this time as the real body dissipated, and exploded again in the air, deafening.

Blood rain fell, and through the hole in the ceiling, sprinkled in the concert hall.

This blood rain fell on Li Fan's head, and it seemed that he was also afraid of Li Fan, and instead fell aside.

Everyone looked at Li Fan's back, a little dazed. Is this Li Fan ... The legendary owner of Qixia Mountain Villa, the last martial artist who held Huaxia Martial Arts in his hand?

This guy ... seems really amazing ...

Li Fan stood there, watching the door open, and the people watching Guoan rushed in, with a group of special police, quickly surrounded the place, and then began cleaning the battlefield. He is calm and indifferent.

I won, but it seemed a terrible victory. Liang Ru stood on the stage and looked at his own eyes, very strange.

"I want to complain, complain to him!"

The violinist who had been quiet before saw the special police officers rushing in, as if they had found the backing, and began to make a loud noise, pointing at Li Fan, "He is also a ****, he hit me and threatened To kill everyone! "

He shouted, "I'm telling the truth. Whoever thinks I'm making a rumor, point it out, point it out?"

No one snored. Although Li Fan saved them, they also offended them.

This Li Fan, a little capable, was lawless. They are all famous musicians from far and near, but at this time they were threatened by Li Fan. Although rescued, the special police arrived in time. Perhaps the police arranged Li Fan here to rescue them! That has nothing to do with Li Fan, everything is the credit of the police!

The police are right, but this Li Fan obviously has no law and does not know how to respect people. If he violates rules and regulations, he must be punished! The only fault of these policemen was to find an unreliable martial artist. Isn't Huaxia such a martial artist, who can you find it better than?

"Well, you have to complain to the procuratorate or the disciplinary commission."

Xiao Chen was also in the crowd. He heard the shouting and rolled his eyes. "Don't affect our law enforcement, let it be!"

"My friend is at the Commission for Discipline Inspection. I also remember your work ID. I will complain with you!"

The violinist kept crying, Li Fan holding his arms and standing there, his face sinking like water.

Quiet also came out from behind the scenes. She wore a police uniform and went to Li Fan's side.


Looking at Li Fan quietly, he said, "You can return to the team."

p.s. Bian Xiaobian has a fever today, I overslept in the afternoon and didn't hear the alarm clock, I'm really sorry everyone! Update late, sorry sorry!

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