My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1572: Last words to explain

1572 Last words

"Are you back here?"

Li Fan stood there quietly, watching quietly.

"Aren't there six days?"

"We have found the base of these bays. It is a high-end bath."

Quietly said, "Shun the vine, we also destroyed several secret agents together, and basically all of them were cleaned up. And because your identity is exposed, you can no longer stay with Liang Ru. From today, there will be new people to take over your job. "

Hearing the words of this beautiful colleague, Li Fan smiled bitterly.

It's over, this is over. Fortunately, this is not his own destination. He should end his work here and prepare to participate in the Huaxia Wulin Conference. Li Fan did not want to participate, but Jiang Feng would definitely participate. This guy is definitely thinking of "True Fairy Tale", and those in the martial arts. If they get the real fairness, I am afraid that there will be another **** storm in Wulin. In addition, Zhenxianju was originally a daddy's thing. By that time, I am afraid that the entire martial arts will have to be coated with charcoal, and it will be destroyed.

In order for Martial Arts to continue to survive, Li Fan must attend this Martial Arts Congress!

Just as Li Fan was about to leave, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Li Fan's footsteps stopped, this is not someone else, it is Liang Ru.

The little girl looked at Li Fan, her eyes were a little strange, but there were some ... indescribable anger.

"Liang Ru ..."

Before Li Fan's words were finished, Liang Ru suddenly reached out his hand and fanned Li Fan's mouth. With Li Fan's ability, he could have avoided it easily. But he didn't, and ate this mouth directly.

"I hate you."

After finishing talking, Liang Ru ran away. Several special policemen followed immediately, they had to replace Li Fan and protect beside Liang Ru. From now on, these people will have to protect Liang Ru twenty-four hours, until the deputy national leader completes the plan to recover the bay by force.

Dragon God One has been prepared over the sky. As long as Wanwan opposes peaceful reunification, then Huaxia's fleet will enter the gate of Wanwan.

The US emperor is likely to use this as an excuse to send troops directly to interfere in China's internal affairs. Even if they don't send troops, just loaning Wanwan armament is enough for Huaxia to eat a pot. But now it is different. With the Dragon God One, Huaxia has almost set an invincible position in the sky. As long as Dragon God No. 1 is dispatched, the US emperor's march route can be blocked.

This time, Huaxia strongly announced to the outside world that it would conquer Wanwan, which belongs to Huaxia's internal affairs. Please ask other countries not to interfere in the internal affairs of this country, otherwise it will be regarded as a war!

Needless to say, Huaxia released this sentence again after several decades.


The US Secretary of Defense slammed the table hard, "Hua Xia didn't take us seriously this time!"

"Otherwise, what can we do, go to war?"

The president smiled bitterly, "Once the war begins, we do not know how many people will oppose it. By then, every day there will be troubles and demonstrations, and I am afraid this war will soon end.

"Wanwan cannot be lost."

Everyone in the cabinet is reminding the president, "Once Wanwan is lost, the hegemony of our US emperor is really over!"

"I also know Wanwan cannot be lost, but we have no cards to play now."

The president shook his head. "We are passive."

"The domestic voice is actually very easy to resolve."

The Secretary of Defense reminded, "Honour President, have you forgotten ... the Pearl Harbor incident?"

"You mean ... let Huaxia have another Pearl Harbor incident?"

"As long as we make it happen."

The Minister of Defense nodded. "Everyone just thinks that Huaxia's hands will immediately unite and start a war with China!"

"I know what you mean ... but even so, are we really going to be in a war with Huaxia?"

The word war is extremely heavy. It's not a small child making trouble, nor is it the glorious power that the Emperor likes every day. Once you fight, you have to spend money, you have to die, you have to sacrifice!

"Anyway, we can't let Huaxia conquer Wanwan!"

The Minister of Defense has asked, "His President, this is our last chance!"

"When assassinating Liang Ru, you said it was your last chance."

The president laughed bitterly, "How many times do we have last chance?"

"That Li Fan is so tricky!"

The Minister of Defense also had a headache. "I don't know why, he should have been killed by the 9th, but he was still alive and was lurking beside Liang Ru!"

"This Li Fan is our worst enemy ... yes, how is No. 9 now?"

"He now lives in Tell, in the southeast."

The Minister of Defense reported, "It is said that ... has done a lot of good deeds, and everyone is called a hero."


The president hesitated when he heard this statement.

"It's really ironic."

"Anyway, he shouldn't be a threat at the moment. But surveillance of him has not been relaxed. This person ... just don't have a large-scale operation, just keep surveillance."

Although knowing how many people were killed on the 9th, the Secretary of Defense did not pursue these matters. The 9th is still a secret weapon of their emperor, and it is still useful.

"Also, this reporter Windsor, she seems to be very important for the 9th, and we need to focus on her."

"Okay, just do what you want."

The president nodded and issued a new order. "These people are paying close attention. As for Huaxia, let's not worry, we should first condemn the past and don't let us be passive."


Everyone went to execute the order, and here Li Fan sorted out his salute and was preparing to leave the Imperial University.

After living here for almost three months, Li Fan felt that he was getting used to life here. Every day at two o'clock, classroom, bedroom. Only one woman turns around every day, which is Liang Ru. Leaving Liang Ru now, she is still a bit uncomfortable. However, this is also normal. People are too adaptable, and they have adapted to this unknowingly. They should also adapt to a new life soon.

"Master, shall we go?"

Qiu'er stood beside Li Fan and asked softly.


Li Fan nodded. He was wearing a black sportswear and was standing in front of the bedroom building door without moving for a long time.

"Master, are you waiting for anyone?"

Qiu'er asked.

"No, let's go."

Li Fan looked up subconsciously, then raised his feet and walked outside.

Come cleanly and leave cleanly, which is fine.

Li Fan was about to leave, and suddenly a bicycle rushed out in front of him, directly blocking his way.

As soon as Li Fan's heart sank, what should come was always coming.

"Did you say anything to me before leaving?"

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