1577 The tone is too tight

Reversing the space-time mirror, this is a magic weapon from the sky.

Li Fan took this ancient mirror and tried it. As long as you put your energy into the mirror, you can turn the time back by ten minutes. Although magical, it is not suitable for multiple uses. According to Miss Baihu, once used, you can shorten your life by one year!

Using this is equivalent to changing the chance of taking a regret medicine for a year. For ordinary people, if they dare to use it seven or eight times, they dare not use it again? But for immortals who have almost endless life, there are no restrictions.

What about Li Fan himself? Because he ate one train, his life span was several times longer than that of ordinary people. If he used it once or twice, he would not feel bad.

On this ancient mirror, it is really a complete whole, how precious is time.

"Stupid mortal, give me back my treasure mirror!"

Flowers are locked in the White Tiger Tower under the sea. This is where Miss Bai Hu used to live. Because of the exposed relationship of the seaside villa, Li Fan could only return with four swordsmen. There is also a unique place for prisoners in the White Tiger Tower. Even immortals can be locked up, and even rely on unique chains to hold down the immortal's power.

The flower chain is locked in a cage, just like an ordinary person, except that she can use her eyes to stare at the abominable humans in front of him.

"It's all like this, so crazy."

Li Fan is very helpless. These so-called lower immortals are more arrogant than one!

"Do you think you are higher than humans?"

"Oh, we are several levels higher than humans!"

Hua Sha laughed at Li Fan, "A long time ago, our inhabitants of Tiantiantian were residents of a self-cultivation planet! Our civilization and culture do not know how much higher than your humans! On our planet, humans will not destroy nature Human beings will only cooperate with nature, absorb the power of nature, and become one with nature! "

"It sounds great, but it is just absorbing the resources of your planet and turning them into your energy."

Li Fan broke the secret hidden by the flower in a word, "What heaven and sky, what fairy. You run all the way here, but because your planet ’s energy is starting to run out, you can only be forced to embark on interstellar voyages. Road. You and your people came to Earth and found it here. Earth is just one of your colonies. "

"You inferior nations, your civilization is ours!"

Hua immediately clamored, "When we come here again, it's your dead time!"

"I know it's not too long before you break your vows and conquer the earth."

Li Fan was ready for a long time. "But you also remember a word, we earth people are not in vain. When you come, I dare to fight you back!"

"Ignorance, arrogance!"

Flowers sneer, "We have found a spokesperson, and he will complete our plan to clean up humanity for us! After all human beings are cleaned up, we can land on this continent again to receive your land. Humans, have you not found it yet? The earth has been ruined by you, and only we can save the planet! "

"The earth is good."

Li Fan said, "No matter how bad the environment, the earth has experienced it. Human beings may have caused some damage to the earth, but some people have begun to reflect on and look back to care for our scarred mother star. I think one day , The earth will shine again. "

"Humans are extreme and selfish. Will they really save the planet?"

"Humans are not saving the planet, they are saving themselves."

Li Fan said firmly, "And I am willing to guard such a human."

"You are ridiculous."

Hua looked at Li Fan sarcastically, "If an ant stood in front of you and said to you," I want to guard my ant's nest and not let you humans use it as arable land, what would you do? You would just laugh and laugh, Then stepped on that poor ant! "


Li Fan pouted his lips, "Wasn't you, a ant defeated by an ant, worse than a worm?"

"Don't be crazy!"

Flowery enough, "Our spokesman will come soon! He is strong, he will avenge!"


What kind of person is Li Fan? Even Jiang Feng, when calculating Li Fan, must weigh. This flower hasn't penetrated the world, and in a word, Li Fan caught the flaw.

"This person has enmity with me? Wait ... the ancient mirror that reversed time, spokesman, powerful, revenge ..."

Li Fan narrowed his eyes and stared at the flower, "You, resurrected Wu Huang Liao Jue?"


The flower was stared at by Li Fan, her body trembling slightly.

Now, this man is a bit scary, right? On this sentence himself ... even made him guess about the Emperor Wu?

"What are you thinking about ... not him!"

"It seems you know the Emperor Wu."

Li Fan was more certain of his thoughts. "Yes, as my opponent and as your spokesperson, the Emperor Wu is indeed qualified! You need to let him work for you, but you cannot let him out of control ... So, you Should have taught him two levels of "Zhenxianjue?"

With Bai Linluo, Lin Yuexian, Liu Zhu and other clever people for a long time, Li Fan's mind is getting better and better. His analysis made Huaxin beating.

Why is there such a monster among human beings ... Is he the nemesis of the sky?

Impossible, Tianwai Tian is extremely powerful, it is not what these humans can imagine! As long as one up fairy comes, you can crush this guy with just one finger! Even if he is proud of the spring breeze, he won't be too long! Doom will soon come to this world!

"Even if you're a little clever, what if you beat me alone?"

Flowers began to hit Li Fan, "In Heaven and Earth, there are still people like me who have the strength! People who are stronger than me are more ox hair! That great God of Heaven, as terrifying as heaven and earth, is also full of eight There are so many of them! Each of them has the ability to destroy the world, and wants to kill you with one breath! "

"It sounds great."

Li Fan was unmoved. "In this case, let them hurry down and destroy me. How?"

"Don't worry, the end is not too far."

Hua warned Li Fan for the last time, "At that time, I will see how you perish!"

"It's stubborn."

Li Fan shrugged. "Let's wait and see."

I didn't get too much information from Hua, but Li Fan didn't care. The days are still long, just slowly get information from Hua himself.

The threat of Tianwaitian will not disappear. Li Fan decided to use this time to practice his ability of possessing spirit beasts.

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