My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1578: Blue Dragon Tower

1578 Raiders Qinglong Tower

Li Fan practiced day and night, training his strength to adapt to the possession of the spirit beast.

Once the strength of the Five Saints, let the nine-tailed **** fox possess, immediately double the strength! This sounds good, but it is actually a bit difficult to operate. There is a scale for people's resilience. When Li Fan uses his five sacred powers, he is handy because he exercises a little bit. And once entering the state of possession of the spirit beast, doubling his strength, Li Fan is a bit difficult to control. Even if his adaptability is good, he can adapt to this kind of power within a certain period of time, but when the power of the nine-tailed fox dissipates, he will not adapt to his strength of the Five Saints!

It's like going ice skating or swimming alone. He adjusted his balance when he was skating, and when he took off the ice skates, he felt a little fluttering. It's the same when swimming. People come out of the pool and feel very heavy because they are adapted to the buoyancy of water.

Li Fan is also the same. If he adapts to one kind of force, he will not adapt to the other. So Li Fan can only exercise his other ability, which is to adapt to new power faster!

As long as you can adapt to your new power within a few seconds, you can greatly increase the fighting power of the spirit beast's possession! The last time I fought with flowers, it was really dangerous. Simply flower is not an excellent martial artist. If it is Jiang Feng, or Liao Jue, Murong Bo, I am afraid I will immediately seize the opportunity to slip out and launch a fatal blow to myself!

There is still some time for the contest in Huaxia. Li Fan uses this time to fully exercise himself.

One month later, Li Fan finally compressed his time to adapt to the new power in five seconds! The time to use the power of the spirit fox was extended to ten minutes.

With this ten-minute outbreak, Li Fan believed he was enough to defeat his opponent. Of course, if there are too many enemies, these ten minutes are obviously not enough.

But after ten minutes of Li Fan, the power of white tiger can still be operated! In this way, Li Fan's fighting time can be increased. Ten minutes for the fox and ten minutes for the white tiger. This is twenty minutes! However, Li Fan still felt that it was not enough, and he should subdue a kind of power.

"It's almost time, we should go to the next tower."

It was found that Li Fan's strength had grown a lot, and Miss Bai Hu's voice sounded again.

"Go to Qinglong Pagoda, he probably thinks of you too."

The descendants of Qinglong have some origins with Li Fan. In the past, Li Fan had a fight with him to protect the Dragon Girl.

"It's time to meet and talk about the old."

Li Fan nodded. "Miss Baihu, how long will you be with me this time?"

"This is going to go back to rest."

Miss Bai Hu stretched her waist slightly.

"Don't you say that if you kill the White Tiger, can you be resurrected?"

"Well, resurrection is resurrection, but it is only part of the resurrection. The whole person is still a bit sleepy and lazy."

Miss Bai Hu looked at Li Fan lazily. "Only if you have attacked all the towers and resurrected the four saints completely can we be officially resurrected."

"Okay, let's leave now."

To go to the Qinglong Pagoda, Li Fan also informed Lijiadao to let the dragon girl show her way.

If Bai Linluo arranges it, the Dragon Girl should soon arrive at the White Tiger Tower under the sea. According to the information sent by his avatar, Lijiadao's recent construction is getting better and better. In order to attract migrants, Li Jiadao adopted the policy of Singapore that year, the government paid for public housing, and then sold them to migrants cheaply.

For them, Lijiadao is willing to give them a place to stay, and they are naturally willing to work hard for Lijiadao. Perhaps this generation, they will still care about their motherland. But until the second and third generations, these descendants will take root in Lijiadao and consider themselves to be Lijiadao people.

In the United States, there were a few descendants of the island nation. They were all the second and third generation of immigrants. During World War II, because the island nation attacked Pearl Harbor, the US emperor ordered the detention of all island immigrants in the country and put them into concentration camps. The second and third generations of the islands in the concentration camps firmly believed that they were American emperors, and they were fighting for them. Then they finally got the chance. The descendants of these island nations were put into a 100 independent infantry battalion and sent to the European battlefield. The descendants of this island nation's immigrants have the island nation's martial arts pedigree. They fought hard and did not fear death, and made the German soldiers on the European battlefield frightened.

Lijiadao used this method to draw on such examples to train future Lijiadao immigrants.

The Dragon Girl has also been very comfortable there. There are immigrants from various countries on Lijia Island, and they also bring delicious food from various countries. This girl lingers at the food festival every day. If she is not a train, I'm afraid she will be happy for a long time!

When Bai Linluo teleported her to Li Fan with her power, the little girl held a Mexican chicken roll in her mouth and blinked at Li Fan.

"Wipe, how can I run you here?"

"Look for you ..."

"Oh, you, my turkey meatball will be ready soon! You pay me!"

The dragon son-in-law called Li Fanlai, Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Well, I'm going to do the business. Let's go to the Qinglong Tower."

"Counting the days seems to be the time."

The Dragon Girl just pinched her fingers, and the little girl shook her head and shook her head, posing as a mature adult. "In these two days, the Qinglong Tower is about to open."

"Then you can eat it? Don't even come to see me?"

"I'm so happy ..."

The dragon girl stuffed the chicken roll into her mouth, and then licked her lips. "There is nothing delicious next to you."

"Who said this?"

Li Fan grinned, "I have Qiuer in hand, who dares to shout at me for food?"

"That's right! Just go, how can you take Qiuer away! Return her soon and cook for me every day!"

"Your girl ... is also known as my mentor, your girl has become so lazy now!"

"Ahem, I'm here to check Lijiadao's diet for you."

The Dragon Girl made a strong argument, "What if someone treats you Lijiadao with bad intentions and poisons? What can I do? I sacrifice my health and test the poison for you, you should all thank me!

"Yes, yes, thank you. Are you going back to continue to test drugs or take me to Qinglong Tower?"

"It's ok to take you to Qinglong Tower, I will borrow Qiuer for three months!"

Qiu'er, who stood next to her, immediately cast a resentful look, and she was reluctant to leave Li Fan.

"A month."

Li Fan also knew that the little girl was greedy, so she began to bargain.

"Two months!"


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