My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 159: Gold will always shine

159 is gold and always shines

This Toyota's overbearing displacement and horsepower are estimated to be not low, and the speedup is instantaneous. If it hits Li Fan, Li Fan will be disabled if he does not die!

But fortunately, Li Fan is a martial artist! And is a martial artist who entered the room!

As soon as Toyota was overbearing and immediately met Li Fan, the speed of the whole world seemed to slow down. Li Fan immediately entered the state of bear attack and slapped the front of the off-road vehicle with a slap.


Li Fan felt great strength hitting his arm, but his anger was not vegetarian, and he was frantically poured into the palm of his hand! Li Fan is like hitting a cannonball. The bear attack with King Kong's magic power is full of destruction and explosive power! His slap brought a great deal of vitality, printed on the front of the car!

Bear Strike · Bear Bear Seal!


The black off-road vehicle was blinded and stopped there stiffly, and it couldn't move forward for a distance of one millimeter! Subsequently, the body of the off-road vehicle began to fall apart, and the crickets collapsed and flew out. The front face was slapped by Li Fan, and the rear bumper flew out.

The glass on the car exploded, and pieces of glass flew everywhere.

A good off-road vehicle was slapped into scrap iron by Li Fan!

The engine also began to emit black smoke, and the driver inside was a young man in his early twenties with hair dyed green, blocked by airbags, and wrapped around the seat.

"Are you driving or killing?"

Li Fan lowered his palm, and Hukou shuddered slightly, but fortunately, it did not affect him too deeply.

"Be careful driving later, idiot."

The driver didn't know if he was passed out by shock, Li Fan didn't bother to care about him, and he would be late for a little more time! Chang Chunxi couldn't believe that he had crashed. He ran back to the classroom, throwing the scrapped off-road vehicle there.

After winning the school last time, the school did not target Li Fan anymore, and the headmaster estimated that there were some big moves in the pipeline. Chang Chunxi's attitude toward Li Fan was still critical. As soon as Li Fan entered the door, he counted that Li Fan's hair was too long, not like a student.

"I'm almost all right now, and then I'll be bald again."

Li Fan is also the only one who dares to talk directly to Chang Chunxi. "Mr. Chang, this is a school and not a prison. I have to shave my head to come?"

"Li Fan, don't talk to me here, there will be a day you regret."

Chang Chunxi was also very upset. How he saw Li Fan was upset, he was like a needle stuck in his eyes. And if he no longer kicks him out of school, the principal will have to lose faith in himself sooner or later.

Be sure to find a way to drive this kid away!

In this school, he is without me, and I is without him!

"That ... Teacher Chang, can I go to class?"

The new beauty teacher Liao Wushuang was still standing in front of the class, and looked at Changchun Xi with a timid look.

"Ah, Mr. Liao, you are here. Please hurry up ... who is the student on duty today? Why is the podium so dirty? Light some water, what should Teacher Liao get thirsty at this moment? "

Several students were caught up and down by Chang Chunxi, Liao Wushuang hurriedly said, "It's not necessary ... it's good ..."

"Oh, Teacher Liao, you're welcome. These students have to exercise them! You give them such hard work, and they should do something."

Li Fan rolled his eyes, this stinking silly, tossing students to please his sister, is also the number one in ancient times.

"Don't be busy, let's go back. Let's hurry up to class first."

Liao Wushuang couldn't bear to watch a few students busy doing sanitation there, said.

"A few of you are acting sharp, haven't you waited to see Mr. Liao? Are you anxious! It's stupid, you can't do such a job. You work at home like this?"

The students swallowed in their stomachs, and Liao Wushuang could not persuade him, so he had to wait for them to wipe the floor of the blackboard podium clean and call hot tea. Chang Chunxi reluctantly left the classroom.

"Well, let's all go to class."

Liao Wushuang lectured very carefully, even if Li Fan had to admit that she did have a good way of speaking English, and spoke a boring language course very vividly.

This Liao Wushuang seems to have lived abroad. He will always come up with some foreign scenes and carry out field simulations.

"Mr. Liao, can I ask you a question?"

Bai Linluo's favorite is English. He couldn't help but raise his hand and asked a question.

"Student Bai Linluo, you ask."

"Mr. Liao, have you studied abroad before?"

Xiao Siyan pushed his own glasses and asked his inner question, "Your spoken language is really authentic, a standard American English, I don't know, I thought you were of Chinese American descent!"

"I used to study at Columbia University."

Liao Wushuang laughed a little shyly.


"Teacher, is life abroad particularly good?"

"Are there any shootouts or something?"

The students were immediately curious, and they did not raise their hands one by one, you asked me every word. Liao Wushuang blushed a few words, but she was drowned by the noise.

"Don't make a noise!"

Li Fan suddenly yelled, "Everyone is crazy?"

Li Fan's deterrent was a hundred times stronger than the monitor. With his voice, no one dared to say a word, and the class was quiet immediately. Liao Wushuang took a grateful look at Li Fan, and then said, "Classmates, I know you are very curious, but you have to answer the questions one by one, and the teacher will tell you slowly."

She held up the frame, which made Xiao Si's eyes very excited.

"First of all, the United States is not as good as everyone thinks. By contrast, our box lunch may not be worse than the meal of a middle-class family. When it comes to gun battles ... this has not been solved by the United States. Difficult situation. There, the best department in the hospital is the gunshot wounds department. "

"Wow even!"

The students exclaimed, and Li Fan couldn't help but ask a question.

"Mr. Liao said that American house prices are cheaper and much cheaper than China. Is this true?"

"This is true."

Liao Wushuang nodded, "But if you buy a house, you have to pay the relevant management fees and taxes every month. The better the house, the more expensive these fees are. If you lose your job or go bankrupt, you have to be the first One thing is to move out of the house. "

This has taught Li Fan.

"So, the country is already very happy. The most important point, I hope everyone can remember."

Liao Wushuang seemed to be serious, with strength in his voice.

"It's not that you can become happy if you migrate to any country. A person who does not work hard will always be diaosi no matter which country he is in. And if you work hard, you will change your hair no matter where you are. Your style. Remember, gold is always shining. "

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