160 First Kiss

"Little four eyes, after class, what are you doing?"

Li Fan pushed Bai Linluo to wake up, and Bai Linluo was still a little sluggish, and he didn't know what was in his head.

"Li Fan ... I, I feel I might be in love ..."

Xiaosi's eyes blushed a little, and he lowered his head and muttered.


Li Fan heard it for a moment, then looked at Bai Linluo with some fear, "Little four eyes ... it is illegal to marry your left hand ..."

"Go to you, do you marry your left hand! I really like someone ..."

"Don't you want to like an animal?"

"Can you be serious, then I won't tell you!"

Bai Linluo was even more proud. Li Fan hurriedly held him away. "Yes, yes, I'm wrong, but who do you like? I'll check it for you."

"That ... me, I like ... our teacher ..."


Li Fan was startled. "You and him are too heavy! Don't let even a person like Chang Chunxi! His black fat man can crush you brother!"

"Get out of here!"

Bai Linluo couldn't help crying, "Who likes that ghost! What I like is our teacher Liao ..."

"Oh oh, that's pretty much the same."

Li Fan nodded. "Ms. Liao's chest is very big. I checked it visually and it had to be 36 days. It was quite popular."

"You're too dirty!"

Bai Linluo looked at Li Fan with contempt. "I appreciate Ms. Liao's English level, as well as her pure accent, and her thoughts, consciousness ... Ah ..."

"I see. The lover's eyes come out."

Li Fan grinned, "Now even teacher Liao's fart is fragrant, right?"

"I can't communicate with you!"

"Okay, now, if you like it, go boldly!"

Li Fan patted Bai Linluo's shoulder, but Bai Linluo was a little stunned.

"I, I'm not ashamed ... after all, our teacher ..."

"She's not too old, isn't she nice?"

Li Fan said indifferently, "You have to hurry up, little four eyes, a girl like this child-faced giant-milk, it is not easy to find now. Wang Qiang also entangled our teacher Liao two days ago, I was scared away . "

"I, I wrote a love letter ..."

Bai Linluo pulled out a fragrant stationery from the desk with some awkwardness.

"Wipe, you're a boring girl gun, you've already prepared it, and you're still pure!"

Li Fan snatched the stationery and said, "Let me see, what can you write?"

Bai Linluo was not angry, let Li Fan **** the past. But Li Fan was foolish at a glance. It was all in English, and he knew a word or two. The amount of knowledge completely exceeded his current level!

"Okay, four eyes. You're good for intelligence work."

Li Fan glanced at the stationery and said, "Who can understand this thing!"

"Miss Liao can understand ..."

Bai Linluo murmured, "She, as long as she can understand, I can understand my mind ..."

"Then you send her."

Li Fan urged, "What are you waiting for, a big man, come on."

"I, I'm sorry ... let's forget ..."

Bai Linluo hurriedly stuffed the love letter back into the desk, then ran out to the bathroom, Li Fan couldn't help crying.

"This guy, why do you fall in love with the toilet when you are so nervous."

Li Fanxin said that he would be a month old today. He secretly took out the love letter and stuffed it into Bai Linluo's English exercise book. After school, the exercise book will be taken up, and then Liao Wushuang will naturally see the mind of Xiaosi.

I am really kind!

When Bai Linluo came back, Li Fan didn't mention it. Until the end of school, all the students put the exercise books and assignments required on the day on the table, and then packed and left.

The English lessons collected the workbooks table by table. After receiving the workbooks by Bai Linluo and Li Fan, because there were too many workbooks above, the two booklets slipped and fell to the floor.

A page of stationery fell out of it. The class representative looked at it twice, and didn't understand it. He shoved it into the exercise book and went to the office with a large stack of books.

After school, according to the agreement, Li Fan went to a black Bentley parked not far from the school gate. And he went to the billiard hall specially in advance, and asked Huang Lei to dress himself up.

As soon as Li Fan got in the car, Liu Yannan almost jumped out of the car.

"Oh ... who are you ..."

"Oh, Li Fan."

Li Fan glared at her, "I don't see it in a day, can't I recognize it?"

"I don't dare recognize it at all, do you? What do you look like now!"

Li Fan changed his camouflage uniform, not the type of military fan, but the worker working on the construction site. Camouflage trousers on the lower body, and liberated boots on his feet. The upper body is a white vest with messy hair. Liu Yanan never found out that a person with such short hair can still mess up like this.

The most interesting thing is that Li Fan didn't know what was drawn on his shoulder. Liu Yanan couldn't help asking, "Is this ... Mickey Mouse?"

"What a look! This is an authentic Timber Wolf!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes again. "The earliest Huang Lei's painting resembled that of Husky. At my request, it changed to the way he looks like now, isn't it scary?"

"it's so funny!"

Liu Yanan covered her mouth. "You look like ... it's ..."

"Don't you let me do this?"

"Okay, it's fine."

Liu Yannan nodded. "Let's do this. It looks pretty good to be a little foolish."

"That line, Viper Woman, let's go."

Li Fan waved his hand, "I'm the one who wants to do big things. I can't accompany you to go north and south every day, it's too time-consuming."

"Go to you and say a few words to you, you are still breathing."

This time it was Liu Yannan's turn to roll her eyes. "Have a good performance today. You have done well. Miss Ben rewards you with sweets."

"You have committed this problem again. How many times have you said that I am not a dog!"

Li Fan was a little upset again. "Who will be your boyfriend for the rest of your life is really blood mold!"

"Hee hee, this is not your turn to worry about."

Liu Yanan said with a smile, "You don't want to be cheap and sell well."

"I wipe, what cheap did I get?"

"Last time, I was ... first! Kiss! Oh!"

Liu Yannan said these three words, which made Li Fan startled.

"I don't believe it!"

"What's wrong with this, who dare to kiss me in this city? Just you, have the courage! If my dad knows, I won't chop you!"

"You might as well chop me!"

"Go to death ... I don't bother you! Yufeng, drive!"


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