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No matter when it is, Li Fan will not be able to let go of this matter. Therefore, Li Fan could only hide the matter deeply in his heart, pretending to forget it.

I don't want to do it on weekdays, but now it is torn apart and spread in front of him, but it makes Li Fan's heart hurt again.

This time, Li Fan did not stand the same as before, just like everyone else, but stood coldly, waiting for the little nosy girl to subdue the thief. They don't care if the girl has the ability to catch thieves. They only care if they will be late for work. Whether the newly released Apple phone can be bought by themselves. The company ’s Xiao Li is young and beautiful. Legs and the like.

Regardless of whether time is really going backwards or all of this is an illusion, Li Fan's body has returned to the level of the past. He ran desperately and ran to the back, running out of energy.

Li Fan watched Fang Xiaoxue standing at the entrance of the hutong. There was a thief in front, and a companion in the back.

"How did you come?"

Fang Xiaoxue looked at Li Fan anxiously, at this time Li Fan was lying on the wall next to him, panting heavily. In the past, my physical fitness was really bad, but after running for hundreds of meters, I was so tired! The lungs seemed to explode, and every time he breathed, he felt a pinch, which made him extremely distressed.

"You two, don't bother!"

The thief shook a butterfly knife in his hand and shouted at Fang Xiaoxue fiercely, "If you don't get away, you will die!"

"Oh! Two little hair thieves, come here if you can!"

Fang Xiaoxue was moving his muscles. "I won't beat the two of you today, my aunt, I don't have the name Fang!"

"You little girl, the money is not yours, what hero are you fighting for!"

The thief's expression seemed a little urgent, "Otherwise, I will share half of your money, and you let me go, what?"

"Share your uncle!"

Fang Xiaoxue admires the police most, how can he accept bribes from thieves! At this time, there was a sirens whispering in his ears, as if who had called the police, maybe the patrol police was passing by nearby.

The thief was a bit anxious. He threw the bag he had grabbed to the ground and turned to try to escape.

"Where to escape!"

Fang Xiaoxue did not let go of his thoughts. Two little hair thieves, she wanted to catch the police station!

Fang Xiaoxue stepped forward, grabbed the thief's shoulder in front of him, and pushed his arm back. After all, Fang Xiaoxue had practiced, and the thief also ran out of strength and was directly pressed to his knees.

"Fuck, let go of him!"

The fellows in the back were anxious, drew their swords, and pierced the back of Fang Xiaoxue!

He wasn't a butterfly knife, but a paratrooper knife who didn't know where to get it. No one can stand this thing in! At that time, Xiaoxue was killed by a stab in the back.

Fang Xiaoxue was busy subduing the front one. Although she had practiced a little, she had no experience dealing with these hair thieves. I don't know if this hair thief is in a hurry, and the hands are not light or heavy, and he doesn't notice that someone is behind him!

Li Fan saw it. Although he didn't have the energy to subdue the accomplice, he struggled with all his strength and hit him directly.


Li Fan just hit the opponent's arms, and the paratrooper's knife did not fall on Fang Xiaoxue's body, but fell into Li Fan's belly.

"Day dog ​​..."

Li Fan smiled bitterly, and a sense of weakness gradually came out, as if a cry from Fang Xiaoxue came from his ears, and then everything was moving away from him quickly.

When Li Fan opened his eyes again, he returned to the original room.

"Get up! It's time for class!"

Li Fan heard his mother's shout. He subconsciously touched it under the pillow. Sure enough, Bao Jing was here.

Backtracking time?

Li Fan knew that he was dead and returned to the beginning of time.

My mother came over again and yelled to get up and go to school again. The table was still scrambled eggs with tomatoes, millet porridge, and steamed buns. It was a little alkaline and yellow. After Li Fan went out, he also saw Fang Xiaoxue as he wished. At this point, Fang Xiaoxue didn't know what would happen in the future, and directly came up to stop Li Fan's neck and talked to Li Fan just like the tomboy.

"What's the matter with you? So silent? Did Zhao Dong bully you again? Don't be afraid, I'll help you get him! The kid has itchy recently, and I'll pack him up!"

Zhao Dong is a follower of Wang Qiang, a sports student, and often bullies Li Fan.

"No ... oh my stomach hurts ..."

Li Fan decided to delay time, as long as the time passed, then Fang Xiaoxue would not die!

As for the woman who was robbed of money, I'm really sorry. You never showed up when Fang Xiaoxue was involved. This kind of person is simply not worth Fang Xiaoxue's life to help him!

"what's wrong?"

Fang Xiaoxue looked at Li Fan anxiously. She knew that Li Fan was not very healthy since she was a child. Was she sick?

"Go, I'll take you to the hospital to see."

Fang Xiaoxue couldn't help but say, carrying Li Fan back, he ran towards the hospital.

The family conditions of the two were not very good, and they were unwilling to take a taxi. In order not to let Fang Xiaoxue encounter such an accident, Li Fan obeyed his heart and started pretending to be ill. Fang Xiaoxue was carried all the way to the nearest hospital.

The doctor checked Li Fan back and forth, Li Fan and even some parts of the human body simply installed chronic appendicitis.

"You guys, I never used to eat and used the money to go online!"

When Fang Xiaoxue was on the road, he was still counting Li Fan, "I will not be here in the future! I will supervise your diet and eat with me every day at noon!"


Although Fang Xiaoxue looked fierce, Li Fan was happy. Fang Xiaoxue can finally survive, so will this change in the future?

At the school, Li Fan even felt that Wang Qiang and Zhao Dong looked much more pleasing to the eye. Until night, Li Fan lay in bed with a smile and fell asleep.

Anyway, I have resolved a wish.

Those practice mentalities are still there, and it's a big deal to start again. I must still meet Murong Ying and find Lin Yuexian. This is a different kind of rebirth. You can come up and practice reversing the yin and yang, and you can make rapid advances!

Li Fan fell asleep joyfully, and when he woke up, his mother's shout came from his ear.

"Get up! It's late!"

Li Fanxing sat up eagerly, and then reached out and touched the treasure mirror directly from the pillow.

Li Fan turned pale. He put the mirror in the drawer last night.

In order to prove his idea, Li Fan ran outside and took a look at his mother's cooking.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, millet porridge, yellow buns ...

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