My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1582: Reincarnation

1582 is reincarnation

Even if there is no money at home, Li Fan's mother pays great attention to his diet. Therefore, every morning Li Fan has a fixed recipe, which is rotated once a week.

Monday is tomato scrambled eggs with millet porridge, Tuesday morning should be ... steamed eggs with bread slices is right ... Wednesday is milk cake, Thursday is ...

Li Fan felt very heavy in his heart, his body was terribly heavy, and his head was a little groggy.

What's going on ... Do you have to live this day?

What is the law? Can anyone tell myself?

Li Fan had no intention of having breakfast. He dealt with two casually and left the house. Not long after he left, he stopped, and sure enough, Fang Xiaoxue's figure chased out and walked to Li Fan, still the familiar movement, grabbing Li Fan's shoulder.

"What's wrong? You look so pale? Did you stay up late last night playing games?"

"Xue Xue ..."


"It's okay ..."


Fang Xiaoxue's elbow was on Li Fan's chest.

Li Fan was really confused. He followed Fang Xiaoxue almost mechanically and walked towards the school.

Yesterday, he successfully saved Fang Xiaoxue, but this endless day ended.


Li Fan couldn't figure it out.

What is it for? Is this day going to last forever? Impossible, even if the Qinglong Tower is better than the bull, it is impossible to make a dead end. There is always a way to break this situation! Each tower is a strategy, such as the White Tiger Tower. The conditions of the strategy are to win the so-called war chess game.

And this time, what are the conditions for your victory? The Dragon Girl is absent, and no one tells herself that she can guess by herself ... but her head is not enough!

Real headache! If only Bai Linluo, Lin Yuexian, or Liu Zhu were planning on their side ...

Li Fan was troubled, and time continued to advance, and the robbery also occurred as usual. The thief ran past Li Fan, and Li Fan stretched out his leg and tripped him to the ground.

Fang Xiaoxue didn't understand what was going on at first, but when she heard the cry of the woman behind her, she immediately understood it and pressed it on the thief, giving him the uniform!

People came and went on this street, and the thief's companion hid, so he didn't dare to show up.

"Little plum, you did a good job just now!"

After finishing the confession from the police station, Fang Xiaoxue praised Li Fan, "I didn't expect you to be so brave! I looked at you!"

"Xiao Xue, I will definitely save you."

Li Fan said a word without a mind and let Fang Xiaoxue take a moment. She reached out and touched Li Fan's forehead for a while.

"Not hot ... what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay. It's been so long. Let's go to class."

Li Fan and Fang Xiaoxue walked towards the school all the way, but when they passed a small alley, they were suddenly blocked by four people.

One of them, Li Fan is very familiar, and is one of the thieves' associates.

"Little plum ... don't be afraid ..."

Fang Xiaoxue felt that the person was not good. She protected Li Fan behind her and glared at the four people.

"What do you want to do?"

Fang Xiaoxue scolded, "Want to fight? Grandma aunt is not afraid of you!"

"A nosy little girl, you can kill my friend terribly!"

The thief's companion weighed an iron rod in his hand and looked at Fang Xiaoxue with a sneer. "I will not teach you a lesson today, you don't know the cost of nosy."

"Little plum, I'll help you get time, you run quickly."

Fang Xiaoxue lowered his voice and said to Li Fan.


Li Fan didn't say anything. He picked up a wooden stick from the side, about one meter long, as if it had been removed from a bench.

"What do you want to do? Run away and find the police and help me!"

Fang Xiaoxue was anxious.

"I said, I will save you."

Although the other party only used sticks, it was really anxious, it was difficult to guarantee that they would not use a knife or something.

Li Fan didn't want to let Fang Xiaoxue go wrong, so he had to do it. Although Li Fan does not have any internal strength and physical fitness, his combat experience has been incorporated into his mind. Some tricks don't work out. It doesn't matter. Li Fan has other tricks that can be used.

Dragon Twelve Swords!

In this set of swords, some tricks that need to be matched with light work are not used, but there are some basic swords that can still be used.

"What nonsense, run away!"

Fang Xiaoxue was really anxious, and at this time, a big man had come to Li Fan, holding a baseball bat in his hand, and sneered in his mouth.

"Stupid, who do you think you are?"

He said, waving a baseball bat, "Let me teach you, what is cruel society!"

The big man looked at Li Fan in a school uniform and was so thin that he didn't take him seriously. But Li Fan's body was short, and it was easy for him to avoid the big man's swing.

"You are moving too much."

Li Fan said, the wooden stick in his hand suddenly stabbed forward, directly against the throat of Dahan.


The big man covered his throat and knelt down, speechless for a long time, his face flushed.

"Huh? Huh?"

Fang Xiaoxue was startled, some could not believe his eyes.

The wind came from behind Li Fan, and another big man had grabbed a folding stool and patted it against Li Fan's head.

Li Fan quickly turned around and leaned against the wall, avoiding Han's folding stool!

At the same time, the wooden stick in Li Fan's hand stabbed out again, stabbing directly into Han's armpit.

Dahan screamed in pain and lost the bench. And Li Fan raised a foot, covered his face, and turned him over.

"So tired ..."

After barely using two tricks, Li Fan only felt sore and his breathing was a lot thicker.

I am so poor now that I can't exercise well.


Fang Xiaoxue had a shoulder fall and threw a sneak attack on the ground in front of him. The thief companion looked trembling, without any sense of anger, and threw the stick and ran away.

"Are you really a plum?"

Fang Xiaoxue came to check Li Fan's body and saw that he had been sweating a lot and was out of breath.

"I just, watched some martial arts magazines or something ..."

"You, you! You can't practice blindly, it will ruin your body, you know?"

Fang Xiaoxue didn't think too much, after all, Li Fan's physique was here. "No mess is allowed in the future. You can sit next to me for a while now, and I will call them up.

Li Fan and Fang Xiaoxue spent almost a day at the police station and went home to sleep at night. Bed together in the morning, Li Fan touched the treasure mirror under the pillow, and sure enough, he returned to the day he started.

Li Fan's look is not very good. It seems that he must find a way ...

p.s. go to see the teeth today, two more

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