My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1583: Wicked Lin Yuexian

1583 Demon Lin Yuexian

After going out, Li Fan met Fang Xiaoxue as usual. This time, Li Fan tried to avoid Fang Xiaoxue's death by using other methods to let Fang Xiaoxue follow him to the school.

In any case, Li Fan could not watch Fang Xiaoxue be killed!

At school, Li Fan was still frowning. How do you solve this crisis? This time and again, is it really going to become his eternal nightmare?

Damn, every time it ’s time, I miss them Lin Yuexian! It's a pity that they are not around at this moment, they can't help themselves at all ...

and many more……

Li Fan suddenly wanted to understand something!

Who said ... Lin Yuexian was not around him? Although she doesn't know herself yet, she is still as intelligent as she is! As long as she can understand her current situation, she will be able to help her!

Suddenly Li Fan was excited. He had been waiting for school at noon, and then quickly ran to the empty classroom on the fifth floor!

Lin Yuexian's family is also very difficult, and she has few friends. So at noon, she would bring the pancakes made at home, and then hide in the empty classroom to eat secretly. How long before this happened, Lin Yuexian told himself.

Others don't know about this, this is Li Fan's exclusive.

Li Fan avoided Zhao Dong. He found that the buddy was in a bad mood and seemed to want to use himself as a vent. This is how it used to be. Whenever the **** Zhao Dong was unhappy, he would use Li Fan to get angry. Later, Li Fan directly and powerfully destroyed Wang Qiang, he didn't even dare to put a fart.

Originally Bai Linluo was also one of Li Fan's choices, but this day happened to be Bai Linluo's cold and asked to be at home, so Lin Yuexian was his only choice!

After Li Fan avoided Zhao Dong, he quietly went upstairs from the other side of the building.

Many classrooms on the fifth floor are unused and belong to self-study classrooms. The key to one of the classrooms was in Lin Yuexian's hands, which was specially granted to her by the teacher, so that she could study here by herself at noon. As the first grade student, Lin Yuexian always has some special treatment in school.

"Lin Yuexian!"

Li Fan was anxious, and he opened the door of the self-study classroom.

The little girl was eating pancakes, and suddenly someone pushed in the door, she was startled, and the pancakes in her hand fell to the floor.

"Ah, sorry."

Li Fangan laughed twice, this was a bit unexpected. I was so anxious that I broke Lin Yuexian's lunch.

"Don't be angry, I'll turn around with you two pancakes!"

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

Lin Yuexian looked at Li Fan vigilantly, and put his hands in his pockets. "Don't you step closer, I'll call the teacher!"

"Stop making trouble, you don't have a cell phone at all."

Li Fan, who used to be almost words, made Lin Yuexian even more nervous. How did he know he didn't have a cell phone? Has he investigated himself? Who is this student, who is he?

"Lin Yuexian, don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad person."

Li Fan saw the vigilant look in Lin Yuexian's eyes and quickly explained, "Although I don't know you yet, our mother is a business partner ... well, it's a friend who is a stall ..."

He explained constantly, but Lin Yuexian's vigilance did not let go.

"Lin Yuexian, I really have no intention. How can you believe me?"

Li Fan didn't have much time to explain this matter, he decided to cut the knife quickly.

"Classmate, you suddenly broke into this classroom with a fierce look. How do you make me believe you?"

"Hey, hey, let's get this old iron, where am I fierce?"

Li Fan pointed to his appearance, "Is it clear that I am amiable?"

"What the **** do you want to do?"

Lin Yuexian was still skeptical of Li Fan. The little girl quietly moved towards the back door of the classroom while talking. She only moved a little at a time to ensure a speed that Li Fan could not see, and was about to escape.

"Well, let me be honest!"

Li Fan stretched out his hands, surrendering, "I actually came back from the future, we are friends in the future, so I know you so well."

"Secondary disease?"

"There are two moles on the lower abdomen on your left! You actually hate eating pancakes at home because you like spicy food! Your birthday is at Christmas, but you never have a birthday because it is a waste of money! You do n’t like to pay Friends, because making friends also requires spending money, giving each other gifts, and giving each other various holidays! In addition, your dream is to be a psychiatrist because your father has a history of mental illness and is still in mental illness In the courtyard, so you want to cure him sooner. In addition, you have already completed the psychology course of the first two years of college by yourself. The person you admire most is Freud, and his favorite book is his "Analysis of Dreams" "."

"You, you are a pervert ..."

Lin Yuexian looked at Li Fan with some horror.

"Hey! These are the future you tell me!"

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry, did Lin Yuexian take herself as a follower?

"Okay, I believe it."

Lin Yuexian suddenly sat on the seat beside her, looking at Li Fan very seriously.

"I told you everything, I ... lie down? You believe it?"

Li Fan didn't expect that Lin Yuexian convinced so well? He has planned all kinds of drafts in his stomach, how to persuade this intelligent little girl!

"Because you did tell a few secrets that others don't know."

Lin Yuexian held her arms and examined Li Fan, "How many years have you been back? Two years? Three years?"

"Wipe? How do you know? At least three years!"

Can you guess this?

"Almost, you go back to the present, what do you want me to do? What kind of crisis to help you solve? Do you want me to help you think about how to leave the space and time here and return to your original timeline? "

"Oh ... aren't you really a monster?"

Lin Yuexian a few years ago is still smart and terrible!

Li Fanxin said that being loved by such a clever girl is simply a smoke from her ancestor's grave!

"You ... how did you figure it out?"

Li Fan didn't understand, he wanted to ask.

"It's simple."

Lin Yuexian said, "First of all, you told a secret. This secret, from the beginning to the present, I intend to talk only to the other half of my future ... So, you are either my boyfriend or I like it People. But from your age, it should be two or three years older than me. I'm not an uncle, or a confidant, so we are of the same age. Therefore, your age determines the time you come back, so It's that simple. "

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