My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1584: Love can not help

1584 Love can not help

Lin Yuexian's judgment is almost all!

She relies on her own wisdom, as well as absolute belief and control of her character! Even if this woman had a little doubt about herself, she wouldn't be so sure.

"Why is my vision so bad ..."

Lin Yuexian pouted, "Someone even found this guy ..."

Li Fan is very speechless, this girl is so simple, she even commented on herself, and she seemed very dissatisfied!


Before Li Fan finished his explanation, a shout came from outside.

"Lin Yuexian? My little fairy? Where have you been?"

Lin Yuexian's face turned white, and she immediately said to Li Fan, "If you are really my favorite person, help me solve him!"

The owner of this voice is not someone else, Li Fan remembers it well. Hua Dehong, the son of the principal of No. 2 Middle School, was just as flies to Lin Yuexian, and even thought that Lin Yuexian was his imprisonment.

Now back to the high school, Hua Dehong has not met his martial arts himself, which is just a fanatic stage of pursuing Lin Yuexian.

Li Fan nodded, walked into the corridor and shouted.

"Hua Dehong, go away, Lin Yuexian is mine."

"Grass mud horse, I think you are tired!"

Hua Dehong was furious when he heard Li Fan's provocation! He is in this school, but he is known as a bully! He used to run rampantly at school. Since he said that he likes Lin Yuexian, who dares to have any idea about Lin Yuexian? In front of this skinny monkey cub, dare to talk about teasing his woman, I dare not come to school!

The second middle school is the world of my little bully Hua Dehong!

Hua Dehong rushed in front of Li Fan in a few steps. He practiced some island country kung fu, directly hit Li Fan's chest and kicked out!

Although Li Fan is thin and thin, he has accompanied him for so many years of fighting experience. Hua Dehong's kick was much slower in his eyes. He went straight to the side behind him, avoiding Hua Dehong's kick. Then he stretched out his hands, grabbed Hua Dehong's calf, and dragged behind him!


Hua Dehong was dragged, and a big split was made. The pelvis almost cracked, and he screamed in pain.

Li Fan flew up on his knees and slammed directly on Hua Dehong's face door, passing him to death.

"All right."

Li Fan kicked open the doors of the self-study classrooms next to them. These classrooms have been in disrepair for years, and the doors have long been worn out. Li Fan threw Hua Dehong in, then clapped his hands, and returned to Lin Yuexian's classroom. Lin Yuexian stood in front of the window and watched the whole process secretly.

"I have completed your task. Is it time for you to help me?"

"What's his future end?"

Lin Yuexian asked, pointing to the next door.

"I broke my leg, and my dad lost his job. I completely reformed the second middle school and turned it into a good school for students."

Li Fan explained briefly.

"You should have practiced kung fu."

Looking at Li Fan who was slightly panting, Lin Yuexian continued to make a judgment, "But after going back in time, your body is not well adapted, so just a little hands-on, it will consume your physical strength."

"Yeah, my demon Lin, you don't have to analyze me, let's talk about business."

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, let me talk about you first. Let me see if I can understand it."

The lunch break has an hour and a half, not to mention, even if Lin Yuexian does not go to class, the teacher will not care about her. No one at the school knows that Lin Yuexian has completed all her senior high school courses by herself. Her efficiency in the self-study classroom is often higher than in the classroom!

And Li Fan, he has infinite reincarnation in this day and time, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't attend class!

As long as Fang Xiaoxue is alive, it is more important than anything!

Li Fan looked at the wise little girl in front of him, and told her about the challenge of the Qinglong Tower, and the treasure mirror that can trace back to time.

"You're talking about your reincarnation."

Lin Yuexian took out a pen and seemed to write something on the paper. She made a line to prove what was normal.

After Li Fan finished the reincarnation, Lin Yuexian thought for a while. The little girl put her head on her chin, writing a few strokes from time to time, and looking out the window from time to time.

"How about this."

Lin Yuexian demanded to Li Fan, "You will have ten more days of reincarnation. In these ten days, you have to take different routes. How to choose the route, I will not stop you. After ten times, you will find me again, in the order of today. , Talk to me again, and tell me that day's records of those days together. "

"Ten times more?"


Lin Yuexian nodded. "After ten times, I can confirm my thoughts."

"Can you say no now?"


Lin Yuexian shook her head, then emphasized, "Any theory must be proved by practice! According to the theory of relativity, if your time here is constantly reincarnation, then your time outside should also be constant. So don't be afraid to waste time, Go and prove my theory. "

Li Fan believed in Lin Yuexian. Since she asked for it, she could only obey it.

Next, Li Fan experienced another ten days of reincarnation.

Every morning I get up, touch the mirror, and then have a nutritious breakfast on Monday. Then I meet Fang Xiaoxue, pull her or skip class to play electric, or go to the mall, and even secretly go to the movies. It doesn't matter if you can't afford movie tickets, Li Fan can sneak into the cinema quietly by virtue of his own cleverness.

For the whole ten days, Li Fan seemed to be dating Fang Xiaoxue, but the way of each date was different.

But no matter what, Fang Xiaoxue ... seems to be quite happy.

"In the future ... you can play, but you are not allowed to skip class!"

For the last time, Fang Xiaoxue was still as usual, flushed, reminding Li Fan, "Otherwise I won't be with you!"

After Li Fan told Lin Yuexian these ten experiences, the little girl sat at the table and looked at Li Fan twice, her eyes were a little strange.

"What's the matter ... Do you doubt me?"

"No, I doubt my vision."

Lin Yuexian muttered, "It looks like you like this Fang Xiaoxue very much, why should I look at you as a fancy ghost ... if you are really my favorite, why don't you stay with me every day?"

Lin Yuexian's straight words made Li Fan ashamed.

"Well, I don't want to help you anymore. Go to me next time and see if she has this mood."

"Don't, Lin Zong, you can help!"

"I can not help you."

Lin Yuexian suddenly left such a sentence, leaving Li Fanru struck by lightning.

Have all your efforts in the past few days gone to waste?

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