1585 The Last Wish

"Can't you think of a way with your wisdom?"

Li Fan hurriedly asked, Lin Yuexian was his only life-saving straw! As for Bai Linluo, where does this kid live, how do you know! Even if you want to find him, it is too hard!

"I have a way, but this way, you can't do it."

Lin Yuexian shrugged.

"Willn't wisdom solve everything?"

"If that's the case, why should I avoid Hua Dehong?"

Lin Yuexian smiled bitterly, "Wisdom can change the future, but it cannot change the past. Wisdom can change life, but it cannot change people's hearts."

"Ancestral, shall we not play the mystery?"

"Okay, let me tell you the truth!"

Lin Yuexian pointed at the work paper on her desk.

Li Fan glanced at it, there were three words written on the paper, "Fang Xiaoxue"!

"What do you mean? Aren't you jealous?"

"Eat a ghost! I mean, she's the core of this thing!"

Lin Yuexian tapped on the name, "Did you not find out yet? So many reincarnations, the others are changing, but what is the only constant?"


Li Fan is not a fool, Lin Yuexian said that he naturally understood it.

In this process, the only constant is that Li Fan kept saving Fang Xiaoxue ...

"You saved Fang Xiaoxue time and time again and again and again and again to make her survive from the original timeline ... Li Fan, you said that before, when you saw Fang Xiaoxue alive, you were more surprised and more Nostalgic. So, she survived and completely changed this timeline! And if I guess right, you think this cycle is trapping you, in fact it is saving you. "

"What do you mean ..."

Li Fan faintly felt terrible.

"The phenomenon of reincarnation is indeed caused by Baojing. It's not protecting you, but protecting itself. The power of Qinglong Tower should force you back to the past and let you restart your timeline! The great thing about Qinglong Tower is that in this timeline, you will experience a period of things that you want to change most! If this thing changes, then in the future, you may ... lose all your power, or, simply It is possible to cease to exist. "

Lin Yuexian's argument is very amazing. "And Bao Jing is following you in this timeline. If you don't exist, it is likely that Bao Jing will also disappear along with it. So, in order to ensure its existence, You have to constantly revise your timeline, pass you back to the past time and time again, and let you repair your timeline. "

"That means ..."

"That is to say, you have to experience Fang Xiaoxue's death again."

Lin Yuexian's words, like a bell and drum, sounded in Li Fan's ears, making him tremble and tinnitus. The next thing seemed to be inaudible.

"You can't shoot, you can't dodge. You have to step back into this real timeline and get everything back to the beginning. Then, I think, you can go back to the original timeline."


Li Fan sat there, and there was no sound for a long time, as if his soul was out.

Lin Yuexian didn't speak, she sat next to Li Fan, looked at Li Fan up and down, then shook her head and continued to study on her own.

Lin Yuexian is studying a new psychological argumentation book. With her skills, it will only take five or six hours to complete this book. The remaining time is to consolidate well, and then find someone to demonstrate.

One afternoon passed, and when Lin Yuexian raised her head again, she saw that Li Fan, who was sitting in front of him, was already white-haired.

Lin Yuexian was silent.

Li Fan also seemed to have returned some fascination. He looked up and looked at Lin Yuexian, his lips were a little cracked.

As if this afternoon, he spent all his life's energy.

"Your hair ... all white ..."

Lin Yuexian felt a little distressed at this moment.

She seemed to suddenly understand what she liked about this boy.

Just the future self ... you are destined to experience a lot of suffering. It seems difficult to like such people.

"What about gray hair, it will recover again overnight."

Li Fan's voice was a little hoarse, "but there are things that seem to be impossible to recover."

"Take care."

Lin Yuexian did not know how to persuade, as she said, sometimes wisdom can't solve everything, and strength can't solve everything.

"I'm leaving ... thank you ..."

Li Fan bowed deeply to Lin Yuexian, then took a faltering step and slowly left. Lin Yuexian watched him leave, as if suddenly losing strength, and he felt a little breathless.

So depressed ...

The next day, Li Fan saw Fang Xiaoxue again and asked her suddenly.

"Xiao Xue, do you have anything you want to do?"


Fang Xiaoxue thought for a moment, then suddenly reached out and pointed at a tall tower in the distance. It was the tallest tower in the province. It was the tallest in China before. Later, the city of G was built *, and its height far exceeded that of the past. It is a private live broadcast tower with a video platform company.

"I heard that there is a revolving restaurant above, and I hope to one day, sit there with someone I like to eat there. It doesn't matter what you eat, what is important is that you can see the entire city scenery!"

"Okay, I will fulfill your wish!"

"Haha, then you should work hard to make money! I heard that those who can eat there are either rich or expensive! It depends on our family situation, just think about it."

Fang Xiaoxue smiled at himself, Li Fan did not speak.

He went through hundreds of reincarnations. In these reincarnations, he kept saving Xiaoxue below, and then went to do another thing.

Until a reincarnation, Li Fan took Fang Xiaoxue's hand and came to the front of the live broadcast tower.

"Can't get in ..."

Fang Xiaoxue pulled Li Fan, a girl who was usually cheerful and generous, but a little timid here. After all, the two elder brothers stood guard at the door, with live ammunition and very powerful.

"It doesn't matter, everything has me."

Li Fan said, walked directly to the next SUV, and then picked up a * from under the car to testify. In Fang Xiaoxue's surprised eyes, Li Fan carefully opened the plastic seal of the work permit, and then put in an inch of himself, and then sealed the plastic with glue. This method is very old-fashioned, no trace of fraud can be seen!

"how did you do that?"

Fang Xiaoxue looked at Li Fan with a stunned look.

"I told my sixth sense."

Li Fan gave Fang Xiaoxue a mysterious smile, then took off his school uniform, took out a sportswear from his backpack, and put it on. He took Fang Xiaoxue and walked away from the sentry.

The live broadcast tower often has staff to bring guests in. Li Fan has been observing for a long time, no problem!

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