My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1586: Dance together

1586 Dance

Li Fan took Fang Xiaoxue into the lobby of the live broadcast tower easily.

But getting to the revolving restaurant on the 50th floor is still a bit difficult. Those who can enter the revolving restaurant are either rich or expensive in the city. They are either celebrities or powerful people. At the invitation of the director, enter the revolving restaurant and talk about business while enjoying the top cuisine here.

To enter this restaurant, you need more than just a work permit. General staff are not qualified to enter and leave here. To enter the restaurant, a membership card is required.

"Just come in and have a look ... must the restaurant be in?"

Fang Xiaoxue took Li Fan and tried to drag him out. "Don't go in, what should I do if I find out later?"

"Relax, it won't."

Li Fan gave Fang Xiaoxue a reassuring look. Then, he asked Fang Xiaoxue to wait for him in the corridor for a while, then he turned himself into a side lane.

"Hurry back soon ..."

Fang Xiaoxue would now be like a cute little girl, and the whole person was afraid.

"You know, just wait a bit."

Li Fan has already entered the trail, it is very safe here, and there is no monitoring. At the end of the trail, there is only a derelict warehouse, which has been abandoned for a long time. It is dirty and messy, and no one will come. But Li Fan came. He came to the end of the door, came to the room, and then silently pushed open the door.

The warehouse was messy, with rows of shelves inside, separating the warehouse into several sections. There was a burst of blood in the warehouse, and there was a crackling sound of meat. If it were an ordinary man, he would definitely go there to see what happened, but Li Fan is not curious at all. He has seen it in countless reincarnations, who are these two people.

The middle-aged bald TV director and a popular female host. The two often come here to have a nervous excitement, Li Fan does not know how many times, but he is definitely not in the minority.

He ignored the director who was pressing the hostess on the table and output crazy, but just reached out to pick up the clothes he had thrown beside him, and found out a black gold membership card from the inside.

As long as this membership card is available, Li Fan and Fang Xiaoxue can be unimpeded. He put his clothes back again, and then turned and walked back.

Although the director has such a membership card, in fact he does not need this card to enter and exit the revolving restaurant. Who doesn't know this person in the live broadcast tower? The female host is the most famous popular live broadcast on the video platform. Because of the high value and good body, many fans like it. The director is the leader of the local television station. The rights in his hands are indeed not small, and he often talks with video stations about some film and television cooperation here. Usually, some plans and guidelines disclosed by him can make this video platform make a lot of profits!

Li Fan was too lazy to take care of their affairs. At this moment, the most important thing for him was Fang Xiaoxue.

Li Fan went out of the warehouse. After getting out, he took two suits from the dressing room next to him, leaving a suit to himself and another white dress to Fang Xiaoxue.

"Where did you ... get this?"

Fang Xiaoxue was dizzy. Today Li Fan was very surprised and very happy ...

Did he take care of himself to run all this?

"Put on this dress, my Royal Highness."

Li Fan made a bowing gesture towards Fang Xiaoxue, "I have prepared a banquet for you."

"Looking at you ... it's kind of like that."

Fang Xiaoxue looked at Li Fan, who was polite, flushed slightly.

She took the dress and walked to the bathroom next to her. It took her a long time to change her clothes, and she walked out a little bit.

Fang Xiaoxue put on a white dress, the whole person looked completely new, so that Li Fan looked a little bit blank. As it is said, a man is dressed in clothes and a horse is on the shore. Fang Xiaoxue had grown well, but she always belonged to dress up, and she only wore some boys' clothes, so she did not show her beauty. Today I put on a white dress, but the beauty she had hidden for a long time, just like fermented wine, brewed out, leaving Li Fan a little drunk.

"How, how ... is it good-looking?"

"good looking."

Li Fan only returned to God for a long time and nodded strongly. "It's beautiful, you are not a princess, you are a goddess."

"Go, go to your ... even if you praise me, I won't be happy!"

Fang Xiaoxue's heartbeat is also fast, Li Fan is really different today. He in this suit and leather shoes seems to have a fatal charm.

He is him, he is not like him ...


Fang Xiaoxue carefully pulled up his skirt, "I'm afraid of cold ... so I'm wearing autumn pants below ... it's okay?"

"It's okay, let's go, goddess."

Li Fan took Fang Xiaoxue's hand, sat in the elevator, and walked towards the 50th floor.

The fifty-story elevator opened directly in the center. As soon as the door was opened, two waiters stood outside, bowing to Li Fan and Fang Xiaoxue. Li Fan didn't speak, but just flashed his black gold card.

"Dear Sir, please here."

A waitress rushed to meet them. They received professional training. The black gold card is a top-level membership card. Those who hold this card are either rich or expensive. They are people with faces and faces in the city, or their children. , Family and the like. Look at the two in front of you, who should be the son of someone!

"Sir, are you here today for the first time?"


Li Fan maintained his coldness and arrogance. He squeezed Fang Xiaoxue's hand vigorously to calm down the little girl who trembled slightly.

"Give me a piece of jazz."

Li Fan's attitude seems to be the old driver who has been here many times, maintaining his understanding of the place.

Seeing him like this, the waitress became more resolute in his heart, and it must be the son of someone's house. Before he came, the house had explained it.

"French cuisine, menu."

"Sir, we offer thirteen dishes. Can you see it?"

Fang Xiaoxue secretly pulled Li Fan's sleeve down, lowered his voice, and spoke in his ear, making Li Fan's ears itchy and a little crisp.

"So many dishes ... is it enough?"

Li Fan nodded slightly on the back of Fang Xiaoxue's hand, then nodded to the waiter, and then led by the waitress to the position by the window. The restaurant is slowly rotating, compared to it, it seems that the city below is rotating, and there are still some small magic.

Fang Xiaoxue looked at the city below with a blur in his eyes. She couldn't even believe that everything in front of her was true.

"My goddess, will you dance with me?"

There was a band playing nearby, and Li Fan suddenly reached out to Fang Xiaoxue and invited her to dance.

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