My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1587: True Yuan Xianlong

1587 True Yuan Immortal Dragon

Fang Xiaoxue was a little nervous, she didn't dance. But Li Fan guided her and danced.

The restaurant is rotating, the city is rotating, and Fang Xiaoxue's heart is also rotating.

"Li Fan ... is this really okay ..."

Fang Xiaoxue was held in his arms by Li Fan. Although he was dancing, his heart was beating.

"Well, today you are the goddess. Enjoy it."

Li Fan felt the temperature of Fang Xiaoxue. At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was quiet. There was only Fang Xiaoxue alone beside him, the others no longer existed.

"It would be great if time could pause."

Fang Xiaoxue said reluctantly.

"Well, what a pity ..."

Li Fan accompanied Fang Xiaoxue until she returned home.

After getting up the next day, Li Fan returned to the original time again. He took out the mirror under the pillow, glanced at it, and put it in his pocket. It's still Monday's breakfast, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, Li Fan has already tasted nothing. Even if it is a mountain and sea food, it will get tired even if it is eaten for several days, not to mention it is only scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and it is not known how many days.

Li Fan stepped out of the room, and Fang Xiaoxue greeted him happily a hundred times before, holding his neck tightly.

"Little plum, why are you up so early today?"

"Well, I slept early yesterday."

Li Fan looked at Fang Xiaoxue and showed a smile as usual.

Get history back on track and let everything continue.

Lin Yuexian's method is right, this is the only method. Although Fang Xiaoxue is important, the deceased is dead. Fang Xiaoxue always lives in the depths of his own memory, and the story of others will continue.

All the process is the same as before, the thief who grabbed the bag appeared, Fang Xiaoxue chased out.

Li Fan stood in place, desperately restraining himself.

Although he was ready, at the moment Fang Xiaoxue was about to die, Li Fan was still shaking.

The body was shaking, and the heart was shaking. Lin Yuexian's words echoed in Li Fan's ears, wisdom can change the future, but not the past. Qinglong Pagoda ... It's so horrible that he used his feelings to play with this ugliest trick!

A scream came from a distance, followed by a siren, which was extremely harsh.

Li Fan walked slowly, he saw the police are dispersing the crowd, and saw a woman being carried on a stretcher. A hand dropped weakly from the stretcher, and Li Fan's precious memories of the past were scattered together.

The surrounding space suddenly began to tremble. The space seemed to be screen-like and was flowing backwards rapidly. Li Fan was slightly dizzy. He looked at the surrounding scenery. Soon, these scenery became clear again, and he had returned to the Qinglong Tower.

"Surely back?"

The Dragon Girl stood outside the tower, and couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Li Fan.

But Li Fan's appearance seemed to have changed a little, and his hair had a little white silk, as if he had become much older in an instant.

The Dragon Girl knew that this was a trick of the Qinglong Tower. What did Li Fan experience in the past?

At this time, Li Fan waved a palm, and the tallest tower in the distance was suddenly carved with a huge palm print, and the bell tower broke in response.


The Dragon Girl shouted distressedly, "This is the bell of retrospection! It is the treasure of the flood season, why did you break it?"

"What's the use of ridiculous things?"

Li Fan's voice revealed a kind of coldness, letting the dragon girl shiver gently.

This man ... seems to be different ... This feels uncomfortable.

"Where's Qinglong?"

Li Fan's voice echoed within the Qinglong Pagoda under the influence of internal forces. He suddenly raised his head and glanced at the top floor.

"Are you there?"

At the foot of Li Fan's foot, the whole person jumped seven or eight meters high. Then, he fell on the wall of the tower opposite, and started running against the wall, performing his devotional light work, and quickly approaching the top floor.

"Oh, wait for me!"

The Dragon Girl doesn't perform lightly, but her physique is higher than ordinary people. She jumped to the opposite wall, grabbed the stone with both hands, and plucked it into the wall. Then, he continued to climb up and followed behind Li Fan.

Li Fan quickly came to the top floor, and into his eyes was a huge dragon head. Below the dragon head was a passage leading to the next room. The stone gate had been broken, and scattered stones fell on both sides. Li Fan immediately stepped on his light work, flashed into Longkou passage, and came to the next room.

This should be the place where Qinglong passed down his usual practice, but at this time he looked a little bit embarrassed. The blue dragon was handed down, his body armor was broken, his face was blue and swollen, and he was being lifted in the air by another familiar man with one hand. The hand scratched his throat, and his fingers pierced his neck with blood.

"Sorry, you're one step late."

The man on the opposite side was wearing a gold-red coat, with honorable Kowloon embroidered on it, showing the ambition of the other party.

"Liao must?"

Li Fan recognized the other person at a glance. "It was you who was one step ahead of me."

"You don't seem surprised when you see me."

The emperor wiped the blood off Qinglong's body, and then threw his body to the side just like throwing garbage.

"What a surprise to see a running dog."

Li Fan made sarcastic remarks, the Emperor Wu was said to be central, and his face immediately became ugly.

"Can't stand the shame, how can you accomplish great things?"

Liao Jue said loudly, "You don't know how you are, and you don't blame you."

"Coquettish the bulls you talked about, and find a reason to be a dog?"

Li Fan sneered, and the emperor's face changed a little.

"Well, you're going to die anyway, just as you were barking before death."

"Yeah, it's a coincidence. I'm in a bad mood, and I'm just out of breath."

Li Fan's voice seemed to come from the frozen area. Even if the emperor Wu Huang heard it, he felt a little chill.

"I really don't know if I live or die! I have practiced Xianfa today. How do you fight against you as a mortal?"

"Try it out."

"Fun, I tell you today, what is despair!"

The Emperor Wu said, and suddenly raised the fairy power on her!

"True Magic"!

And it is the complete true fairy tactics. Wuhuang was originally a martial arts wizard. Now he has practiced this nine-layer true fairy tactics to the seventh level!

A red mark appeared on the center of his eyebrow, and then Xianli walked around him, entwining him.

A golden wandering dragon appeared to him. This dragon is about three meters long, with a proud posture, protecting the Emperor Wu's body.

"This is the true immortal formula, you have a real Yuanxianlong!"

Emperor Wu laughed loudly.

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