My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1589: The new Shangfang sword

1589 New Shangfang Sword

In the eyes of the Emperor Wu, Li Fan was already doomed. He is just a little martial artist, how can he compare with Chengxian himself!

"go to hell!"

When Jin Long was preparing to attack, Li Fan's eyes suddenly turned red.

Then, Li Fan lifted his hands up, and unexpectedly lifted the golden dragon directly. The Emperor Wu that stepped on Jinlong's head was almost thrown away.

With three golden-red tails thrown behind Li Fan, within five seconds of being stepped on, Li Fan has quickly adapted to this state of doubling his strength.


The Emperor Wu was taken aback, "Where did you get this power?"

"Learned to beat you."

At the foot of Li Fan, he suddenly appeared in front of Wu Huang. Jin Long immediately raised his head, trying to block Li Fan's attack. But Li Fan turned around and kicked out, kicking on top of Jin Long's head.


The golden dragon flew out and slammed heavily on the wall next to it.

Li Fan's strength doubled, so did his speed and strength. The emperor regained control of Jin Long and fought with him, and found that there was nothing Li Fan!

"Bang, bang!"

In a series of moves, Jin Long was repelled by Li Fan.

"Thirty Success Forces, Chop Dragon Stage, Anchor Three Princes!"

Li Fan suddenly stepped on Jinlong's head with one foot and stung his head into the ground. How powerful Li Fan is, Jinlong also weighs! In this case, the seven inches of Jinlong were completely embedded in the ground before.


Li Fan raised his other foot high, and then split it down, just like a falling gate knife, passing everything directly from the faucet!

The dragon's head rolled down and rolled down, grunted to the side, slowly turned into golden light, and disappeared into the tower.

But Li Fan turned his head and found that the Emperor Wu had disappeared! The old boy seemed to find that things were bad, and he ran away!

"Dog-day, run fast!"

Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and also dissipated the attached energy on his body.

Although the spirit beast's possession is powerful, it can also have some side effects on the body. The longer you use the appendage, the more tired you will feel afterwards. So, use less, and try to use as little as possible!

"What is that man ..."

The Dragon Girl was stunned by the side, "It's too strong, right?"

"His name is Emperor Wu, and he is the emperor of Wulin from generation to generation."

Li Fan said, "He is really strong. If he is not familiar with the power of Qinglong, who will not be able to win today."

Li Fan has almost mastered the power of the nine-tailed fox, so he can hang on to the emperor. But Wu Huang's talent for martial arts is also amazing. If he is familiar with the power of this blue dragon, I am afraid ... this victory is really unexpected.

"It seems that his purpose is also a tower."

Li Fan sat cross-legged on the ground, the Qinglong Tower lost its master, and its strength was slowly dissipating.

"If you want to deal with Heaven and Earth, you must liberate the power of the Four Saints."

Ms. Bai Hu appeared next to Li Fan again and whispered, "The other party has taken away the power of Qinglong, and he must be killed to restore Qinglong."

"Ok, I know."

Li Fan sighed, "I did not expect that the strength of Wu Huang has also improved so fast. It seems that I need to find a place to continue to cultivate."

The Wulin Conference is about to be held, and the Emperor Wu Huang will surely focus on the third page of Zhenxianjue. With the character of the Emperor Wu, he would never let others practice such a great effort. If you don't work hard, you will lose at the Wulin Congress.

"But you don't have any direction right now."

The Dragon Girl said, "With your own effort, it takes time. Even if you only give you a hundred years of counter-intuition to yin and yang, I am afraid that even if the heavens and heavens come, you have a battle! But the problem! Yes, you don't have enough time. "

"How about thinking about my method?"

The nine-tailed fox also flew out and floated in front of Li Fan, showing off his method to him.

"If you don't want to learn the" Tian Fox Heart Sutra ", I still have a set of" Da Yao Sun Palm "that can be given to you! After practicing this set of techniques, you will be able to practice the martial arts skills of Zhu Xian!

Jiuwei Shenhu thought about her little idea, but Li Fan didn't eat her at all.

"I'd really like to see what kind of fighting methods those gods and the gods have."

Li Fan said his thoughts, "I had a fight with the Emperor Wu today, I seem to have some snacks."

"Sooner or later, one day, you will fight more powerful people. This is your destiny and your responsibility."

Miss Bai Hu has a lot of trust in Li Fan, and she is very optimistic about this guy. Without him, the world would really be destroyed by the sky.

"I'm sorry to get you involved in this terrible life. But now, I can only rely on you."

Ms. Bai Hu apologized to Li Fan, but Dragon Girl said with a grin.

"Is there any good apology, who made him a Shangfang Sword. Well, the outgoing Shangfang Sword."

"I'll wipe, it's still Miss Bai Hu, and consider me!"

Li Fanqi straightened his lips and said, "I'll let you see if I can practice new skills, even if I don't have a Shangfang sword, I can defeat Tianwaitian!"

"How is it possible to deal with those immortals, you must need a magic weapon, Shangfang ..."

Before the Dragon Girl's words were finished, her face suddenly changed.

"Li Fan ..."

"Why? Are you hungry and want to ask for mercy?"

"Shang Fang Bao Sword ... has a new candidate ..."

"When is it going?"

"Just now ..."

Li Fan is a bit unbelievable. Didn't the Dragon Girl always make trouble from it, why did Shang Fangbao choose a new successor?

"I don't know ... it seems that this person is too suitable for Shang Fangbao Sword."

The Dragon Girl pondered for a moment, then said, "I'm going back to the emperor, and then I will bring you a new Shangfang sword. I said, let you cultivate a new Shangfang sword."

"Well, but I'm going to retreat for a month, and talk again in a month."

Li Fan practicing martial arts becomes obsessed, especially at this juncture, he must control the key forces against the Emperor Wu! A month later there was the Wulin Conference, where he had to defeat all of his opponents.

Hurry up, it seems that there has never been room for myself to rest.

"Then we will see you in a month ..."

The Dragon Girl looked very serious. She didn't hesitate, and stood straight up, and flew a pair of flesh-colored wings behind her, then jumped into the air and hurried away.

"Well ... she still does this?"

Li Fan has some differences.

"Ordinary dragons have two wings."

Ms. Bai Hu reminded Li Fan with a smile, "The real five-claw golden dragon can rise from the clouds and drive the fog. Unfortunately, there are no five-claw golden dragons in this world."

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