My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1590: Test new power

1590 Test New Power

Huaxia's flood era was slowly ended in the process of human power.

From the beginning of the Yellow Emperor's time, he led his people and destroyed the most powerful Witches of that year. After that, the Shangfang sword was born again, destroying all holy beasts.

In Li Fan's generation, let alone the witches, holy beasts, not even a fairy, even the martial arts are extinct.

Li Fan felt that the more civilization developed, the more myth would decline.

After clearing the Qinglong Tower, Li Fan returned to the tower where Miss Bai Hu lived. Here, he has no pressure, can avoid Tianwaitian's eyeliner, and lives very comfortably. And there are four big beautiful swordsmen who take care of his daily life.

"Sangong, aren't you going to retreat?"

Seeing Li Fan dressed neatly, Chun'er did not intend to enter the second-floor exercise room, and could not help asking.

"Is there anything you need to prepare for you?"

"No, you let Qiuer come."

Li Fan said, "Before the retreat, I have to talk to our guests again."

"it is good."

Chuner Bingxue was smart and immediately understood Li Fan's intention. She helped Li Fan call Qiu'er, and accompanied Li Fan into the prison on the third floor.

Under the sky, the flowers are bound here. In the past, the immortals who had been high above all became a prisoner today.

"I don't think so, I'm here to see you."

Li Fan, wearing a black sportswear, walked in and looked at the flower with a smile on his face.

"Abominable mortals, how dare you appear?"

When he saw Li Fan, the flower was furious. As soon as he introduced mortals, he had imprisoned himself for so long!

"Why didn't you dare show up?"

Li Fan grinned, "You are here with me, delicious and delicious, better than anyone else. I haven't abused you, what dare not come?"

"Well! You, an ignorant mortal, dare to treat me this way! When the heavenly gods find this place, they will destroy you!"

"You used to think I couldn't win the next cent, but look, I've imprisoned you."

Li Fan said. "Even if immortals come, I can beat them!"

"Nonsense, how could you defeat me last time if you did not use mean means?"

Hua looked at Li Fan ironically, and still didn't seem to take Li Fan into his eyes.

"It seems you are not convinced."

Li Fan smiled. "Fight with me last time and didn't come up with all your strength?"

Li Fan can see from the emperor's skills that the power of the immortal is definitely not as simple as the one used last time. This woman may be too contemptuous, so she hasn't tried her best. By the time she tried to do her best, she had been defeated by herself!

"Just know, if I use all my strength, you won't fight back!"

"Okay, I'll give you this chance."

Li Fan said, snapping his fingers. Qiu'er nodded immediately, then opened the captive chain and put the flower down.

"You are so brave!"

Flowers fell to the ground, and still a little disbelieving what happened.

"Did you let me go? Are you tired?"

"Come on, get your best power."

Li Fan pointed his fingers at Huagou, "Get started."

"What a death!"

Hua sneered, this time she didn't plan to let Li Fan anymore, so she waved her hand, and a red rose flew out of her head again, flew into the air, kept spinning and floating.

"Flowers and leaves are immortal!"

The flower's red lips spit gently, and a huge red rose grew immediately on the ground. The bud of this red rose slowly bloomed, and a flower fairy more than one meter tall stood inside.

"So it is."

Li Fan nodded, although it is different from the real Yuan Xianlong, but this true leaf and leaf fairy is also a form with powerful energy.

"Don't show mercy, kill this man!"

It took him so much to hate Li Fan that he lost to a mortal and was imprisoned by him for so long. He must use his life to wash his anger!

The flower fairy held two bayonet swords in her hands, and suddenly came to Li Fan, brushing continuously towards him!

The speed of this flower fairy is extremely fast, and this blink of an eye has even stung almost a hundred swords!

However, Li Fan displayed Long Lianya and kicked the fairy of the flower fairy.

The flower fairy didn't suppress Li Fan's kick, but Li Fan took the time to kick her and kicked it on her neck.

The flower fairy spins up and smashes to the side.

Li Fan's eyes were glowing with red light, and three fox tails were shaking behind. These three tails seem to be much shorter than when they were first seen.

"It's black art again? Right ..."

Hua frowned suddenly. Although she took out the gesture from that day, there was no magic power in the other person.

"This is how I blend."

Li Fan shook his neck. "But I'm still a little unskilled. I just use your hands."

"Damn, why use me as a target?"

Flower finally understood it.

"You can say that."

Li Fan hooked his fingers again.

"Mosaic leaves and immortals, kill him!"

Hua scolded in anger, and the flower fairy immediately brought out several residual images, which appeared around Li Fan, and several of them stabbed the double thorns in Li Fan's hands together!

But they only pierced the afterglow of Li Fan. The real Li Fan had jumped up high, double-footed on the ceiling, and looked down.

"Why so fast ..."

Flowers can't believe it, faster than their own true leaves and flowers? how can that be!

"War Dragon Roar!"

Li Fan suddenly yelled, and the sound of the waves erupted. The flower fairy immediately shook, her body trembled a little, and the afterimages around her disappeared.

"Flowers and leaves are immortal!"

The flower exclaimed, and Li Fan had already fallen, and then a half-moon foot, with a thunder light, draped over the true leaf and flower fairy.

"Thunder anger cuts the third prince!"

As if the thunder knife fell, the flower fairy couldn't escape, and one arm was cut off.

The Flower Fairy pulled back immediately, and Li Fan was standing there, the tail behind was shorter, but his hair was much redder.


The flowers began to tremble slightly. This Li Fan ... why did he make such a big progress in a short period of time?

"Why doesn't this affect him ..."

Not just flowers, the nine-tailed fox is the most surprised!

In the past, the possession of the spirit beast was actually a nine-tailed demon fox using his own power to affect Li Fan. But this time, it seemed that Li Fan took the initiative to seize his power and used him as a weapon!

"Mosaic Fairy, come out with all your strength!"

Hua didn't want to lose, so she launched her strongest fairy power and sent it into the fairy body. For a moment, in this tower, suddenly red petals floated. Li Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, he also felt that there was a powerful force approaching.

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