1591 Peacemaker

"Come on, let me see how strong you are in the next cents."

Li Fan has maintained the integration time of eight minutes. He cannot persist for too long, otherwise it will affect his physical function. Li Fan's limit time is still ten minutes.

"Everything is gone!"

Flower hair and skirts followed. This skirt floated a little too high, Li Fan looked at Hua's long legs and almost lost his mind.

I rub, so despicable, even in such a critical time, using a beauty plan!

Li Fan took back his heart, and at this time, in the tower on this floor, the flower fairy had forty-nine avatars, one next to the other, surrounding Li Fan around the center.

At the same time, red petals fluttered in the sky. These petals suddenly turned into sharp swords, and Qi shot at Li Fan!

A large-scale attack surrounded Li Fan in a blink of an eye!


Li Fan sneered. Although these petals rain quickly, he has been training for so long under the attack of Murong Ying!

"Dragon even teeth!"

Li Fan kicked with both feet, bringing up the red thunder, and immediately kicked off the rain of petals falling in front of him.

It was originally a blue thunderbolt, but Li Fan combined the power of the **** fox, making this thunderbolt all red. With the integration of Shenhu's power, the nature of Li Fan's entire power has changed. The strength of his vitality should have been a silver-white gesture. But now, Li Fan's power is red, as if symbolizing a sense of destruction.


Seeing her unique skills, Hua couldn't even get close to Li Fan, and her face stiffened.

"Twenty-story skills · Xuanlong Ice Palm · Skyscraping!"

Li Fan suddenly shot out with a single palm!

A strong palm wind hit directly on the flower in the distance.


Hua's body flew straight out and smashed heavily on the back wall. Thanks to the sturdy underwater tower, it is ten times stronger than steel because of its special strength. Rao is so, Hua's body is still embedded on the wall, and she spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"After practicing the Immortal Law, it is to cultivate your own strength."

Li Fan's fox tail has completely disappeared. On the contrary, his hair has turned completely red, like a burning flame. After defeating the flower, Li Fan's strength was slowly dissipating, and he returned to his original appearance. However, the hair was still black and white and looked a little old.

"Just like you, after your power is formed, what kind of true flower and leaf is this?"

"Damn ..."

Hua hated it so much that she lost to a mortal!

"If you don't incorporate hex, how can you be my opponent?"

"Well, you are too ugly."

Li Fan came to Hua's body. "I only practiced for a few years. How old are you monsters who have n’t cultivated for years?

"You mortals can only live for a hundred years. They are low-level life."

"How about a hundred years? Because humans have a short life span, they must constantly strive to fulfill our dreams through generations of efforts!"

"Just a struggling bug ..."

Before the flowers were finished, Li Fan suddenly stepped forward, grabbed her by the neck with one hand, and lifted her into the air.

"A bug? The bug in your mouth can pinch you now!"

"Mortal! My extraterrestrial power, you will meet sooner or later! At that time, it will be your day of human destruction!"

"I won't be there that day."

With a wave of Li Fan, he threw the flowers in front of Qiu'er. Qiu'er immediately locked her hands and feet with a chain.

"Qiuer, give you a month to get all the useful information out of her mouth."

"Yes, master, leave it to Qiuer."

Qiuer licked her tongue, tortured, abused ... she was the best!

Li Fan left the third floor in the roar of resentment and returned to his practice room.

Sitting in the practice room, Li Fan still maintained his usual posture. One foot was on the ground, the other was raised, while one hand rushed to the ground, holding the palm with one palm.

The Taiji chart turned in his body, and after turning forward for 981 weeks, it would reverse for 981 weeks. Without completing a large cycle, Li Fan's internal strength will be stronger again.

But this process was too slow, and Li Fan couldn't stand it. Going on like this, there is no way to cope with the upcoming Wulin Conference. The power of fusion can only be used for ten minutes. It may be okay to deal with others, but Jiang Feng, Wu Huang, these are people who have their own tricks at the bottom of the box, they are definitely not good enough.

However, the way Tian Tian Tian exercises has inspired Li Fan.

Tianwaitian practiced the energy outside the body. It was a bit like internal force being released, but once it was exerted, it could not be retracted, it was more like summoning the gods. But what Li Fan has to do is to let these energy strengthen his body. A martial arts fighter needs to do both inside and out to become stronger!

"what are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Li Fan was only slowly working, Miss Bai Hu flew out again and turned into a beautiful dark-haired woman in white, standing on the left side of Li Fan.

"Practice is step by step. Although you have a heavy task, you shouldn't worry. Since I live by you, I will naturally fight for you as a powerful helper."

"Don't listen to her, dear."

The nine-tailed fox also flew out and turned into a glamorous woman in red. She licked her lips against Li Fan. "The way is suitable for you!"

"Fu Meizi, come to seduce my brother Li Fan again?"

Suddenly, a white giant tiger stood up behind Miss Bai Hu and patted it towards Jiuwei Shenhu with one palm!

A spirit fox popped up behind the nine-tailed demon fox, sweeping its tail, and opened the paw of the white tiger.

"This world is unparalleled, wouldn't you be afraid of a big cat?"

"Sao fox, I think you are owed!"

The spirits of the two men were about to fight, but Li Fan spoke.

"Two ... stop first."

The two were just a little quieter and turned around at the same time, wanting to hear what Li Fan was about to say.

"No matter what our grievances used to be, we should fight against our enemies now. Nine-tailed fox, I know that you have always wanted to use me, but we also have a spirit beast contract. Now your highest priority is to help me overcome the sky. Any comments? "

Li Fan asked.


Nine-tailed fox knew that his fate had been controlled by Li Fan.

"Miss Baihu, you have been very kind to me, I understand. Nine-tailed fox does have a little mind, I will guard her. However, let's think about how to quickly improve my strength."

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