My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1592: Welcome Spring Ten Mile Pavilion

1592 Spring Festival Ten Mile Pavilion

Li Fan started to be a peacemaker, and then stabilized the two people before talking. To deal with Tian Wai Tian, ​​both of them are very important to themselves. These two people, one true and one evil, can keep themselves comprehensive.

"Two, please help me together!"

Li Fan asked earnestly.

"Rest assured, I will definitely help you."

Miss Bai Hu gently touched Li Fan's cheek. "Not only to help you, but to help myself."

"Of course they will help you!"

"This seat is just working with you for the time being, don't think too much!"

Jiuwei Shenhu still has that dual attitude, and I don't know what she thinks.

"Li Fan, is there any good way for you?"

Miss Bai Hu is very concerned about this issue.

"The only way is to find a way to quickly increase the speed of my Taiji chart rotation!"

Li Fan said, "I envy the spiritual space recorded in Dragon Ball. Where there is a few years in it, it may be only one day outside."

"It could have been done with the power of the Blue Dragon Tower and the Time Mirror."

Ms. Bai Hu laughed, "It's a pity that I killed you."

"Wipe, this is unlucky."

Li Fan is very helpless, who could have expected such a thing!

"It doesn't matter, there is actually a spirit room in my tower."

With a word from Miss Bai Hu, Li Fan's eyes brightened.

"Ah? Really?"

"Although time cannot be reversed, there is another way."

Ms. Bai Hu nodded. "In this spiritual room, gravity is ten times that of ordinary rooms. But this is just a little fur. That place has a severe test of spiritual power. If you can practice there, your martial arts You can make rapid progress, thousands of miles a day. "

"Well? What's the point?"

Li Fan wondered a little, but Jiuwei Shenhu guessed it.

"Is it mental suppression?"

"Yes, you're smart."

Ms. Bai Hu's attitude towards the nine-tailed fox has been not very friendly. "Under such high-intensity spiritual suppression, ordinary life is better to die. It is also a severe test for martial arts. The dual exercise of physical and mental can stimulate internal strength A substantial improvement. "

"This is a good side. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid Li Fan will become a lunatic?"

Nine-tailed fox hugged his arm and sneered, "White Tiger, I thought you were so kind. It turned out to be just using Li Fan."

"I just give Li Fan a way."

Miss Bai Hu's eyebrows were cold and cold, "It's different from someone with ulterior motives like you!"

"What a joke!"

"I don't know who is joking!"

Seeing the two women fighting again, Li Fan had some headaches. Couldn't the two of them be an enemy in their last lives?

"Well, no matter how terrible it is, always go and see."

Since there is such a room in the tower, Li Fan always has to take a look. As the saying goes, seeking wealth and insurance is now your chance!

"Relax, I will always be there for you."

Sister Bai Hu said, "Once you are in danger, I will close the mental room as soon as possible."

"Let's go and see that spirit room."

Li Fan couldn't wait, "How terrible, I want to see!"

"Okay, then you come to see."

Ms. Bai Hu didn't go out either, just let Li Fan notify Chuner with a communicator. Soon, Chuner came slowly with a scroll in his hand.

"Sangong, old master, I brought it."

Chuner said, slowly unrolled the picture scroll, and then hung it on the side wall. Nine-tailed fox didn't take it seriously at first, but he couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this picture.

"Yingchun Ten Mile Pavilion?"

"Oh? You know this picture?"

Miss Bai Hu is also a bit surprised. This nine-tailed fox is not a fool!

"How could this seat be unknown!"

Nine-tailed fox's eyes narrowed slightly. "This painting has been lost for thousands of years. I didn't expect it to be in your hands."

"It was only entrusted to me by an old friend."

Ms. Bai Hu smiled, "Long before Li Fan, he had come into my tower. He had the" Yingchun Ten Mile Pavilion "in his hands."

"Are there such a powerful person?"

Li Fan was a little curious, "Please tell!"

"He is hundreds of years earlier than you. His name is Liu Jinchan."

"Our day ..."

Liu Jinchan, this name is like Lei Guaner! If it wasn't for a different age, I really want to have a good discussion with him!

"In other words, this Liu Jinchan ... he practiced martial arts, which should be exactly the same as Zhou Guifei's" Day Sun Rulai Heart Sutra "... but why Zhou Guifei died after hundreds of years?

Li Fan muttered, "Since it's so powerful than Niubi, maybe you're still alive?"

"No, he has died."

Ms. Bai Hu shook her head. "Just in this tower, I watched him sit down. He was about 160 years old at the time, but he was still young and powerful."

"It's a pity ... not to see it."

"It's not necessarily."

Miss Bai Hu pointed to the landscape painting of the pavilion hanging on the wall. "When he was sitting, he had a residual soul and stayed in the painting. Later, you can see this legendary Big man. "

"Ah? Is this ... this ..."

Li Fan seemed to guess.

"Yes, this picture is what I call a spiritual room."

Ms. Bai Hu nodded. "The painting is a world of its own. Like your treasure mirror, it is a treasure from ancient times. Go, I will protect the law for you. If you are in danger, I will shut down the first time. Scroll and let you out. "

"Okay, I will do my best."

Li Fan nodded, and Miss Bai Hu immediately acted, making Li Fan feel that her body suddenly became very light, and then began to shrink, the whole world was enlarged! The figure of the younger sister and the nine-tailed **** fox became a giant in a blink of an eye! Without waiting for Li Fan to take a closer look, his body became like a style, and was stuffed into that picture!

When Li Fan landed on the ground again, he found himself in a small pavilion by the lake. The pavilion was full of white peony, shaking in the wind, very beautiful.

And a terrible pressure also fell on Li Fan, making Li Fan feel his body is very heavy! As Miss Tong said, the gravity here is ten times that of outside.

It's not just a matter of gravity, Li Fan feels his head is also heavy, as if a stone was pressed on top of his head. This feeling of depression made him extremely depressed, and even wanted to end his life in this pavilion at any time!

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