My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1593: Liu Jinchan

1593 Liu Jinchen?

The so-called Spring Festival Ten Mile Pavilion, Li Fan, did not feel any lingering spring, but had a feeling of dying. If you live here, it's really too depressing. Jiuwei Shenhu and Miss Bai Hu also flew in and attached to Li Fan.

Li Fan immediately started to use his skills to protect the whole body, trying to block the spiritual suppression here. But spiritual repression is special, and it is not affected by the true energy. It directly affects Li Fan's brain. Li Fan didn't dare to delay, he immediately made a cultivating posture, so that the Taiji in his body began to circulate, trying to look at the nose, nose and heart, and entered a state of cultivation without desire.

But in such a place, it is difficult to enter the state of cultivation. Li Fan's mind was always messy, as if there was a screaming voice that kept screaming, making him restless.

"Empty the Lingtai and hold your heart!"

At this time, a heartbreaking voice sounded in Li Fan's ears, which made Li Fan startled.

The other person said a serial port trick, which is to adjust the way he breathes, and it is not esoteric. But at this time, it seems to have some good results. Li Fan's body slowly glowed with silver and white, and his mind began to clear. The Tai Chi in his body turned quickly, and it turned faster and faster, like a sports car with the accelerator on the end, which was irresistible on the road. The ground galloped.

Li Fan has already entered the state of cultivation. Under this mental state, the speed of cultivation has indeed reached more than ten times in the past! And Li Fan's Taiji diagram is too aggressive, and every time he makes a lap of 981, he will forcibly adjust the surrounding forces. Not only the vitality in this painting, but also the power of Miss Baihu and the nine-tailed fox, drawn into the Taiji diagram! This makes Miss Baihu and Jiuwei Shenhu both endlessly. If they continue to draw, I am afraid that both of them will lose their spirits! However, Li Fan's practice is permanent. After he absorbed a wave, Taijitu reversed 981 laps, and after tempering his strength, he returned it to two people.

At the same time, Li Fan found that he also absorbed a pure Yang internal force into his Taiji chart. The four powers in the Taiji picture are mixed together, their pure yin vitality, the mysterious pure yang internal force, and the red demon power of the nine-tailed fox, and the white holy power of Miss Baihu.

Taiji was originally a mixture of yin and yang, and now this situation has made Taijitu exert its real power.

Li Fan felt that his strength was advancing by leaps and bounds, and the nature of his vitality was also changing. The four forces are fused, tempered, and finally a new energy is slowly formed, which is then returned to another person.

Now a new power is being born in the body. In the Taiji picture, golden red rays are flowing around.

Can't be called vitality ... Li Fan decided to give himself a new name for this kind of power that can be combined with tempering. Since it is a name, it is also to catch up with Tianwaitian.

Royal spirit! Li Fan decided to call this name!

"Congratulations, the fusion of new power."

That hearty voice sounded again, "You have such an overbearing power and quite a royal style."

Li Fan allowed the Taiji in his body to continue to rotate, while opening his eyes and glancing around.

On the lake beside the pavilion, stood a man in white. The man is about twenty, very young, with big eyebrows, but quite energetic.

"Seven Chivalry Villas Li Fan, met Senior Liu."

"Oh? Do you recognize me?"

The other side stood on the lake and came on the waves, and soon reached Li Fan. He is dressed as an ancient man and speaks in an ancient style.

"No one has entered this painting for hundreds of years. If you can come here, it seems that you have a fate."

"I admire you for a long time."

No one else was around, Li Fan simply became a little fanboy, "I also practiced your own sword-cutting technique, it's really amazing!"


Liu Jinchan couldn't help but look at Li Fan twice, "The sword-cutting sword was created by my improvisation, and I didn't expect it to be learned by you. But now, it seems that you are not from my own gate, are you? "

"Back to my predecessors, I practiced" Kowloon Decision "and" Reverse Training of Yin and Yang "as I realized."

"So it's no wonder I've never seen it before."

Liu Jinchan nodded. "But you don't have to call me a senior. You look at me. You are so young, you and my brother are just right!"

"No, no, why are you so much older than me, how can you call me brother?"

"Well, kid is ridiculous, naturally you call me brother!"

"Oh yes, you look confused when I get excited."

Li Fan's old face blushed, but Liu Jinchan laughed.

"It's nothing, who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother? What's the point in this Spring Festival Ten Mile Pavilion?"

Liu Jinchan continued, "Boy, with your cultivation like this, have you seen the sky outside?"

"Not only peeping, I also caught a celestial celestial prince, and was locked in this white tiger tower."

When talking about this, Li Fan was still a little bit bitter.

"It's just a fairy. It just makes you excited like this. It's still young."

Liu Jinchan was not surprised. "The next immortal is at most ten sacred practices. I was not talented at that time, and even the immortals were pressed! Even if they encounter Tianxian, they have a fight!"

"Senior Liu, you are too six!"

Li Fan's eyes were dumbfounded, "Did you practice the Immortal?"

"Xianfa is a fart!"

Although Liu Jinchan did not understand what 6 meant, he guessed it should be a compliment.

"The immortals are not necessarily better than ours. Kung Fu. But they have been practicing for a long time, and they are better than us. As long as we break through the nature of martial arts and give us time, we will be able to Become a master of God's defense and killing God, Buddha's defense! "

"The problem is not enough time."

Li Fan sighed, "I broke the Wudang family's nature, but the threat of Tiantiantian is becoming more and more urgent. They will soon invade the earth and turn this place into their homeland."

"An alien alien, the wolf is ambitious."

Liu Jinchan cursed, "If it wasn't during the flood season, our old ancestors consumed too much, the masters were dead and wounded, and the strongest fell, how could it be the arrogance of those foreign races!"

"This ... internal fighting is the habit of our Huaxia people. And history can't be changed. Think about how I can improve my strength and fight against those guys."

"You are not enough by yourself."

Liu Jinchen shook his head, "The sky is so numerous, there are eight people in the strongest heavenly gods alone! And even if you can fight these eight people ... there is also a truly terrible fairy god, waiting for you! "

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