1594 once in a lifetime

Liu Jinchan's appearance did not seem to scare Li Fan, but to tell a fact.

"Immortal, Immortal?"


Liu Jinchan nodded, "This immortal is the earliest foreigner who led Tianwaitian to travel long distances from remote outer space to the ancient power! He is Tianweitian's last reliance. Once he strikes, he will deal with you ... ...... It's really a thing that can be spiked with one finger. "

Li Fan hurts himself!

Damn a chicken. Although this is indeed the case, Liu Jinchan's statement is too hurtful.

"Boy, I'm not scaring you. Your current strength, at most, is half a lower cent. But depending on your martial arts, you can beat one lower cent, it is not unusual. But the strength of the fairy, but the lower cent A hundred times! For you, at least two hundred times! Not to mention, the legendary fairy statue is almost a thousand times stronger than yours! Can such a power run over you with one finger? "


Although not reconciled, it must be acknowledged.

Nima ... a thousand times ... this is a bit scary.

"Fortunately, that Xianzun brought everyone here, he has exhausted his strength and is currently sleeping. Otherwise, even if you practice fast, I'm afraid he is not his opponent."

Hearing Liu Jinchan's words, Li Fan was finally relieved.

"Things outside the sky can only depend on you now."

Liu Jinchan stood in front of Li Fan with both hands, "You practice your own pulse, and I have nothing to mention about you. And what interests me the most is that you have trained the power of thunder and lightning into your body. It's very interesting. "

"I was improvising ..."

"How did you receive the power of lightning into your body?"

Liu Jinchan couldn't figure this out. "Do you use your body to eat Tianlei? That thing, even if you are Tianxian, you ca n’t use your physical body to resist it!"

To fight Sky Thunder, only use your energy! But to absorb Levi, but to touch directly with the flesh! Even Liu Jinchen had no such ability at that time, so after his sword-cutting sword was created, he hardly ever used it.

"Um, the times are advancing very fast, and now humans can make electricity."

Li Fanxin said that technology creates the future!

"It turned out to be an artificial mine?"

Liu Jinchan suddenly realized, "No wonder, the Lei Wei in your body is not very strong. However, what is stronger in your body is a kind of cold power ... This should be changed."

Liu Jinchan reminded Li Fan, "Your previous strength belonged to the feminine school. It is feasible to cultivate the frost power of this cold attribute. However, your current strength is too overbearing and too masculine. This ice attribute is a bit retarded. I suggest that you might as well discharge The cold in your body will concentrate on practicing the power of thunder. In this way, your power of thunder will be more refined and help you more. "

Li Fan nodded, and Liu Jinchan's suggestion was indeed correct. But in this way, the power of Xuanlong Bingzhang will be greatly weakened, and it can only become a third-rate palm.

Of course, it is a bit regrettable, but after training to Li Fan's level, the moves are all simplified, but it is also a way to let yourself evolve.

"Thank you for your advice, I will start practicing now."

Time is short, and a month will soon pass. Li Fan did not dare to hesitate, immediately put on his unique practice posture, and began to concentrate on practicing!

A cold air was still flowing in his body. Although Li Fan was a little bit reluctant, he still pushed the cold air down his own leg and pushed it to the ground. The extremely cold air that Li Fan practiced in his body was far more than a hundred times better than what the cold dance practiced. Soon, a layer of ice formed under his feet, and the ice continued to spread, and after a while, the entire lake next to it became ice!

Snow began to fall in the sky, and Liu Jinchan was surprised.

"It's such a strong cold, this boy's practice is really good."

As Li Fan drained the cold air, the thunderous force in his body suddenly began to excite! In the past, it was the home of the chill, and the power of Thunder could only stay in a small corner. But now that the cold air is gone, Lei Zhili immediately came to the scene, and instantly walked around Li Fan's body meridians and entered his body!

Li Fan felt that his body had a slight numbness. After all, it was his refining power, and it would not hurt himself. Under the new imperial temper, this thunderbolt also became golden.

"Is this my strength ..."

Li Fan inwardly viewed the power of the thunder and lightning in his own body. These thunder and lightning were entangled in the Taiji chart, which increased continuously as the Taiji chart rotated. At this time, Li Fan's Taiji figure was half red and half blue and white, and there were eight gossip runes next to the Taiji figure, of which four were already lit and four were gray. Once all eight are lighted up, his Taiji diagram will enter the next stage, and his strength will officially enter the next immortal level.

The human body is truly infinite, and Li Fan feels that he must have more secrets.

Tianwaitian likes to train strength, so he should train his body more! As the saying goes, the physical body is invincible, and then you will be close to the so-called fairy people!

Li Fan closed his eyes and began his practice at ten times the speed.

As I said at the beginning, Li Fan practiced here, like a car stepping on the floor oil, the speed is getting faster and faster. It was ten times at first, then fifteen times, twenty times, and finally fixed at fifty times!

His internal force leaped forward as if he was hanging. The imperial energy is also more and more condensed, and the rolling thunder is re-tempering and activating every meridian and flesh on Li Fan.

The gossip next to the Taiji chart slowly lit up. After one month, Li Fan's eight Taijis were fully lit, and his Taiji chart turned quickly, and the colors of Yin and Yang changed. Soon, his Taiji figure turned half golden and half silver, and one of the gossips next to it was bright!

Li Fan opened his eyes, and there was a ray of thunder in his eyes.


Li Fan exhaled a stale gas, and he felt his physical body stronger.

Electric current stimulates the cells of the body, and Li Fan is the beneficiary.

"By the way, before I leave, I recommend you meet someone."

Knowing that Li Fan was going to leave here, Liu Jinchan who was beside him suddenly said.

"Well? Are you in a hurry?"

Li Fan was thinking about the World Competition. In the past, it was only a competition contest of Huaxia, in order to choose the leader of Chinese martial arts. But now with the intervention of the government, even foreigners have to participate.

"Well, you can't come here again after all."

Liu Jinchan laughed. "So, I want to help you again."

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