My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1602: Difficult French

1602 Difficult French

Teresa has heard the so-called Huaxia Kungfu before, but she has never seen it once. It would be disappointing if Huaxia Kung Fu was just that level.

"Huaxia Kung Fu is vast and profound, and is not used for performance."

Li Fan explained, "If you want to know more, you can take a look at it."

"Okay, I'll see more."

Theresa is very curious. She really wants to see and see what is so great about this so-called Huaxia Kung Fu. I heard that Li Fan of Qixia Mountain Villa or something, martial arts is almost invincible in the world, how powerful is it? Isn't there a sentence for Huaxia? It's better to see everything. You must understand it today!

"Brother, just right, I will teach you two tricks."

Liu Fanfan was enthusiastic, and he patted Li Fan's shoulder vigorously. "These two tricks guarantee you unlimited use."

"Thank you Brother."

Li Fan didn't quit, others were willing to teach, and he learned by himself. I've seen Shaolin Abbot's exquisite Thousand Buddha Palms, and I haven't seen what Luo Hanquan looks like.

"You are optimistic, this first move is called Luo Han hit the bell!"

Liu Bufan said, his body suddenly turned horizontally, his fists punched together, hitting Li Fan's chest and lower abdomen.

Li Fan immediately took two steps back and pretended.

"This move is fast, it's not the strength of the fist, but the power of the waist. If an enemy entangles you, you can use this to win.

Liu Fanfan is very real, telling Li Fan all are more used boxing.

"It doesn't matter if you are hit by an enemy and ride on you."

Liu Bufan pulled Li Fan and let him ride on his body as a demonstration.

"This move will be punished by Luo Han, provided that you have good arm strength."

After Liu Wefan said, he grabbed his hands on Li Fan's legs and lifted directly. Li Fan's body turned over in the air and landed on the ground steadily.

"When I was in Shaolin, I used to pick water and firewood every day, so this arm was pretty good."

Liu Fanfan waved his arm, "With these two tricks, you can guarantee your viability."

"Thank you Brother, I have been taught!"

Li Fan thanked for his fists in both hands.

"You're welcome, our brothers, who is with whom?"

Liu Bufan is also a little happy, after all, showing his hand in front of the beauty is still very happy. Male hormones are most easily secreted in the presence of women. For thousands of years, no matter how civilization develops, it has not changed.

"Some of China's martial arts are really clever, but I am more confident in my Jiu-Jitsu."

Teresa looked aside for a long time, and finally said, "It's better for us to learn, so that we can have a deeper understanding of each other's moves."

She had just finished talking and Liu Bufan's cell phone suddenly rang. He hurried over, picked it up, and said hastily.

"Practice it for a while. It seems there is something wrong with my accommodation procedures. I'll get it done!"

After that, Liu Fanfan ran away in a panic.

"Since he's gone, just come and talk to me!"

Theresa's eyes fell on Li Fan's face, and her eyes persisted.

It is said that the French are lazy, but Teresa, who is so serious and waiting to practice with Li Fan, makes him a bit bitter.

"Come on, dear Mr. Li."

Without being allowed, Theresa could not act on Li Fan out of courtesy.


Li Fan knew that if she didn't agree, Teresa might be able to entangle them for a day. In order to let this beautiful French girl die, she could only do it.

"Hello lady, please go first."

How to say, Li Fan is regarded as the host. Theresa Teresa is a visitor and a beauty, so she should be sent first.

"it is good!"

Theresa didn't know how polite she was, she suddenly lowered her body, and then swooped over.

Teresa learns Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and she is fierce. She pursues dragging the enemy to the ground and then suppressing strangulation! She is best at joint skills. As long as she is entangled with this oriental guy, she will be able to give him uniform! Theresa went straight to Li Fan's knee, and she ran into Li Fan's arms, and then copied her hands on his calf. Li Fan would be lifted!

Teresa knew that with her own weight and the strength of her arms, she should be able to lift a person weighing 200 kilograms steadily! But Li Fan's feet seemed to take root. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake it!

"how come?"

Theresa was very surprised and couldn't believe what she saw.

At this moment, Li Fan's palm suddenly slammed forward and stuck directly to her lower abdomen.


Theresa's body was as if she had been hit by a car head-on, flew out, and then fell heavily to the ground.


Theresa couldn't figure it out, the other party was just a common hand, and she didn't seem to have any strength. Why did she blow herself out?

Is this ... impossible?

"That's infuriating."

Li Fan probably explained a bit, "Unlike the external force, our vitality depends on the internal energy."

"How is it possible, how can there be such strange things in the human body ..."

Theresa still couldn't figure it out, and Li Fan didn't explain much.

"If you want to understand, you can try to learn more about Huaxia Kungfu, and you can go to Qixia Villa to learn martial arts, and you will get something there."

"Is it Qixia Mountain Villa again? I'm really curious about it."

"After all, I'm the martial artist from the Seven Knights Villa."

Li Fan put his hands in one point and posed a tiger fist. "Wait to the ring, I can show you the most basic chivalry of our martial arts."

"I want to see it now!"

Theresa was very anxious. She rushed towards Li Fan again, and at the same time, she was vigilant. No matter where Li Fan made her move, she would definitely resolve it in the first time!

Li Fan stood there, waiting for Teresa, without any intention to shoot. Teresa was surprised, wasn't she waiting for her shot? The moment Teresa approached Li Fan's side more than ten centimeters, Li Fan suddenly raised it and caught it directly on Teresa's forehead!

With a huge force, the owner went to Teresa's head, and then turned her over to the ground.

Theresa knows that this Chinese person is absolutely merciless! If he wanted to, his head might have been scratched by him!

God, what a terrible grip!

"Oh my God, how much energy do you have! Your health is so good!"

Theresa couldn't help but praise.

"That's just one aspect. What's more powerful is my internal strength."

Li Fan squeezed her eyes at Teresa.

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