My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1603: Look at the lively Li Fan

1603 See the lively Li Fan

"But how did your internal force come out?"

Teresa asked earnestly, "Is it constantly stimulating, stimulating, and then stimulating, and then converging to a place and shooting it out?"


Li Fan was so blushed and thick that he was asked these words, but he didn't know how to answer for a while.

I rub, Teresa doesn't understand or is too innocent?

"Just now a hot stuff entered my body."

Theresa's face was incredible, "The kind of swollen feeling ... seems like it's going to stretch me out ... Li, you shoot me again, I want to feel this magical heat! Please Let me feel it again! "


Li Fan has no idea what to say, this Teresa, she talked down the topic!

"Come on, I know that you Orientals like subtlety, but we Westerners don't pay attention to these. You can launch your offensive and come to me! Come on!"

"Well, Theresa, let's calm down."

Li Fan decided to let Theresa calm down. "After all, I will still participate in the qualifiers in the future. I hope to retain some more cards. I hope you understand."

"You orientals always like to hide your hands."

Theresa sighed, "But it doesn't matter, I will squeeze everything out of you, nothing left."


Liu Bufan came in just outside the door, and when he heard Teresa saying this, he suddenly hesitated.

He looked at the two people in the room strangely, with a strange and strange expression.

"Ah, sir, don't get me wrong, what Miss Theresa meant was to feel my anger ..."


Liu Fanfan glanced at Li Fan with a rather ambiguous look, and Li Fan was bitter. Dude, after all, they are married women. Isn't such a misunderstanding bad?

"I came to inform you."

Liu Fanfan laughed, "Although I don't know if it disturbs you, the first round of elections is about to begin."

This time, Tianwu Pavilion and the government held an international contest, not only the first place can get the third page of "True Magic", but also a prize of one million! The second and third places have 500,000, 300,000, and the fourth place has a reward of 200,000. The remaining top eight can get 100,000 bonuses.

The double temptation attracted many people to participate. There are thousands of applicants alone. Choosing the winner out of so many people requires a sea election.

"I'm in the tenth game, and see which one you've assigned to?"

Liu Fanfan said, "When we came, didn't we all have an app on our phone? It already gave us a space."

"Ah, let me see."

Li Fan turned on his mobile phone and glanced at him. His district is 15 districts. Fortunately, avoided Brother Liu Fanfan.

"You are in District 15, I'm in District 20. Maybe we have a chance to meet it!"

Teresa said to Li Fan excitedly.

"There are sixteen players in each arena. They are in a scuffle. Those who win can be promoted to the next round."

One hundred and eighty players can be selected in the first round, and they have a chance to impact the championship! That is the throne of the martial arts leader!

"It's going to be a three-day match. I'm really looking forward to it."

Liu Fanfan was a little excited and shook his fist. "With my strength, there should be no problem in entering the top eight! When I get the bonus, please drink!"

The top eight, or even the top four, will probably have great commercial value in the future. Li Fan believes that from now on, there will be various advertisements waiting for these people? For sports, once it comes to business, it's not good or bad. But if the disciples of Yingwumen got the opportunity of commercial advertisement, I am afraid that the so-called Minister Niu would take all the proceeds?

Within the system, it is not so confusing!

There will be three competitions this afternoon. Li Fan and Teresa went to the competition field according to the group.

There are too many people, so we need to choose the top 32 as soon as possible. Today, in the course of the day, we must select the top 32. On the second day, the top four will be selected, and then the champion will be decided on the third day!

Li Fan came to his tenth venue, which was actually a large empty room. There are already 16 players with different skins standing in the room, of which there are still a few Chinese people.

Li Fan didn't see any powerful characters. To be honest, he even wanted to see Jiang Feng, Wu Huang, and their battle on the 9th. However, will the leaders of the six majors come this time? It should come. If they can win in the game, the propaganda for their martial arts will be greatly beneficial! Just like that year, Li Fan defeated Takeda Takeshi, the island's strongest martial artist, and made Qixia Villa famous for a while!

"The match time is half an hour and the rule is that no lethal attacks are allowed."

The referee on the 10th court said, "You can voluntarily admit defeat, or you can lose even if you hit the ring. If a player admits defeat, others will not be allowed to hit him again. The player who admits the loss must leave the field immediately without affecting the game.

"I see, let's get started!"

A strong man waving his strong arm, "The champion is mine!"

He saw Li Fan also stepping out, with a scornful look in his eyes.

"As a little man, you also want to compete for the championship?"

Li Fan's height is only one meter and seven, and this strong man is close to two meters in height, and his muscles seem to be very strong.

"The height of martial arts is not determined by height."

Li Fan smiled, walked to the ring, and showed his id to the referee.

"Oh, I'll let you know in a while who knows who made the decision."

The big man is flexing his muscles and is going to start with Li Fan, who looks the weakest here!

The big man wasn't a lover either, his muscles were like stones. This dude weighs 200 kilograms alone, and he can pull up a small tree! Such powerful power makes him known as a chariot in the fighting field! The champion, he is bound to win, must crush these little poor people today!

Not only him, but several players on the platform looked at Li Fan with a jealous eye, all wanting to start with the weakest one!

But Li Fan was standing there. He was wearing a military suit belonging to Yingwumen. The coat was white and the lower body was black. The Yingwumen logo was printed on the back and chest, and a small five-star red flag was hanging on the shoulder. .

It is this small red flag that gives Li Fan a sense of belonging. He stood on the ring without any tension, but relaxed. He has one hand behind his back, and the other hand hangs in front of him, as if watching the excitement.

"Game start!"

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