My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1605: How internal forces are used

1605 Application of Internal Force

"It is estimated that by the end of this time, our six martial arts have competed? Others, how can we compare with us?"

"It's hard to say. I heard that the Seven Knights Village also sent someone."

"They did not come again, but only a girl named Wang Yue'e. I heard that she seemed to be a traitor to the Emei group?"

"Yeah, if Wang Yue'e meets Emei's disciple, she must be out of luck ... she is not afraid. I am worried about Murong Ying of Murong Village ..."

"Assuming the leader of the Wulin Alliance? What are you afraid of? If we were not in charge of the old owner of Murong, why would we let that girl become the leader! This time, I do n’t say anything else, for the sake of true immortality, it is impossible to release water ! "

"The thing is, let's do our best, don't be ashamed of the head!"

Hearing them talking, Li Fan knew for sure. It seems that this six-door party Zhenxianjue is also inevitable. But is it really that simple? Experts from different countries do not say that on the 9th, Wu Huang and Jiang Feng are all staring at it. In addition, Liang Ru, who has a Shangfang sword, cannot be underestimated! Yingwumen actually let her go, it can be regarded as Director Niu took a **** off!

"You idiots! The leader must be number nine!"

Just then, an American martial artist came in. He was also proficient in Chinese, understood the conversation between the two disciples, and immediately whispered.

"What is number nine?"

My disciples sneered, "Dare to make trouble in front of my six majors?"

"Nine is our hero!"

"Mei Di? Haven't you been beaten down by Li Fan of Qixia Mountain Villa? Have you dared to come and bark?"

"Even if it is defeated, that is Li Fanqiang, and what does it have to do with you guys?"

The American player ridiculed, "This time Li Fan didn't come, even if he came, our hero No. 9 will definitely beat him!"

Li Fan was a little surprised. This 9th, in the hearts of the American emperor, had such a good impression? How could that cruel guy be a hero?

"Oh, it seems you should let you know what Huaxia Kung Fu is."

Disciple Xuan mentioned his anger, but the Qingcheng disciple next to him stopped him.

"Forget it, let's teach him when we're on the ring! We Chinese are magnanimous, don't give him general insights."

"Okay, let you go."

The two disciples went aside, but Li Fan shook his head.

Ye Lang is arrogant.

It is a taboo for martial artists to know how to know the enemy.

Sun Tzu's art of war has already been said. Knowing oneself and knowing one's battles are endless. This is the culture of Huaxia that has been passed down for thousands of years. Even if a three-year-old child knows this, there are very few people who really want to do it. In Huaxia, it's not just these young martial artists who look like this, even those masters who have become famous for many years. Even on the Internet, there are a lot of keyboard guys who are unwilling to understand the truth. They say something like "I heard, I'm sure, I promise," and then reverse the black and white stiffly.

Jiang Feng also poked, and seemed to feel uncomfortable with this kind of thing.

No, his mood should be disdain, right?

"Players, please follow the group on the app and go to the next group."

A staff member came in and announced to the players.


Jiang Feng finally closed the book. When the two young six major disciples were about to get up, he waved.


Both disciples fell to the ground, then looked at the Yu Linjun commander in horror.

"God, yes, Jiang Feng ..."

"He came here ..."

"Why didn't I notice him just now?"

Jiang Feng has always been very low-key, sitting in the corner, holding a book, so no one noticed the real master.

He gave a hand, betrayed two little arrogant young disciples, and then went out. The two buddies don't talk about being angry, they are afraid for a while, they are full of cold sweat.

"Oh my ... it's so good to live ..."

"In the future ... don't talk nonsense ..."

The two disciples were glad, and Li Fan took a look at them and followed them out.

There were 108 players in the second round, this time to choose the 64 strong players.

Li Fan came to a ring platform in accordance with the group. In front of him, not others, but Teresa!

"Sink ..."

Li Fan feels a bit big, should Nima be so clever?

"God, this must be God's plan!"

Compared with Li Fan, Teresa is very excited. "Dear Li, let me feel your heat again!"

As soon as the referee heard it, his face became weird.

"Terissa, stop saying this misleading thing ..."

"Well? Where was it misunderstood?"

Theresa looked at Li Fan puzzledly.

"Nothing ... put your energy into the game."

Li Fan sighed. It seemed that he had to eliminate Teresa himself. Although her Jiu-Jitsu is also very exquisite, this competition is undefeated. There are stronger opponents behind, waiting for themselves!

"The rules are the same as before, please go all out."

As soon as the referee waved, this second round of knockout officially began.

Theresa licked her lips, then quickly approached Li Fan. She moves fast, possesses the agility of a woman, but has the power to surpass a man!

Theresa quickly approached Li Fan's body, and then she struck her directly towards his lower belly!


Theresa's hand held on to hit Li Fan's abdomen firmly. But she felt like she was hitting the cotton at this moment, she didn't feel it in one click.

"There are many uses of internal forces."

Li Fan said, "One of them is to defuse the power of the opponent."


Theresa didn't expect her attack to be so resolved!

"Hum, don't think you can win me!"

Theresa said, she wanted to take her hand back and give Li Fan another note! But she was surprised to find out that she couldn't pull her out?

"how come?"

It felt like her hands were being sucked on, and Teresa tried her best and couldn't pull her hands out.

"There is another usage, that's it."

After Li Fan finished speaking, a sudden burst of energy broke out on the lower abdomen, and Teresa's body was directly sent to Zhenfei.

Theresa almost fell outside the ring, but she still stabilized her body and rolled around on the ground to dissolve her strength.


Theresa looked at Li Fan with surprise, "What else can you do?"

"You can do that."

Li Fan held out his hand, facing Teresa with a single palm, separated by a few meters.

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