My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1606: Shura field?

1606 Shura field?

Li Fan took a slap and aimed at Theresa. Before Teresa understood, a milky light ball slowly flew out from the palm of Li Fan. Then, the light ball immediately broke away from Li Fan's palm and ejected towards Teresa.

"what is this?"

Before Teresa wanted to understand, the light ball had hit her belly.


A huge force was generated instantly, instead of hitting the light ball on Teresa's body, directly blasting her out and hitting it outside the ring.


Theresa was lying on the ground, feeling a sore body. Li Fan's control of internal force is already superb and superb. He shot Teresa flying, but did not hurt her.

"Inconceivable ..."

Theresa didn't want to understand for a long time, why Li Fan could fly out of her hands. Doesn't internal force really exist?

"The winner is Li Yun."

The referee raised his hand and announced, "Please take a break in Lounge No. 6 and proceed to the third round of elimination in an hour."

The next round is to select the top 34, which is naturally not difficult for Li Fan. I don't know if Liang Ru can be successfully promoted. Although this girl inherited Shangfang's sword, she had too little combat experience, almost zero. She is not the same as the cloned person who came out of the experiment on the 9th. Although the 9th had no combat experience at the beginning, he had a smart chip and absorbed many masters' fighting methods. In addition to his animalistic instinct, he was so powerful.

In other words, the number nine should have successfully passed the second round of competition. I hope his opponent can take care of himself. But it ’s more terrible than the 9th. Maybe the Emperor Wu? That guy is called the Emperor, but he is actually a selfish person. He only has his own heart, and when he reaches a certain level of strength, then everyone will only be the pigs and dogs under his feet, enslaved by him.

For Li Fan, Wu Huang, Tian Wai Tian, ​​these opponents cannot be underestimated! Because once they are in power, then human beings are either enslaved or destroyed! No good end! In contrast, Jiang Feng seems to be able to join forces. Although he also has his own ideas, at best he just destroys Wulin. You can join hands with him to deal with Tianwaitian and Wuhuang. Then two people are solving internal conflicts, which is a good idea. I don't know if Jiang Feng will have such a tacit understanding with himself.

"Li, dear Li!"

Just as Li Fan was about to go to the new lounge, Teresa rushed over and hugged Li Fan's arm, his entire chest was against his arm.

This chest seems to be quite soft ... Well, what are you thinking about, have you been captured by sugar-coated shells again?

Li Fan shakes off Teresa's arm lightly, and then says, "Miss Teresa, we at Huaxia have a saying, it's called indecision."

"That's all the rules of the past, now Huaxia is not so backward, you can't lie to me!"

Theresa also knew about Chinese culture, so she took apart Li Fan's lies at a glance.

"In short, you have a husband, too, which is not good."

Li Fan coughed twice.

"It's okay, my husband and I were originally playing each other. He also knew a beautiful Spanish beauty the other day. Would you like to introduce it to you?"

"This ... forget it ..."

Li Fanxin said, it really is France ...

"The game is over, Miss Theresa, what else do you want me to do?"

Li Fan walked into the lounge. At this time, the lounge was provided for five players. The others have not yet been selected, so Li Fan had the opportunity to enjoy the lounge first.

"Don't be so ruthless, everyone is a friend!"

Theresa licked her lips. "If you want to develop further relationships, I don't object!"


Li Fan was quite speechless. He sat down and a waiter came over and handed in an energy drink and towel.

"Who are you? Stay away from him!"

Just when Teresa was attentive to Li Fanxian, Liang Ru just came in carrying the Shangfang sword. When she saw a beautiful blond woman sticking to Li Fan, she immediately became jealous of Hengsheng, and stepped forward and pulled Theresa away.

"Oh? Who are you?"

"I'm his girlfriend!"

Liang Ru raised her chest, and Li Fan quickly explained, "No, don't listen to her nonsense, she is my sister."

"Oh, sister?"

Theresa was a little excited. "Then she must be so energetic?"

"You're endless, away from Li ... Li Yun is a bit farther."

Liang Ru, like the hen who protects the cubs, is tightly beside Li Fan and will not let Teresa approach him.

"You are so nervous that you seem to like him a lot."

Theresa squeezed her eyes, and Liang Ru flushed.

"So what, you care! We Li Yun don't like western big horses, you should hurry up!"

"Hee hee, but I like him!"

Theresa said without any reservation, "Dear Lee, why don't you come and talk in my room?"

"You, what do you want to do?"

Liang Ru was angry and angry, and flushed.


Theresa gently pressed her finger on her lips and said to Liang Ru, "It's not suitable for children!"

"Children shouldn't be big heads!"

Liang Ru was terribly terrified. When she was about to speak, the lounge door was pushed open again.

It followed a terrible cold.

Several people turned their heads at the same time and saw a peerless beauty in a black cheongsam come in.

Murong Ying.

She glanced at Li Fan entangled by the two women, then turned her head as if she didn't know Li Fan. But Li Fan laughed bitterly, Nima, he was definitely recognized! In this respect, Murong Ying is like Jiang Feng. No matter how easy she is, she will be seen by them at a glance!

"You are Murong Ying?"

Liang Ru had seen a picture of Murong Ying, so she recognized this beautiful woman who was not like a normal person at a glance.


Murong Ying held her arms and sat on the sofa, her left leg pressed against her right leg, and looked at Liang Ru in a queen-like posture. Liang Ru felt that she seemed inferior in her invisibility, and she was very upset at being proud of her!

"I want to challenge you!"

Liang Ru said, his body glowed slightly yellow.

"God, is this true?"

Theresa watched the fun for free, and she was terribly happy by the side.

"No competition is allowed in the lounge!"

The referee hurried.

"No competition is allowed, but you are not allowed to compare?"

Liang Ru drilled Confucius, and her words made the referee stunned. The referee also knows the identity of this girl. Her father is there. If she is going to make trouble, she really can't help it ...

Ma Dan, the second generation of officials hates it!

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